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A practitioner writes: “Source Creator, work with the deep subconscious directly, and give reminders as needed, to engage with the parts of the mind struggling with the most pressing client issues, guiding it to ask the higher self directly by name for help to identify and heal in the akashic records what is highest and best to accomplish. In addition, guide it to call on the guides, guardians, higher self and Creator directly by name for protection from energetic attacks, subconscious programming not aligned with the highest good, and attacking entities. Apply this prayer again and again as needed to myself, my loved ones, and humanity as a whole to restore a healthy and coordinated functioning of the deep subconscious mind on an ongoing basis. Invite all consciousness desiring the healing of humanity’s deep subconscious mind to add their energy to mine in each of my prayer requests to enhance the overall benefits. Link this entire prayer to a code word I designate as _____ that every time I say this code word, the entire prayer request is made, including its indefinite repetitions. Thank you.” Will this be acted on and effective if directed to the deep subconscious?272 views0 answers0 votes
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A practitioner asks: “I’ve been adding a few little paragraphs to my Lightworker Healing Protocol script as fellow practitioners suggest them, and today I tweaked one that I had written down recently, this one being at the beginning of the LHP: “Source Creator, please awaken, amplify and bring into our current life and awareness all the skills, gifts, powers and accesses to higher states and Gates of Liberation, etc., from any past, future and parallel lives that are for the highest and best good of all concerned so that they are applied now and on a continual, ongoing basis to assist the success of the Divine Human Free Will Experiment to the utmost degree of benefit to all. Thank you. Show me now.” Normally I don’t get any kind of feedback at all, but today’s response was so clear and dramatic (I had to stop reading the LHP because I couldn’t see through the tears), that it seemed like some Divine Clue that this was a helpful addition—at least in my case. I thought I would pass it along to you, with the exact wording I used, in case you feel like checking with Creator as to why this response occurred, and if this or some other wording would be helpful as an addition to the LHP.” What can we tell him? Is this a useful addition for every practitioner?311 views0 answers0 votes
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