Filter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA former Mercenary Army Recruit asks: “I’m very depressed and anxious. And my mind is full of pending stressful issues to deal with. It feels like the weight of the world is crushing down on me. Also, I have a number of health and home issues that are weighing heavily on my mind. And the feeling of loneliness is also overwhelming. What’s behind all of this? Am I under psychic attack? And how can I get my mind back into balance and instilled with a feeling of confidence again?” What can we do to help, and what can we tell him?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mercenary Army Program (SSP)349 views0 answers0 votesWill the booster shot as a follow-up to the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines be more toxic than the initial vaccination in causing a repeat exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, analogous to what you have warned will be more severe consequences with repeated actual infections with the virus?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Coronavirus COVID-19369 views0 answers0 votesIs my client’s partner a good candidate for having Deep Subconscious Channeling with Trauma Resolution? Will he show a turnaround in his dementia symptoms in a reasonable time period from a few sessions?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Subconscious Channeling275 views0 answers0 votesA client asks about her partner’s dementia symptoms: “Would a diagnosis concretize his belief in the condition making future divine healing ineffective? Why is it still getting worse? Is it due to his choosing to check out early on a deep level?”ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Subconscious Channeling265 views0 answers0 votesShe asks: “Is his higher self in agreement with healing?”ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Subconscious Channeling316 views0 answers0 votesMany news stories are circulating about the National School Board Association’s appeal to the Dept. of Justice to use the Patriot Act to have the FBI investigate parents as domestic terrorists for threatening school board members for promoting things like gender fluidity and Critical Race Theory. We understand defining “threats” can be highly subjective. Are parents justified in their unhappiness, if not outrage? Is this disaffection being ramped up by mind control to cause greater conflict, and potentially violence?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions297 views0 answers0 votesWill my new client’s alcoholism abate from the coming Lightworker Healing Protocol work, or will he need deep subconscious channeling with trauma resolution as well as divine healing?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Spirit Meddlers327 views0 answers0 votesA client writes: “The problem persists. Unable to sleep. Heart pulsating and involuntary muscle twitching in my legs, face, and upper body. I have to get up and walk for relief. I am saying the prayers and asking my angel guardians for help. Very anxious and fearful. I want to let go of all fear and have rebuked the spirit of fear in the name of Jesus. Can you help me again?” Why is this persisting and what can we do to help?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control385 views0 answers0 votesA client writes: “After reading your response to my email, I am reassured, you and your team are working diligently toward the removal of evil that has pervaded my life for years. However, I was attacked again, on Saturday and Sunday. The perpetrator disturbed my sleep at 11:56 pm Saturday evening. We were in a vehicle running at top speed when I felt as though my right arm was about to explode! I heard myself ask, “Why are you doing this to me?” His response was, “Because” as his voice trailed off in a lilting tone. Now, he and the spirit meddlers/demons are attacking my left arm! Both arms, especially the left arm feel unstable, making disturbing “clinking” and “clanking” noises all day long. Further, I was looking forward to attending my niece’s horse show on Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately, I could not due to the intense itching that kept me up all night and prevailed for most of the day on Sunday, making it difficult to function. The show was some distance away, which meant I would need to drive over 50 miles and on 3 expressways while the attacks continued. I felt unsafe to drive the distance, alone. At present, I have a new job that is to begin at the end of this week. However, with all of these ever-present severe attacks, I do not know how this can happen. The attacks make it difficult to make/cook meals and enjoy them, without severe itching and negative energy placed into my throat, all the while. I continue to pray to God on a daily and nightly basis, asking for Freedom and Deliverance from this man’s incessant and malicious evil intentions. When you have time, please let me know where you and your team are, in terms of the removal of these demons from my house and my life, as well as softening this man from any further destruction of my overall physical, emotional, and mental well-being. There does seem to be more than enough negative energy that remains in my home and inside of my body, further fueling the demons ability to continue to harm me.”ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control326 views0 answers0 votesMy back pain is 95% reduced. You told me a month ago that there was no point in doing physical therapy for at least a month. Was that because you knew I would be greatly empowering my protocol for deep subconscious channeling with trauma resolution, and would be getting more self-healing accomplished, which I have worked on over the past week, or is the pain easing because I have just paid back more of the underlying karmic debt of the back pain by suffering longer?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma270 views0 answers0 votesAnyone who takes more than a passing interest in multicultural spiritual topics will inevitably encounter the writings of Carlos Castaneda. Wikipedia has this to say about Dr. Castaneda: His … “books were ethnographic accounts describing his apprenticeship with a traditional ‘Man of Knowledge’ identified as Don Juan Matus, allegedly a Yaqui Indian from Northern Mexico. The veracity of these books was doubted from their original publication, and they are now widely considered to be fictional.” Yet for anyone who takes serious time to study his works, it seems almost impossible to draw that same conclusion. What is Creator’s perspective on Castaneda and his life’s work?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness294 views0 answers0 votesIt seems incredible, to live our western secular lives, and be almost completely ignorant of the extraordinary spiritual heritage possessed by American indigenous peoples. Castaneda’s mentor, Don Juan Matus, is a most mysterious figure indeed. From the time of the Spaniard Cortez, indigenous shamanistic traditions have been brutally suppressed and pushed into the background. Castaneda writes of Don Juan in The Eagle’s Gift: “He told me that if I wanted to fly, I had to summon the intent of flying. He showed me then how he himself could summon it, and jumped in the air and soared in a circle, like a huge kite. Or he would make things appear in his hand. He said he knew the intent of many things and could call those things by intending them.” All this sounds extraordinary, but we know Jesus could do these things. The Hindus have a word “siddi” to describe these capabilities that we regard as “miraculous.” The message was that these abilities were obtainable by anyone with access to a knowledgeable mentor, and who was willing to dedicate themselves fully to the pursuit. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness286 views0 answers0 votesIt seemed the key and focus of learning to perform miracles in the waking state was to learn to first do these things in the dream state. Without mastery of the dream world, there could not be mastery of the physical world. Nearly all of Castaneda’s training was focused on gaining mastery of the dream world, or the “second attention” as Don Juan called it. It is assumed that the second attention is a synonym for our intuitive faculties. Our waking state is the first attention. Mastery of the second attention or intuitive faculties was the principal pursuit of the shaman and the source of his knowledge and ability to be used in service to his people. The sorcerer, on the other hand, is one who works to attain the same mastery, but only to serve the self and the pursuit of power and control over others. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness249 views0 answers0 votesCastaneda wrote: “The power that governs the destiny of all living beings is called the Eagle … The Eagle is devouring the awareness of all the creatures that, alive on Earth a moment before and now dead, have floated to the Eagle’s beak, like a ceaseless swarm of fireflies, to meet their owner, their reason for having had life … for awareness is the Eagle’s food.” This seems like an incomplete description of the Creator of All That Is. Accurate to a point, but missing the quality of love, and the desire on the part of Creator for partnership with his creations. This is further reflected in this passage: “The Eagle, that power that governs the destinies of all living things, reflects equally at once all those living things. There is no way, therefore, for man to pray to the Eagle, to ask favors, to hope for grace. The human part of the Eagle is too insignificant to move the whole.” As powerful as he was, was Don Juan missing the forest for the trees? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness259 views0 answers0 votesCastaneda wrote: Don Juan “said that there is nothing more dangerous than the evil fixation of the second attention (or evil mastery of the intuitive faculties). When warriors (or seekers/seers or shaman/sorcerers) learn to focus on the weak side of the second attention nothing can stand in their way. They become hunters of men, ghouls. Even if they are no longer alive, they can reach for their prey through time as if they were present here and now.” How big is the problem of dead evil sorcerers? Are these some of the human hybrid spirits that seem to have partnered with the fallen angelics? If they were particularly adept sorcerers when alive, might their powers even exceed that of some of the fallen angelics, similar in the way that Anunnaki spirits manage to control and repurpose the fallen angelics for evil aims?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness275 views0 answers0 votes