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A supporter writes: “I don’t fit here and I’m terribly isolated. Do I put all my GetWisdom adventures away in a little box labeled dreams and hunker down to rejoin the real world with a degree, or do I continue chasing the curious and sometimes astonishing and peculiar things I see and feel even though I can’t share about them and if I did, no one here would believe me anyway? I honestly considered what life would be like if I went back to school and left all this other stuff behind. Tonight, I walked outside and looked up at the sky. I said, “God? We need to talk. I need to know now. Do I give up? Do I continue with GetWisdom or is it best for me to put these things aside and get on with school? God, show me something – anything – let me know you’re listening … Show me you want me to stay the course. If I don’t see a sign, I’ll know to go in another direction, because I’m lost and unhappy. I’m not going to stand out here and wait – not tonight.” 5 seconds later, (maybe 10, but I’m being generous), a gorgeous meteor flashed ACROSS the sky – right to left. It was bright and loooong – not a quick flash. Was this a fluke?” What can we tell her?365 views0 answers0 votes
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