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A practitioner asks: “I’m a Lightworker Healing Protocol practitioner, and have cleared my property therefore many, many times. I understand that the Divine and my soul and higher self would have consulted the elementals about my property through this process. I am planning on having some old stones that are embedded in the front lawn removed and to place them by the riverside across the street, where I would guess they were taken from in the first place, and maybe even when the house was constructed. I am also planning to replace a mature cedar tree on the front yard with something deciduous, to reduce the obstruction of the view for myself and neighbors, and to aid with passive heating in winter, because there will be no foliage blocking the Sun. I would love to place an apple tree there instead, to develop the kind of relationship with the tree that it can grow special healing fruits for me, my family, and others, which is something the Medical Medium says is possible. How are we to know whether the elementals are suitably addressed via the LHP for such changes to the property, and will these things be acceptable to them and even Creator?”507 views0 answers0 votes
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A practitioner asks: “Given that Creator has said we can effectively ask for bending or looping of time, to increase the amount of time available for our personal use for lofty purposes, for example, to give us more time than is experienced by those around us, so we can complete an important task before its accomplishment is needed, or to obtain greater benefits from our sleep. Would it increase the effectiveness of GetWisdom’s immediate mission to request sufficient divine healing of the interlopers before they manage to annihilate us, to add requests to the LHP, as follows: Firstly, for bending or looping of our personal time used for launching LHPs, for the purpose of increasing our ability to launch more LHPs; secondly, for bending or looping of the entire time available to humanity for the purpose of increasing humanity’s opportunity for awakening and launching enough prayer and healing requests to elicit a divine rescue before humanity might be annihilated by the interlopers?”336 views0 answers0 votes
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