Filter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA practitioner writes about a dream: “I was standing with my friend, [name withheld]. He was showing me where he was getting married – a combination golf course/winery. I put my arm over his shoulder and I said, “Ya did good.” I had not had any contact with him in many years, but I reached out to him because of the dream. That’s when he told me that he was planning on getting married at a California winery, right next to a golf course in a couple of months due to an unplanned pregnancy.” Was this truly a prophetic dream, as seems to be the case?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness327 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner writes about a dream: “I learned how to navigate from one reality to another. In my present reality, I and others agreed on plans for desired changes and outcomes. In the second reality, the past, it was my job to execute what had to be done or take place, to make these desired outcomes happen. Slipping in, undetected from present to past and vice-versa was remarkably easy. I learned how to attach myself, my consciousness, to an object that was there with me in the present, that was certain to be there in the past, or the future, depending on what we were trying to accomplish. It had to be something stable, that was sure to stay put, to use it as a door. I chose an old, large dusty trunk. I learned that if an outcome didn’t pan out as planned, I had to go back to the past to make sure I didn’t miss any details. If I followed the procedure perfectly, down to the most minute detail, the future outcome was assured. I came through to the past, through a large, old trunk – the kind used for packing your belongings for travel a long time ago. My soul/essence/light body dove right into the trunk and melted or merged into it, into the atoms, and I materialized through it as if it were a door. To leave the past, I did the same thing – I slipped into the trunk and melded with/became part of it on a molecular level and my body vanished. Atoms and molecules around me instantly changed, but I remained the same. My soul slid in and out of realities with ease. I learned I could use any object, as long as it existed during the time I wanted to travel to, as well as my present. Any item could be used as a door. After what felt like months, I finally “got it right” and it became an easy thing to do, alter circumstances, once I understood how to do it.” Was this a real experience or a dream re-enactment of a real experience? Was it done as a physical human being or while she was a light being?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness427 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner writes about a dream: “I am standing with my teacher. There are many people in the distance. We are observing them. It’s either night time, or my eyes can’t seem to acclimate to the environment. Teacher is explaining why it will not be possible for me to be reunited with my ex-fiancé. I look out into the distance once again. I see 4 rows of people, thousands of people, an endless number of people, all walking in a row, from four opposite corners, one behind the other. The 4 rows meet and converge at the center. Each row of people all consist of a version, (yet original and unique in her own right) of me; 4 Rows: 1) the person I currently am 2), the person I used to be, 3) the person I’m going to be (probability), 4) the person I could have become (possibility). Each version of me would walk to the center, two ends meeting at a time, walk towards one another as both versions seamlessly, smoothly and effortlessly transitioned/merged into the one person in the center that never moved. This never ended. It continued for as long as I was alive, living my current life as my current self. These endless probabilities would not stop until my experience here on Earth was over.” Was this an actual perception of herself changing, or a symbolic representation? Can you further explain the meaning and mechanistic basis?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness383 views0 answers0 votesThe practitioner writes further about this dream: “Somehow, the “main” portion of myself was inside a house on the property and my attention is drawn there. I can hear some sort of commotion. There is a disruption in the flow of people merging due to an abortion that I had (which is true, it really happened, not just in the dream). There was MUCH talk among all the people who were in the house, including my ex-fiancé and his family. This was considered a disappointing decision I had made, but I was not judged – some people who had carefully planned many things were greatly disappointed, as the course of my life was being adjusted. The course of my fiancé’s life, as well as his family and friends, etc., were all being adjusted. This relationship had been arranged and agreed upon, but now, after what I had done, the change I made, it would not work out as the agreed-upon goals and interactions were no longer conducive to the initial goals that were agreed upon. I was very disappointed that someone else would be stepping in to take my place in this particular family unit. I could hear so many conversations. So much talk. I understood but was not happy.” Was this just a way to process her emotions about the family turmoil she was a part of, or was this a real awareness of a higher-level sorting of the energies of change she influenced?