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A client asks: “This is an urgent call for help! I was brutally attacked 45 minutes ago so much so, I almost passed out. There are multiple spells and strong painful energetics on and around all gums and teeth on the left upper row. The root above the left molar is huge, swollen and so painful. The gums behind the left molar extend to the jaw joint, per the spells, as always. The pain, burning, and pressure are unbearable since 7:00 am and has become much worse since 8:30 am. After I was attacked, I heard someone from the divine realm exclaim, “We need to do something, or this will become irreparable.” Last night, I saw two angels with dark hair carrying a document, possibly a karmic contract. If you would please consult God and the divine realm to see what exception they will grant which will release me from the warlock’s evil grip before it’s too late. What are their intentions? Then, there is the matter of this demon that follows me, causing tremendous pain in my mouth and other body parts both day and night. When will God or Jesus remove it?” Is the solution for this victim, the enhanced requests to have Creator use its detective ability to actively change corrupted beliefs and wherewithal to move beings back into divine alignment? Will that work on spirit meddlers and extraterrestrial spirits as well as humans who are perpetrators?260 views0 answers0 votes
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You told us that among a list of “top” male enhancement products we found on the Internet, that three were the most promising: EnhancerX, ActiGain, and VigRx Plus. Looking at their formulations, they have 12, 7, and 8 ingredients, respectively. Out of these totals, 8 of 12, 6 of 7, and 7 of 8, respectively, are also present in Maasalong, which you recommended as a helpful supplement for this application. Maasalong has 14 ingredients, and so has some additional ingredients not in the other three products. How would you rank Maasalong compared to the others in performance?133 views0 answers0 votes
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