DWQA Questions › Tag: soul attributesFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesHow much of the power of persuasion is a product of divinely bestowed soul attributes, versus a learned skill that one acquires through trial and error over many lifetimes? If a learned skill, how is that skill transferred from lifetime to lifetime? Is it recorded in the akashic records and made part of cellular memory during the fetus’s formation? Or is it something wholly spiritual in nature, retained by the spirit itself, and if one learns the power of persuasion while incarnated, are their newly discovered persuasive powers on display in the light between lives as genuine learning? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 7 days ago • Limiting Beliefs34 views0 answers0 votesPersuasion is the power to effect CHANGE or perhaps prevent change. And even though there is a distinction made between persuasion and compulsion, the threat of compulsion can, in and of itself, be HIGHLY persuasive. The iconic fire and brimstone sermons delivered with great theatrics by eloquent ministers comes to mind. A “fear monger” or one who “peddles fear” also comes to mind. What is Creator’s perspective of persuasion AS compulsion?ClosedNicola asked 7 days ago • Limiting Beliefs24 views0 answers0 votesIt’s interesting to note that the iconic “snake oil salesman” never had a storefront, like a pharmacy, but instead pulled into the town square with his wagon and hawked his magical products directly to the crowds, and then often “hightailed it” to the next town before the truth of his products became more widely known. Google defined snake oil salesmen as those who deceived people in order to get money from them. The successful ones were highly persuasive people. When one has such ability, it seems so puzzling that such a person could not find a “legitimate” avenue in which to practice those skills and be successful without all the ignominy. Good salespeople are in demand everywhere and for everything—why resort to fraud? What can Creator tell us about exploiting the masterful use of persuasion to willfully engage in fraud?ClosedNicola asked 7 days ago • Limiting Beliefs25 views0 answers0 votesWhen one does a study of some of the most effective salespeople, one often encounters a mixed bag of ethically questionable tactics. One extremely successful car salesman would sit down with a phone book, call people and tell them their new car was ready for pickup. When people inevitably said, “I didn’t order a car,” he would profusely apologize and then immediately segue into asking them if they were at all in the market for a new car. With this approach, he made a fortune and set the world record at the time for most non-fleet sales made by a car salesman “one customer at a time.” Now to his credit, he was extremely likable, attentive, thorough, and did great customer service, sent birthday cards to his customers, etc. Nevertheless, a lot of his success was predicated on a lie and deception. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 7 days ago • Limiting Beliefs28 views0 answers0 votesIn reference to the above car salesman’s success, he was successful because he was good at “cold calling” which most people have a deep aversion to. Cold calling is one of the most obvious breaches of the “Golden Rule” there is. Almost everyone HATES getting cold calls, and yet most successful salespeople will assert that you need to do it in order to be successful. Brian remembers one “boiler room” telephone canvasser who bragged how she abused anyone cold calling her but had no problem doing cold calling for a living. The stark hypocrisy was dramatic and utterly remorseless and unapologetic. She literally thought it was “hilarious” and laughed about it. Brian found it disturbing, to say the least. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 7 days ago • Limiting Beliefs41 views0 answers0 votesCold calling works precisely because so many people have an aversion to doing it. That alone makes it a successful strategy for those who can bring themselves to do it. Brian did sales in the late 80s and struggled with this dilemma. A rule of thumb is it takes 10 calls to get a lead, 10 leads to get an appointment, and 10 appointments to get a sale. Brian demonstrated to himself that, indeed, the formula works and managed to get a house listing as a result. But rather than being encouraged by his success, he was so overcome with guilt about disturbing people eating dinner that he eventually abandoned sales as a career altogether. Cold calling cannot work if everyone does it. Everyone’s phone would ring all day long and it would be utterly chaotic and untenable. There is the idea that, if “everyone” can’t, then maybe no one “should?