DWQA QuestionsTag: prayer request
A practitioner writes: “I thought it might be an interesting story to share with you and possibly to ask Creator at some point to see if my intuition was right. I have a couple of friends in my neighborhood who experienced a long delay in launching their new and promising project online. Today as I was pumping gas to my car, I got a message from PayPal in my cell phone that I received 3268 Mexican pesos. I was puzzled at first since I didn’t sell anything that I was aware of. I began to wonder who that might be. When I arrived home I finally was able to access my computer and to track down the identity of the donor; it was my neighbors who wrote me the following: “We have been blessed by God with an increase in finances and wanted to share the blessing with you. We support and so appreciate the healing you bless humanity with in the name of God.” My first impulse was to gift them back with healing sessions. So I did a couple of them specifying their client issue as “challenges in launching their new project online.” After I finished the sessions a thought came to my mind that there may be more to the story than meets the eye. My normal income mostly vanished these days and I do my daily prayers including the one for manifesting abundance. So that may have been an answer to my prayers. Then I thought that my friends probably needed my LHP session(s) in order to move forward with their project. So Creator arranged this scenario to take place and even though I performed the sessions on them today, the healing was also launched in the past when they most needed it in order to move beyond some major barriers on their path. So this could have been a Divine orchestration through time domains to create a win-win situation for both parties who each pray daily to Creator and both are in Divine alignment.” Is this a correct analysis?
ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • 
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A practitioner writes: “Last Sunday, I stood in my kitchen waiting for the coffee to brew. I thought “this is a good time to launch a prayer”, so I said the virus prayer. Afterwards I was compelled to look within my mind’s eye and I saw a spiral of energy in perpetual motion moving up and away from me at a 45 degree angle. As I looked at it I wondered “where is this stream of energy headed, where does it go?” Then I heard the following (I am typing it exactly as I heard it) “infinite prayer request – you CAN follow the spiral, it goes on forever. No point in following to view – it will remain the same indefinitely – a prayer has been launched”. Wow, something just happened. I’d never seen that before. Okay, let’s see if I can take this further, while I’m riding this wave of clarity. I stood there and said my code word out loud to see if the spiral would happen again. Nada. Nothing. Then I heard “no point – little point in launching with one word alone unless you know the prayer to which you are attaching the code word. The word alone must have intention attached. Hanging by itself cannot – is not effective. There must be a conscious connection to the prayer.” (Again exactly as I heard it or interpreted it). It’s true – I was so enamored with what I had just witnessed, I said the code word without intention. I was focused on the spiral I had just seen and I wanted to see it again.” Is that a correct interpretation of what happened?
ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • 
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