In France, two churches are desecrated every day on average. According to PI-News, a German news site, 1,063 attacks on Christian churches or symbols (crucifixes, icons, statues) were registered in France in 2018. This represents a 17% increase compared to the previous year showing that such attacks are ramping up. “In Germany, there is a creeping war against everything that symbolizes Christianity: attacks on mountain-summit crosses, on sacred statues by the wayside, on churches… and recently also on cemeteries.” In virtually every instance of church attacks, the identity of the vandals is obfuscated by authorities and the media so that anyone who makes a connection to migrants is labeled a racist. In those rare instances when the Muslim (or “migrant”) identity of the destroyers is leaked, the desecraters are then presented as suffering from mental health issues. Are these reports correct, and is there a deeper, more sinister reason for these attacks?546 views0 answers0 votes
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A client asks: “So this is what is happening, the intruder that was making black marks on the van paint is gone, but so many others are taking its place—shaking, tapping, voices in my ear just as I’m falling asleep, and scratching the windshield, this time in my field of vision (before this, it was always passenger side, and side windows). It almost seems (does seem) as though when you send a perpetrator to the light for healing, others rise up in very angry protest. Aside from the physical destruction, it is quite annoying to be woken up all the time; my health issues are exacerbated by exhaustion, which of course also makes it harder for me to work. What else do you suggest?” Can you help us understand the source of these new “attacks” and what more we can do to help? Is this due to her imagination, or are there physical human attackers, or spirit sources?437 views0 answers0 votes
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