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 7 days ago • Limiting Beliefs25 views0 answers0 votesAnother successful sales guru made a fortune selling heavy stainless steel cookware door to door. (A direct form of cold calling that predates the telephone). He frequently recounted one sale he made where the woman initially slammed the front door on him and, in response, he went around to the back door to apologize for knocking on the front door. He was so charming and disarming, that the woman felt bad about mistreating him and consented to listening to his presentation as a way to make amends. She ended up buying the very expensive cookware he was selling. We are confronted with the dilemma of his apology being “insincere,” because he certainly felt no remorse about knocking on her front door at all, much less her back door after she made it clear she didn’t want to interact with him. What is Creator’s perspective on this anecdote, and what positive and negative divine lessons can we learn from it?ClosedNicola asked 7 days ago • Limiting Beliefs28 views0 answers0 votes“Breaking the ice” is a phrase in common usage. The online Free Dictionary defines the term this way: “To do something as a means of reducing or eliminating shyness, awkward tension, or unfamiliarity.” So much of persuasion founders on this “iceberg” that the term is quite an ingenious summation of a common problem requiring great skill to master. When someone knows or learns how to “break the ice” effectively, the world is literally their oyster. This is clearly a very important “art of living” skill and lesson that so many people would benefit from mastering but struggle with intensely. What divine insight can Creator share about this common dilemma and challenge?ClosedNicola asked 7 days ago • Limiting Beliefs30 views0 answers0 votesLike so many things dragging us down in this world, an inability to master the art of persuasion has to be up there pretty high on the list. How much of this is a deep healing need requiring divine intervention to resolve? How can Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, and Divine Life Support help to heal the barriers to becoming a persuasive individual? How can divine partnership ensure that the power of persuasion is used to uplift rather than abuse?ClosedNicola asked 7 days ago • Limiting Beliefs27 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “I get nightmares about test taking. I fail simple tests. I got very poor standardized test scores. I freak out and get panic attacks even with a simple test. For example, I would do okay when I am doing accounting by myself (after a lot of struggle), but not taking a test for accounting…I’m even very poor with test taking outside of academics. For example, if you would ask me to make a simple cup of coffee and present it like a test, there is a 99% chance, I will mess it up. I also have issues in giving job interviews, I freak out and I even faint sometimes.” Is this anxiety a consequence of her being a targeted individual?ClosedNicola asked 1 month ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control73 views0 answers0 votesCan her test anxiety be overcome through divine healing using the protocols?ClosedNicola asked 1 month ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control67 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Are extraterrestrials targeting specifically those that put their head above the parapet when it comes to Freedom and Rights?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 month ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control97 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “I have an intense feeling of not being good enough. I have taken multiple kinds of therapy in the last 20 years, including hypnotism, past life regressions, and even HMR. I have taken psychotherapy sessions multiple times a week. Lately, I am finding it difficult to meditate or even do my regular prayer. I still don’t feel good enough. I feel like a victim. I feel some intense pain. I don’t remember when this pain started, but I think I started feeling something like this when I was 10 or 11. If you remember, in 2017 spring, you saved me from extraterrestrials trying to enter my mind again. Was I abducted at some point?” What can we tell her?ClosedNicola asked 1 month ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control72 views0 answers0 votesIs my recent awakening of greater creativity at the piano from overcoming prior blocks to connecting to my potential? If so, was I blocked because of karmic trauma needing healing or the effects of life-long targeting to hold me back?ClosedNicola asked 3 months ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control93 views0 answers0 votesIt seems so much about being a good person involves resisting temptations and the urge to participate in a collective wrongdoing or evil, often initiated through good intentions. This is starkly demonstrated with the Kenosha, Wisconsin demonstrations a few years ago. Wanting to protect private property from vandalism is arguably a good intention, and wanting to protest excessive police behavior is also arguably a good intention, yet it ultimately led to a self-defense shooting that resulted in dead and permanently maimed protestors, and a young man who narrowly escaped going to prison for life and who will live with that event forever haunting him. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Problems in Society134 views0 answers0 votes