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A practitioner asks: “When I go out to shop, I have been wearing a mask and gloves as reasonable protections against the COVID-19 virus but, more than that, I have been relying on continuing prayers, using LHP-style empowerments, for removing all dangerous viruses from everywhere I go and everything I touch. Many times, I have launched an empowered, self-repeating prayer, for Creator to remove all dangerous viruses from every person and every object that crosses the land of my residence, and to put each such person under perpetual watch for Creator to keep them virus-free until the Divine Human Project concludes successfully. Recently, dowsing has revealed that my delivery packages are being cleared even before I discover they are on my porch. Now I’d like to know; what is Creator’s perspective on the effectiveness of my approach? Have I ever been preserved from infection with the virus as a direct result of these prayer strategies?”310 views0 answers0 votes
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