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A client writes: “Last Thursday I experienced a miracle, at least that is what I think of it, but not one I would like to have a repetition of. I had an accident and rolled and flipped and totaled my dear little car on a mountain road (one of my favorite drives!). The miracle is, that I walked away from it with just a few tiny cuts down one leg, probably from crawling out from under it. Luckily, I did not have the top down, otherwise I might have a different hairstyle right now. I experienced it all in sort of slow motion. My only confusion was how the heck am I going to get out of that car now. The windows were only slightly open, so I was looking for the clamps to open the top and fold the roof back to climb when I realized, well duh, I am actually now sitting on the roof! The novel idea of trying the door seems to have evaded my brain … But it is was quite a different perspective as the top was the bottom and the bottom the top! Luckily it was late afternoon so cars still came by (at night there is hardly any traffic on that road), and someone stopped right away to assist me. Fortunately, his brain was working, and he said, “Does the door not open?” Well it did and I was able to crawl out.” Why was I not injured at all, besides the few scrapes and one little spot on my left outer ankle which only with pressing on it did hurt slightly?309 views0 answers0 votes