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As recounted on DocumentedHealings.com, Joshua was a victim of a drive-by shooting in 1999 and required knee surgery as a result. For the next 19 years, the knee was a source of constant chronic pain, causing him to limp. He encountered a couple on the street doing a healing ministry outreach, where the two of them prayed for anyone they encountered needing healing assistance. Joshua was extremely skeptical but was polite enough to let the ministers pray over him, and for the healing of this knee. To his utter amazement, the pain went away and he could walk again without a limp for the first time in nineteen years. Occasionally, when the weather changes, the knee will complain a little, but overall, he is pain-free and has been for a number of months. Can Creator share the backstory of the healing, why it occurred even when Joshua himself was skeptical?307 views0 answers0 votes
As recounted on DocumentedHealings.com, after a tragic accident, a 23-year-old woman spent more than two months in a coma with a sheared brain and a long list of broken bones and damaged organs. Her mother and father and extended family prayed for her incessantly. Doctors had all but given up and determined that the woman was in a permanent vegetative state. When her parents attempted to move her to a new hospital the ambulance caught fire. A strange man gave them instructions for what to do next and then disappeared. Days later, when the girl finally woke up, the doctors did brain scans and found what they expected, severe brain damage. Yet the young woman not only quickly recovered full functionality in every respect, but she was also actually smarter, with a higher IQ than before the accident. Can Creator share how this seeming impossibility, how a woman can have all the signs of severe brain damage yet have no functional deficits, and in fact, experience an upgrade in intellect, can actually happen? And was the man who gave instructions while the ambulance burned and then mysteriously vanished, an angel?285 views0 answers0 votes
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Prior to 2009, a woman, wife, and mother to young children, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. A woman of deep faith in God, she nevertheless lost hope and had a huge argument with her husband on Easter Sunday, 2009, about not wanting to go on. Her husband, unable to rally her, grabbed the children and took them to Easter services without her. In her despair, she swallowed a bottle of powerful prescription pain medication. To the disbelief of doctors, she survived, with one ER doctor telling the husband, that the number of pills she swallowed would kill four people. In 2016, she attended a church with a reputation for healing, was called to the front by the pastor, and was healed of her MS completely. Why was this woman “not allowed” to die in 2009, and what is the backstory of her healing in 2016?296 views0 answers0 votes
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