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A practitioner wonders: Our current Lightworker Healing Protocol reads, “Source Creator, invite the higher self of my clients to assist Creator in doing a Quantum Healing to bring in new instructions for the cells of the body from a future time of youthful health and wellbeing, apply it to all parallel past, current, and future lives and their future extensions, keeping it going with momentum, as a new reservoir of healing instructions that is available on an ongoing basis and redelivered in any new window of opportunity.” Should a clear distinction be made between the terms current and present? As in “the current life” (i.e. the one we are experiencing here and now) and “parallel present lives (more than one ongoing incarnation of our soul extension at the present time perhaps?)?” If so, should the wording above be changed to “apply it throughout the current life and all parallel past, present, and future lives and their future extensions?”293 views0 answers0 votes
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