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A practitioner asks: “Source Creator, in step 10 of the Protocol we request You to work with the deep subconscious of each client directly, guiding it to call on its guides, guardians, higher self and Creator by name for protection from energetic attacks, subconscious reprogramming not aligned with the higher self, and attacking entities. On the same token, You told us many times that the interlopers’ campaigns of subliminal mind control manipulation 24 hours a day and 7 days a week is unstoppable. It appears that only a more direct divine intervention can counteract the subliminal mind control and manipulation of the interlopers. Can Creator task the spirit team to send the deep subconscious subliminal positive images and positive beliefs on an ongoing basis, and to help it remain more neutral and less affected by the barrage of negativity thrown at it 24/7 by the interlopers? Is the recent addition to the Protocol, to transmute the negative energies to positive, already working on it?”337 views0 answers0 votes
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