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A viewer asks: “My Aikido instructor went down in class last Monday and we took him to the hospital where he spent 3 days and was discharged last Wednesday. He has lost his balance, and while the investigation centers around vertigo – he doesn’t think that’s quite it. They are doing testing on his ears now to see if they can find the cause there. He said it’s been coming on for over a month now and was steadily getting worse. Now he’s all but incapacitated and can’t tend to his horses, do his beloved Aikido, etc. He has exceptionally poor balance, and can hardly get around. They ran all kinds of tests, cat scans, MRI, x-rays, etc., and couldn’t find anything. I’ve done a Lightworker Healing Protocol session of spiritual healing for him, and I’ll do more. Can you check on him, and maybe even run it by Creator to see if this is something that can be fixed, or something that is chronic and something he’ll have to adjust to?” What can we tell him, and do to help?330 views0 answers0 votes
A viewer writes: “In a number of circles, the idea of essence roles are bandied about. That, essentially, all of us are predominately one essence role, though variations on a theme are infinite. Nevertheless, souls will represent and display qualities of one essence role more than all the others. There are reportedly seven “essence roles”: Server, Artisan, Warrior, Scholar, Sage, Priest, and King.” Is this an accurate and useful categorization related to soul expression and/or incarnation life plans in some way?348 views0 answers0 votes
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A client asks: “I have run into the same alien Grey/Human hybrid again in a Thai restaurant at 3 in the afternoon in … I walked into the almost empty restaurant, and was asked where I wanted to sit. I heard a woman say behind me, “Want to join me?” It was the hybrid again. She had already ordered her food, and I felt uncomfortable to say anything but “OK.” I ordered, and we had small talk for about a half-hour. She ate all of her seafood fried rice, and said that her mother makes a nice sauce that would go with her fried rice. I asked her where her mother was, and she said, Houston. I got my check before her, and just wanted to get out of there. She said that I didn’t have to wait for her, so I left. The point of all of this explanation is she seems sort of normal, and I wonder if she knows who she really is. She seems to have the capability of showing up where I am going before I even get there. The decision to eat there was made on the fly about 20 minutes before I arrived there. Do you suppose she is using time-travel to track me? I just don’t know how to interact with her when I run into her again, which seems to be in the cards. Is there any further channeling you could do to find out her agenda, and if I am being tracked, and what to do about it? I do frequent Protection prayers.”462 views0 answers0 votes
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