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A practitioner asks: “Are the extraterrestrials able to receive information from their higher self? I know we ask for their connection to the higher self to be restored already. Can we ask their higher self to send them warnings about their karma if they continue with their dark plans? I’m thinking, can their higher self send them DREAMS that shows them what will happen if they continue doing evil? Or, is the following statement in the LHP already covering this? I’m wondering if being specific would make any difference. ‘Using any and all means, including Creator directed Trauma Resolution, dialog with differing levels of the mind to awaken them to the dangers they face if they do not change their ways, and enhance their desire to be rescued. Inspire these clients, especially in the dream state, to understand and appreciate they need humanity to help them heal and overcome spirit meddler attack, to achieve a safe, worthwhile, and lengthy future.'” What is Creator’s perspective?193 views0 answers0 votes
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