Filter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesAre alien abductions timed around when babies receive vaccinations so that the latter can be blamed for development of abnormal behavior?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulations660 views0 answers0 votesWe did a Spirit Rescue for the homeless man who became an earthbound spirit and had his loyal dog waiting outside the hospital for him. Was that successful, and will the dog be free now, or does he need a Lightworker Healing Protocol session to help him?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Animal Issues633 views0 answers0 votesA dog that befriended a homeless man and followed his ambulance to the hospital where he died has stayed waiting outside the hospital entrance for months. What is the reason? Does this homeless man need a Spirit Rescue?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Animal Issues732 views0 answers0 votesIs Satanic Ritual Abuse in the current or a past life a common cause of necrophilia, and was this the cause of killer Ted Bundy’s necrophilia?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Human Corruption714 views0 answers0 votesWas Jeffrey Dahmer’s killing and cannibalism of his victims linked to the prior life of being victimized by Satanic Ritual Abuse we were shown during his Spirit Rescue, when he was forced to drink blood and eat human flesh? If so, what does this portend for future generations if practice of this horror continues to be widespread?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Human Corruption703 views0 answers-1 votesIs the information of channeler [name withheld] echoed almost identically by a number of her client’s higher selves truly them, or an imposter? Will the Event they describe take place?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers550 views0 answers0 votesWas my recent client’s UFO sighting a genuine extraterrestrial encounter, what was the purpose, and was there an abduction involved?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Extraterrestrial Agenda574 views0 answers0 votesMy client, [name withheld], wants to do a higher self channeling this evening and sent me a list of proposed questions. These included some test questions about where he was and what he was thinking at specific times during his life, as well as wanting to know names and descriptions of all his spirit guides and guardians, and in addition is wanting to know about involvement of any relatives with extraterrestrials. All three of these are troublesome ethical areas for interacting with the divine realm as we have learned over the years. We wish to avoid being put in a position where we are seen as faulty or phony because we cannot provide expected information that seems straightforward to the client but might be denied by the divine realm, such as proving their omniscience. We don’t want to be ducking our duty and are not unwilling to take some risks in putting ourselves forward come what may. However, we don’t want to be abusing the privilege and unnecessarily risking criticism when clients wish to cross ethical boundaries we are aware of. How should we deal with this in terms of serving what is highest and best for all concerned?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Channeling Pitfalls566 views0 answers0 votesIs this client with an intractable recurring problem a good candidate for a Soul Reset?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol528 views0 answers0 votesMy client [name withheld] has had another setback with his throat problem returning with a vengeance. What is the reason for this?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Subconscious Mind550 views0 answers0 votesA client wants us to ask if the story he sent us is true about the ancient 12 evil priests and if they remain stuck in the lower astral planes and do they need rescuing?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Human Lost Soul Spirits590 views0 answers0 votesA client wants to know if his parents in spirit can identify the top 3 most troublesome stuck spirits in his DNA going back 1,300,000 years who need to be returned to spirit? Is he correct that this would greatly assist him in improving health, wealth, and happiness?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Human Lost Soul Spirits559 views0 answers0 votesA client wants to know, are there any earthbound lost souls from his mother losing or ending pregnancies still in need of help to reach the light?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Human Lost Soul Spirits584 views0 answers0 votesA student [name withheld] has been practicing with the Protocol but is concerned about his testing using a pendulum. Every day he has been testing positive for entities and is besieged with negative issues. Can you help him understand what he’s experiencing and what he can do to resolve it?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol591 views0 answers0 votesWe have the same problem here for conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook school shooting, that there apparently needs to be hundreds of people subjected to not only mind control, but apparently also alteration of physical evidence on people’s phones and at the location. Is our contention that all this was done by mind control by the ET’s including the alteration of physical evidence?ClosedNicola asked 7 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control554 views0 answers0 votes