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness297 views0 answers0 votesA viewer writes about a dream: “I was shown large living quarters. I lived there. Many rooms, many beds, all in little coves against or in the wall, small like catacombs, surrounding a large gathering area in the middle. A large circular thing on the floor – maybe a giant sundial on the outside…not sure. Multilevel rooms surrounded the round thing. It looked like it was carved out of reddish clay or stone—underground. This was underground. Rounded corners everywhere…as if molded with clay. Outside, we walked or moved in one direction around the circle. Others walked in the opposite direction. We were creating some kind of energy movement. This was a place of learning only; some stayed for one year, others longer. I wanted to leave too soon. My teacher followed me outside of the compound or learning/living area that was underneath and tried to talk me out of leaving. He had long, wavy, greyish hair. He wore a robe and sandals. So did I. I had three guides or friends there. I think their names began with an “H,” (Hamish, Horus? Maybe all of them or maybe just one). I said their names out loud because I wanted to remember them. I saw someone I know in this life, but he didn’t recognize me. Our dynamic was different in that life. He didn’t know me. He was also one of the students. I was a man. I saw pictures of the Hypogeum in Malta about 4 or 5 years after this dream, and I instantly recognized everything about it, and my heart was racing.” Was this a perception of her future visit to the Hypogeum, or a recollection of her being at the Hypogeum in another life?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness384 views0 answers0 votesA viewer writes about a dream: “I was with a teacher – I was practicing moving large objects with my mind. I was doing well.” Was this a real event, and where did it occur?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness328 views0 answers0 votesA viewer writes about a dream: “I was talking to a man about traveling to Venus, or maybe somewhere else in the solar system—Pluto? The man said: ‘No, the comfort level by Pluto is at 8 seconds – it’s too fast and it’s too dangerous to go alone. Stay closer.'” Was this a real event, and where did it occur?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness345 views0 answers0 votesA viewer writes about a dream: “I was with a friend. She was holding some gun or instrument. She aimed it at me and detected millions of what I thought were microscopic bugs hovering around me. As she waved her instrument around, the bugs began to scatter. At that moment, I intuitively understood that these things were not bugs, they were souls/beings.” Was this a real event, and where did it occur?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness344 views0 answers0 votesA viewer writes about a dream: “I was with a teacher. I was told to hold a thought, then told to go over to a large pot/caldron filled with bubbly, opaque water. I was told to find/sing/hum the auditory frequency or vibration that matches the water. It was low, but I found it. Later, I was riding bikes with a friend. Someone offered to “fit” our bikes with a device that would automatically lift the bike if we fell over. I said, “we don’t need it.” As we were riding down the road, my friend and her bike fell into a sinkhole, filled with water. My teachers were observing me; would I rescue my friend? I KNEW she could do it on her own. I watched while sending her my thoughts to “Get yourself up and out – get up! You can do it!” It took her a long time, but she finally lifted herself and her bike up, with her mind. We BOTH passed a test.” Was this a real event, and where did it occur?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness330 views0 answers0 votesA viewer writes: “I saw in the news today a giant oil spill off the Northeast Coast of Brazil. The country’s main oil company says it’s not the kind of oil they produce. Very strange, and affecting some of the most popular beaches, as well as sea life. Who or what was the cause? Was this a human or natural accident, a solely Extraterrestrial Alliance operation, or was the Mercenary Army Program involved, and why? Is it just another way to degrade Gaia and harm people’s lives, or was this for a more specific goal?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Extraterrestrial Agenda357 views0 answers0 votesCan spiritual healing through Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions for Gaia, the animals and humans affected, and the perpetrators of the giant oil spill off the Northeast Coast of Brazil help to ameliorate the effects of this incident after the fact?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer312 views0 answers0 votesWould Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions and/or appropriate Mega Prayers directed at the Extraterrestrial Alliance leadership with the specific intention to heal and thwart any intention to further harm Gaia and the human population from the giant oil spill off the coast of Brazil be the best course of action?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer321 views0 answers0 votesDallas police officer, Amber Guyger, was fired from the force days after shooting and killing Jean Botham, an African American living one floor above her, when she mistakenly walked into his apartment and thought he was an intruder. Last week she was convicted of murder and sentenced to 10 years in prison. What was the reason for this to happen?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control306 views0 answers0 votesIn an emotional moment shortly after the sentencing of the police officer who mistakenly shot her upstairs neighbor by mistake, the victim’s brother, Brandt Jean, said that he had forgiven Officer Guyger and hugged her in the courtroom. What are the lessons for us in this act of forgiveness?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Divinely Inspired Messengers357 views0 answers0 votesA client asks: “Forgiveness is important for healing and I’m very well aware of this. However, there is one thing I cannot seem to forgive or let go. A couple of years ago, during my student time, I’ve lived with a roommate. She blamed me for many things, which always left me confused. I never really understood why she seemed to hold a grudge for me. She often made me doubt myself and this created a lot of inner turmoil. I want to heal this experience but I have difficulties to let it go and forgive her. What is the true reason she was so bitter towards me and how can I best move forward to heal this?” What can we tell her, and what is the best way to help her healing?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Karma323 views0 answers0 votes