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Lately, the need for “safe spaces” has become emphasized, and some would say exaggerated. Everybody understands the need to be safe from harm. But lately, students and others, especially attending political events that might expose them to hurtful ideas, need a “safe space” to retreat to, with hot cocoa, blankets, pillows, soothing music, and even puppies! Can Creator share the divine perspective on this latest trend?384 views0 answers0 votes
Can Creator share the Divine Perspective on the home? Homes have varied through the ages from simple huts, to tepees, to horse-drawn wagons, all the way to castles. In the time of the Plains Indians, the tepee was little more than a bedroom, and little time was spent there outside of sleeping or procreation. The entire tribe was family in a quite literal sense, and almost all chores were shared with the community. Contrast that with a nuclear family living in an urban setting, barely knowing the neighbors, doing ALL chores, laundry, obtaining food, cooking, maintenance, nurturing the sick, and on and on, all on their own. Which environment is really the safer one in terms of personal satisfaction, experiencing love, and growing in a spiritual capacity? Is this isolation from one’s neighbors a natural or wholly unnatural development?391 views0 answers0 votes
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