DWQA Questions › Tag: World War IIFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesFrom an atheistic perspective, the situation seems pretty hopeless. But there is another perspective to consider—the DIVINE perspective, that protection from being manipulated can come from the divine realm in response to prayer work. Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, and Divine Life Support can provide protection from manipulation that may not be possible through any other means known to humanity?ClosedNicola asked 9 months ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions178 views0 answers0 votesCreator has warned us that humanity faces tidal power outages imminently. Because the ETs have a vendetta against the United States for its role in the Allied Victory in World War II, the United States is the first target. The Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI.org) published an article on their website entitled, “Reality Check: The United States Has the Only Major Power Grid without a Plan.” It turns out, the United States doesn’t have one grid, it really has three, and they are almost completely isolated from each other. And even within these grids there is a distinct lack of coordination and planning. Is this absence of coordination largely a result of mind control manipulation? Are these tidal power outages designed to exploit this weakness?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control252 views0 answers0 votesRight alongside planned obsolescence is a puzzling aversion to implementing redundancy. Yet redundancy has been proven time and time again to be worth the expenditure. Most yachts have two engines just for this reason. Yet there is a visible move away from redundancy in all aspects of life. Single points of failure are becoming the norm, and are one of the ways planned obsolescence is designed in. Yet, it’s a kind of insanity to surround ourselves with things that fail, fail quickly, and fail totally, beyond repair. It’s one thing if it’s a phone charging code, and quite another when it’s critical life support appliances like a furnace. The vast majority do not have any backup heat source. A tidal power outage will expose this lack of foresight like nothing else. Yet, we’ve had warnings about this, such as the 2021 Texas Deep Freeze that took over 1000 lives. Yet, it seems almost no one has learned anything from it. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control231 views0 answers0 votesDo the ETs do this to themselves at all? Do they practice planned obsolescence with those lower on the caste totem pole? Or is that something they only impose on other worlds? We see the Anunnaki have engaged in megalithic building, creating structures that have lasted thousands of years. In fact, many appear to be “overbuilt” and were destroyed only by direct attack and dismantling, and not degradation or decay. There are Roman structures still as strong and useful today as the day they were built. Why have we gotten away from that? How long do Anunnaki refrigerators last? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control323 views0 answers0 votesAnother area where redundancy suffers is communications. We have become overly dependent on cell phones, almost exclusively, to the point that even home Internet is now going cellular. If the cell network fails there is literally no backup for most people and many functions. What we know about restarting a grid after an outage is that real-time voice and data communications are critical and indispensable. Is there enough redundancy left in the system to provide for this in the upcoming forecast outages? Or will extraordinary interventions be required, such as engaging the military to bring in battlefield communications equipment in order to provide the needed connections and networks necessary to perform the grid restarts? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control210 views0 answers0 votesAnother problematic dependency is GPS, the Global Positioning System, which almost everyone relies on today. So much so, that paper maps are disappearing and most young people under forty have no idea how to even read one. If this fails, many people will be utterly lost just a mile or two from their home. Does Creator foresee this as being a problem?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control184 views0 answers0 votesSomewhere there is a wise balance between the extremes of paranoia and the pie in the sky pollyannas who cannot (or refuse to) see danger in front of their noses. How can Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Memory Reset, and Divine Life Support, help to correct this widespread imbalance and short-sightedness that is so epidemic in today’s world? And can Creator further share why it is wise to “expect the unexpected?”ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control219 views0 answers0 votesIn another book, reputedly authored by Valiant Thor himself and originally published in 1960, titled, In Days to Come: The Escape of the Stranger at the Pentagon, Thor supposedly was kept prisoner in the Pentagon for three years, escaping the same year this book was published. Supposedly, Thor’s spaceship, “Victor One” was moored (presumably cloaked) near Las Vegas, and not far from where atomic bomb testing was ongoing in the adjacent desert. Part of the narrative is that the “Venusians” were attempting to intercede in Earth affairs in an attempt to stop the open-air nuclear testing that was frequently taking place during that time period. Given that open-air testing (in fact any nuclear testing) was, in fact, a real and urgent problem, what, in fact, was the attitude of the Extraterrestrial Alliance to all the nuclear testing at the time, and did they have anything to do with its eventual curtailment? Or can that development be wholly attributed to divine intervention alone? