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A practitioner asks: “What are the true agendas behind the global push to make vaccines, and in ever greater numbers, mandatory so that children who are not fully vaccinated according to the recommended CDC schedule cannot go to school in many states, adults cannot go to work, and in some places (and it is said this will be global soon as well), cannot travel, obtain a passport, obtain health insurance, etc., unless they are fully vaccinated according to whatever the powers that be determine they must be injected with? This seems like an uncertain way to cause people harm. They could do that in other ways, so I wonder am I missing something in what the agenda really is?”568 views0 answers1 votes
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Will the following changes to streamline our Protocol be equally effective? “Source Creator, release all harmful vows, oaths, contracts, agreements, allegiances, and promises made between my clients and themselves, any spirit attachment, dark spirit, alien, extragalactic, or interdimensional intruders and other attacking entities, alternate realities, and dimensions they have encountered. and all outside agents, realities, dimensions, and timelines they experience. Thank you. Show me now. Witness.”302 views0 answers0 votes
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