DWQA Questions › Tag: specificityFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA practitioner writes: “Dear Karl, I have a client who is struggling with mental health and is finding no relief from conventional diagnosis or medication. It seems to me, that she may well be accessing her deep subconscious being drawn into many scenarios from her past, future possibilities, and parallel experiences, and is also feeling alienated by her family, claiming to know many of their dark motivations. Having been informed that our deep subconscious has been deliberately blocked from the conscious mind by the interlopers, and if my supposition, of her accessing this part of the mind readily, has some truth, would likely be much relieved to have this walled off or at least be able to manage it better. Would Creator enlighten us about this situation in my client and a possible illustration of the unblocking that is not an ideal outcome?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol336 views0 answers0 votesA viewer writes: “Thanks for yesterday’s webinar, it was fascinating as usual! The point in me writing to you is that later that evening after I’d watched it (UK time of webinar: 7 pm), I started to feel very strange. I can only describe it, as almost like a getting high feeling through drugs, in that my senses were heightened, especially my hearing. I just sat on the sofa and it felt like I was swaying, even though I wasn’t, it felt like energy that I was reacting to, was all over me and in my veins/organs, etc. I was extremely aware of all of my fingertips, toes, back of head and around my scalp, gums, absolutely my entire body. I felt light. I went to bed, but felt like I wasn’t alone and thought I was hearing noises. I drifted in and out of sleep. Today, I woke feeling unwell with no energy; it could potentially be the virus I’ve contracted considering the circumstances we’re all in. But I’m wondering if I was attacked somehow by the unseen, or that the energy was a positive thing, despite feeling unwell now. Or maybe me watching the webinar and then that happening is just a coincidence? I don’t take drugs or smoke and had no alcohol in my system at the time.” What can we tell her?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol365 views0 answers0 votesA client called me recently requesting help with several things, one of which was for repeated car troubles due to mechanical problems. Can you help us understand to what extent prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can be used to influence the continued functioning and working life span of things like automobiles and household appliances people rely on?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol349 views0 answers0 votesShe asks: “I include this prayer daily, ‘Goddess, strengthen my jawbones, gums and teeth. For my oral surgery, select bone and gum grafts from people in divine alignment, with all the characteristics beneficial to me and our Life Plan and Life Purpose. Perform Lightworker Healing Protocols on all donors with special emphasis on healing any and all aspects of their karma and any other issues that could negatively affect me to ensure the surgery is 100% beneficial for me, is in divine alignment, is highest and best, and will enhance the effectiveness of my healing and channeling work with Source Creator.'” Will this be helpful preparation?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer313 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Why does the Quantum Healing step in the Lightworker Healing Protocol request “new instructions for the cells of the body from a FUTURE time of youthful health and wellbeing?” Could this possibly be a limitation with the word “future” added here given the fact that the divine human was in an uncorrupted state of perfection at the beginning of the experiment (so in the past and not in the future) and the future outcome is still uncertain. Wouldn’t it be better to use the past as a reference point or to not make it time bound and delete the word ‘future?'”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol358 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “I wonder if this additional wording in step 9 of the Protocol can be helpful, ‘Source Creator, invite the higher self of my clients to assist Creator in bringing new instructions to their cells, tissues, and organs from a future time of youthful health and wellbeing to heal and regenerate them as needed.'” What can we tell him?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol276 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Will it be possible to include in the LHP the additional words you added to the protection prayer as follows, ‘Include all of Gaia, the Sun, the solar system, the rest of the free will galaxy, the Ether and everything within and without, including all of Time. Reduce or eliminate all dangerous weather and all natural and unnatural disasters. Consult the elementals about doing Protocol work in all locations, etc.'” What can we tell him?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol320 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Since the ETs are the number one priority, I was curious if adding the word “forgiveness” in some way would accelerate their healing? It doesn’t seem to be mentioned anywhere in the Protocol?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol322 views0 answers0 votesHe also asks: “Maybe something like: Source Creator, forgive all those who have harmed me and humanity and may all those I may have harmed forgive me, or forgive humanity and its perpetrators? Something along those lines.” Would this be of value?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol281 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Would adding the use of the Violet Ray of Mercy and Forgiveness be beneficial here? This is mostly from the I AM America material by Lori Toye. If you’re unfamiliar, I’m sure Source Creator would be happy to explain further.” Is this an uncorrupted source? Would invoking the Violet Ray be of value to add to the LHP?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol325 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “I heard that our karma can carry over from previous (failed?) universes. Does the LHP cover this karma? Does it need to? Should I just intend that it does?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol294 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “We are praying and we have prayed a lot, but as far as GetWisdom teachings shows us, they were wrong, incomplete, insufficient, generic etc. Is it possible to request a “prayer reset” for any prayer we have done in the past, and in the past extensions, so that our prayers would be complete as possible as Creator teaches us?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer310 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Lately, whenever I am performing a Lightworker Healing Protocol session, my hands and arms start to shake. I typically have my hands pressed together in front of my heart. This shaking is sometimes violent and can go on for a good portion of the session. What is causing this?” What can we tell her?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Subconscious Mind378 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “According to Source Creator, are coronal ejections from the Sun likely to help humanity by disrupting radio transmissions and various deliberate entrainment impulses created by the interlopers and their minions? How would Creator like us to incorporate this in prayer?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Disinformation413 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Does praying the rosary keep you from being earthbound after death?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer400 views0 answers0 votes