DWQA Questions › Tag: soldiersFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesThe biggest question of them all, is: “Can this be prevented?” We have been told the answer is YES, that this is why humanity was created, to solve the problem of evil, not through warfare, but healing the perpetrators. What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Caution313 views0 answers0 votesIf avoiding Disclosure in time turns out to not be possible, what are the odds human leadership will reject the offer? If the offer is accepted, can ongoing Lightworker Healing Protocol work on the extraterrestrial leadership still “win the day” and see the ET leadership change their mind and call off the annihilation at some point, leaving enough of humanity intact to ensure its survival and regeneration? Or is the acceptance of the ET offer truly a complete and final death sentence for humanity?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Caution212 views0 answers0 votesRegardless, it seems clear nothing good can possibly result from Disclosure in any form. Can Creator share with us if Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are the only genuine means to save humanity?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Caution201 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner describes: “A Mexican soldier wrote: ‘In one of the most recent missions, my unit was sent to the Sierra of Estado de Guanajuato Mexico where we came across something very unusual. We heard strange noises mixed with laments and screams of a women that was tortured. As part of the strategy to avoid being ambushed by some criminal group, our unit changed the route, and we found a cave to camp overnight. Hours passed by, and at around 3:00am we heard similar female screams, but this time the screams came from the bottom of the cave we were camping in, and this time around everyone in our unit went cold. We immediately decided to split into two groups. One group would go inside to see what was happening, and the other group would back up the group that went inside the cave if necessary. I joined the group that went inside the cave and as we arrived at the bottom of the cave to our amazement we encountered reptile-like beings sacrificing a woman. They were about two meters high; their skin was scaly and green in color, and they had the face of a lizard and big claws that were moving from side to side. We were petrified. I thought that these beings were from another planet. One of the Reptilians noticed our presence and with a rare and otherworldly high pitch sound alerted the others. We began to run up to the exit while unloading our rifles at them, but our ammunition didn’t seem to affect them at all. The Reptilians hit three soldiers. Two lost one arm, and the third one had his abdomen opened, leaving his intestines hanging out. As we arrived at the exit of the cave we immediately requested air support via radio for a quick evacuation, explaining what just took place. We formed a defensive barrier so that the Reptilians wouldn’t get close to us. Fortunately, they decided to remain inside the cave. In a matter of 10 minutes a helicopter arrived and we instantly knew that it wasn’t one of us. Four men descended from the helicopter heavily armed, and told us to retreat. They then entered the cave where a massacre took place after which two dead Reptilians were carried out of the cave by the armed men and were put inside the helicopter, which then flew away.’ Was the Mexican soldier testimony accurate as described? If so, can you tell us how frequent the human sacrifice rituals by the Reptilians are taking place nowadays, and whether or not the heavily armed men that arrived at the scene with the helicopter and overcame the Reptilians were under divine protection and guidance?”ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Caution262 views0 answers0 votesDoes karma execute its own life plan for an individual? Victor Hugo in Les Misérables wrote of the fate of Field Marshal Michel Ney during the Battle of Waterloo: “Frenzied with all the noble grandeur of death accepted, Ney put himself in the way of every onslaught in that bloodbath. There, is where he had his fifth horse killed from under him. Sweating, with fire in his eyes, foam on his lips, his uniform unbuttoned, one of his epaulettes cut in half by a sabre stroke from a horseguard, his great-eagle plate dented by a bullet, bloodied, muddied, magnificent, a broken sword in his hand, he said, ‘Come and see how a marshal of France dies on the battlefield!'” But to no avail. He did not die. Ney was later executed by a French firing squad. Or was he? For there is a narrative that his death was faked, and that he escaped to America to live out his life as Peter Ney? Regardless, this seems to be an extreme example of supernatural protection at work. Was it divine protection, or karma saving him for a different and more ignoble fate?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer299 views0 answers0 votesWas Field Marshal Michel Ney who fought during the Battle of Waterloo, killed by a French firing squad, or did he escape to America and live out his years as Peter Ney? If so, was that a result of divine protection?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Prayer315 views0 answers0 votesHow can I best help my client who has inflammation impairing healing of his right leg and hip? What are the prospects for resolving this condition?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Karma329 views0 answers0 votesDuring the Korean War, American troops in the Chosin Reservoir were outnumbered 8 to 1, supplies were running low, temperatures plummeted to minus 25 degrees, and food was almost impossible to warm up. They were also running low on mortar shells. In ordering mortar shell resupplies, they used a codename established for the munitions: Tootsie Rolls. Somebody took that literally, however, and airdropped the beleaguered troops crates of the candy, instead. The story is, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, enabling the American forces to be recharged and break out of the Chosin Reservoir, and fight their way to safety, and the men who survived the battle started calling themselves the “Chosin Few.” Is this story true, and if so, was the lucky misunderstanding a divine intervention?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Divine Realm379 views0 answers0 votesWas it only because of chance that the day before I was to do the channeling about Tootsie Rolls and the Korean war, I went to a restaurant, and as I was about to sit down in my usual booth, saw a couple next to me, and the man had set his cap marked “Korean War Veteran” on the table where I could see it?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Divine Realm395 views0 answers0 votes