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There is a story of a seeker who approached a guru asking to take up advanced spiritual training with enlightenment as the goal. The guru said, “we must first test your readiness.” The guru then handed the applicant three humungous baked potatoes and instructed him to eat them right away. The problem was, the applicant, anticipating a life devoid of luxuries, had just come from a goodbye feast where he had already stuffed himself to the brim. Alone, staring at the potatoes and knowing he could not possibly eat them in the time expected, saw a homeless man off in the distance. He approached the homeless man and offered him the biggest potato. The homeless man accepted, and the applicant then choked down the other two. Returning to the guru, the guru asked if he had indeed consumed all three potatoes. The applicant hesitated for a moment and then confessed what he had done with the biggest potato. He then challenged the guru about the virtue of charity, and does that not override the demands of the test? The guru responded with the question “Did the homeless man ASK YOU for the potato?” Upon saying “no,” the guru rejected the applicant, and claimed he was not ready for advanced training. What is Creator’s perspective of this story?385 views0 answers0 votes
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