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Divine Caution193 views0 answers0 votesAfter his supposed escape from the Pentagon, Thor ostensibly is “done” dealing with human governments and officials and becomes dedicated to communicating with the people of Earth directly, so to speak. In this capacity, Thor is still supposedly around, showing up prominently in a book published as recently as 2021. Since 1960 there have been no less than SEVENTY-TWO books attributed to Valiant Thor (which are readily obtainable at Amazon), either in whole or in part. This includes a number of books by the so-called “Commander X” who Thor supposedly acknowledged was him just recently in the 2021 book mentioning him. Additionally, in the forward to the 1984 edition of In Days to Come: The Escape of the Stranger at the Pentagon, Author and/or Editor Gary Barker says “Ashtar” is simply the Venusian word for “Commander.” So it would be appropriate to refer to Thor as “Ashtar Valiant Thor.” With this revelation, should all the Ashtar Command books be attributed to him as well? If this is true, then the term “Ashtar Command” is redundant and arguably absurd when translated, literally, as “Commander Command.” But then, is that perhaps the intention behind every one of these seventy-plus books—redundancy and absurdity? What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Divine Caution205 views0 answers0 votesIn preparing the questions for this show, three of these books were read cover to cover. All three were horribly written, wandering and meandering, with no genuine plotline and uncertainty as to purpose or message. They just wandered from topic to topic with no discernable connection to the previous topic just discussed. They are some of the least interesting and least entertaining “stuff” one could ever sit down to read. The reader literally started falling asleep after just two pages, and this was true for literally the entirety of these books. Creator previously stated that this was on account of the bombardment of subconscious programming aimed at the human population literally programming them to “shut off” whenever they encounter material on extraterrestrials. Apparently, even those of us actually interested in this topic are not immune to the effects of this global manipulation. So if nobody is actually READING these books cover to cover, what is the point of them all? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Divine Caution195 views0 answers0 votesMany of these books openly acknowledge that they are “channeled” works. Ostensibly, Valiant Thor is communicating with the book’s “scribe” via mental telepathy of one sort or another. However, those familiar with the GetWisdom collection of Creator revelations know that most channeled material is sourced from Anunnaki psychics. It appears likely that most of these books are, in fact, the work product of Anunnaki psychics, and not the individual, Valiant Thor, himself who Creator has confirmed is real and not a fictional character. What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Divine Caution191 views0 answers0 votesInterestingly, (and perhaps disquietingly and disturbingly) there are three books reputedly by Valiant Thor that address the topic of “Ascension.” The first is The Art of Ascension: Achieving Communion with God and Creation. The second is Millennium Seven: Biblical Secrets for Galactic Ascension in the 21st Century, and the third is Valiant Thor’s Science of Ascension: Experiencing the Absolute – The Reality of the Sphere-Beings. The first book is especially confounding as Creator has repeatedly and emphatically asserted over and over that the extraterrestrials interacting with Earth and humanity, ALL of them, are die-hard atheists. Are these books attempts on the part of the Extraterrestrial Alliance to hijack the whole Ascension narrative, ostensibly, on account of them looking into the future and seeing “Ascension” as one of the topics and pursuits, if not the principal topic and pursuit of humanity in the near future? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Divine Caution204 views0 answers0 votesThor Han, a supposed contemporary fellow “Venusian” reportedly said this to the author of the 2021 book featuring Valiant Thor: “I wish the Terrans (Earth humans) would stop arguing with each other and unite in peace as one. That is I think the only way forward for this species. If they stand in their power, and specifically raise their vibration, they will not need to argue among each other anymore, nor fight, nor try to find what could eventually separate them.” So a persistent theme throughout most, if not literally all, of these books is “raise your vibration” or “raise your frequency.” Okay, HOW? That detail is conspicuous by its blatant absence. Essentially “raise your vibration” translates to “stop stressing out and be happy.” In terms of preparation for “Ascension,” Creator, via GetWisdom] (but not the ETs) has supplied effective tools for achieving this through intensive healing and karmic repair to raise us up. If “just be happy” is the entirety of the ET advice, then their message is about as useless as a screen door on a submarine. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Divine Caution180 views0 answers0 votesAnother common theme comes across as ridiculously circular with just the barest exercise of common sense. The assertion is that the “Venusians,” along with the Galactic Federation of Worlds (of whom the Venusians are members) are here to save us, and are carrying out harrowing combat missions to rescue human captives kidnapped and held by the Reptilians on Earth, Mars, the Moon and elsewhere in the galaxy, but at the same time cannot “go to war” with the Reptilians because then the Reptilians would use us as hostages and human shields and ransom. So, on the one hand, they are engaging in life-and-death combat with Reptilians to save humans, but the Reptilians somehow do not see this as an act of war constituting and necessitating an escalation to actual war. It would seem to us a certainty, if you really want to enrage kidnappers, just go ahead and rescue their hostages! None of this makes ANY sense in the real world, but this theme is everywhere in these books which, of course, spills over into the Q-Anon narratives, etc. All this “rescuing” is happening daily, everywhere, and in vast numbers, but absolutely NONE of it can be verified whatsoever. It makes no sense and must be accepted 100% on faith. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Divine Caution206 views0 answers0 votesCreator has said the Galactic Federation of Worlds does not exist—a supposed democratic organization of freely cooperating worlds aligned with the purposes of promoting and providing for the mutual well-being and common defense of all participating worlds. As such, it’s easy to visualize it as akin to Star Trek’s United Federation of Planets or The Old Republic in the Star Wars narrative. Why? Because this is what unencumbered and unmanipulated humans would likely establish. Did this once exist? Is the Star Wars narrative telling of the downfall of The Old Republic due to internal corruption recounting the actual historic downfall of the Galactic Federation of Worlds? If so, approximately when did this happen? Is one reason the ETs are so committed to our annihilation because we remind them too much of their old nemesis? Is pushing a narrative about the Galactic Federation of Worlds akin to dancing on its grave? What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Divine Caution211 views0 answers0 votes