Filter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA viewer asks: “Can Creator share with us the way back for the true psychopath? The psychopath is one whom we consider lacks empathy, and who had their original virgin empathy when first created suppressed to such a degree that it no longer operates. When in that condition, are the inculcation of wisdom and the development of cognitive empathy the first steps back to restoring genuine love and emotion-based empathy?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics348 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Many people who hate, are fond of “hugging their cactus” so to speak. Can hate actually operate as a block to pain, an actual strategy, and means of obstructing it or blocking it out? And is emotional pain, a form of empathy? For it is said we must be empathetic with ourselves even. Can hate of others, hate of the self, work as a pain blocker, keeping a being stuck in place because they are avoiding pain and not dealing with the issue effectively?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics326 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Can Creator share the divine perspective on the word ‘pity?'”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics384 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “If I could be in full empathy with a typical fallen angelic for just five minutes, what would I likely experience emotionally?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics366 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Can being in full empathy with a typical fallen angelic even be done safely?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics406 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “If I could be in full empathy with Creator for just five minutes, what would I likely experience?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics417 views0 answers0 votesMy client’s son has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder in the past, and has struggled most of his life. Would he benefit from subconscious channeling?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Subconscious Channeling327 views0 answers0 votesIs the healer from Israel authentic and does he have spirit attachments?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol384 views0 answers0 votesWhat happened the day he was coming out of a psychotic break and felt the hand of an angel, surrounded by love in the room?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Angels549 views0 answers0 votesIs the organization a client endorsed, an uncorrupted source of useful knowledge and guidance?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Disinformation432 views0 answers0 votesIs this group’s ceremony of protection effective against dark spirit intrusions and extraterrestrial mind control manipulation?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Disinformation411 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “I had a dream/vision of a destroyed Chicago around the time of the 2008 financial collapse – and Creator said in an earlier channeling that this was the probability at that time. Would this have been the outcome if the divine realm did not intervene to save the global financial system in 2008?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness304 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “We know the derivative crisis in 2008 was caused by the bankruptcy of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, and the subsequent refusal on the part of political and financial leaders to bail out these firms – causing a cascading series of margin calls that could not be met, and coming extremely close to having the entire global financial system freezing up and collapsing entirely. As such, this was a gun to the head of global politicians to allow all forms of money “expansion” (actually new money created out of thin air with no backing whatsoever other than debt) to proceed unchecked and unrestrained, and even unaudited. As a result, the system was saved, the big banks were bailed out, the American automotive industry was bailed out, etc. Did the Extraterrestrial Alliance fully intend to collapse the global financial system at that time, and was divine intervention the way it was prevented?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions371 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “We know the divine must work through humans and human institutions, inspiring key players to consider alternatives that are opposed by Extraterrestrial Alliance mind control. In 2008, the housing bubble popped and contributed hugely to the crisis. In 2020 we have the student loan bubble and the growing food crisis. We did not have a food crisis in 2008. Perhaps if Central Banks again bailed out the banks and investors holding all the student loan debt, as they did in 2008, the game could keep going. But without actual grain in storage bins, NOBODY is going to want to buy agricultural futures; will we once again see a cascading of failed margin calls, leading to the very collapse of the global financial system that was avoided in 2008? Can Creator comment on whether this is an accurate outlook?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions364 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “It seems as though there is an effort to always create a pretext for any aggressive action the Extraterrestrial Alliance wishes to see carried out. Essentially, blame the victim. Irresponsible home buyers were blamed for overextending themselves, and deserved to be ruined as a result, just as foolish and short-sighted students borrowing tens of thousands to get unmarketable degrees deserve their comeuppance and lifelong debt burden they cannot pay back. Can Creator comment on this ET strategy and why we humans so easily fall for it?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions389 views0 answers0 votes