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Does karma execute its own life plan for an individual? Victor Hugo in Les Misérables wrote of the fate of Field Marshal Michel Ney during the Battle of Waterloo: “Frenzied with all the noble grandeur of death accepted, Ney put himself in the way of every onslaught in that bloodbath. There, is where he had his fifth horse killed from under him. Sweating, with fire in his eyes, foam on his lips, his uniform unbuttoned, one of his epaulettes cut in half by a sabre stroke from a horseguard, his great-eagle plate dented by a bullet, bloodied, muddied, magnificent, a broken sword in his hand, he said, ‘Come and see how a marshal of France dies on the battlefield!'” But to no avail. He did not die. Ney was later executed by a French firing squad. Or was he? For there is a narrative that his death was faked, and that he escaped to America to live out his life as Peter Ney? Regardless, this seems to be an extreme example of supernatural protection at work. Was it divine protection, or karma saving him for a different and more ignoble fate?302 views0 answers0 votes
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