DWQA QuestionsTag: poisoning
A client asks: “Since your email, there has been an incredible amount of chaos in my life. Around my birthday, my landlady intentionally poisoned me, my dog, and my flowers with nerve poisons, knowing full well I have an immune disease with anaphylaxis. Most of my flowers are damaged or killed, but thankfully, my dog was overall not exposed like I was. I’ve been really sick and have been on many remedies and IVs from my allergy doctor. I’ve had to flee my apartment for safety and go to a temporary place until I can move to my new place September 1. My temporary flat isn’t ideal as it’s not peaceful and I’ve been harassed by the neighbors and noise disturbances. Moving is quite stressful for me especially since I’ve moved over 20 times in 10 years often due to toxic home environments, and over 30 times in my life. All I’ve ever wanted was a safe and loving home. There’s zero stability in my life, and my new place will be unfurnished and I have no idea how to manage it as there are no social supports here I’m allowed access to. I do still feel targeted and attacked on some level especially related to my wife and sexual hijacking (we are sadly separated due to all the paranormal interference). I’m asking for help where I can, but I have no support network or friends here in a foreign country where I don’t speak the language well. I’ve tried reaching out to various people for just some compassion and support, and what’s worse than being poisoned is the fact that nearly everyone, many whom I thought were friends, completely ignore, dismiss, shame, or reject me. It’s absolutely bizarre and shocking, and I have no one supporting me. Seems my path is to be a hermit and mystic, among other things, but I don’t know how I can survive when I don’t have resources for basic needs. In the past month, I have been sexually harassed on the street numerous times, once physically, and once aggressively, stalked at night when I walked home. What tends to happen is any time I attempt to heal or get some help, there’s a backfire. While I have had some profound signs from certain beings, there’s no positive change or relief, and often the signs are very cryptic. There’s so much more that’s occurred I can’t begin to recount. I’ve been doing a lot of healing and resting and spiritual work and Feng Shui cures on my end. With my health and all the chaos, I’m barely able to function and really struggle cognitively. It just doesn’t stop. My body, mind, and soul seriously need a break. My life and health only decline. I am willing to be patient, but when I’m regularly faced with dangerous if not deadly situations that cause me great distress or harm, it makes me wonder if I’m missing something or if this will ever change. It does really feel like there’s something about me that’s a direct threat, and that I’m being blocked from my sacred gifts and birthright. Curious what you think about this update and whether you have any ideas.” What can we tell her?
ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • 
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Was she truly poisoned as she believes?
ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • 
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A practitioner asks: “Source Creator, my client at the age of 12 years old began to use drugs, and at the age of 15 was interned in a rehabilitation center for 6 weeks due to overdoses. There were two attempts on his life by serving him a floripondio tea along with a death curse. The first attempt took place when he was 16 years old, and the second attempt took place a year later when he almost died. As a result of being poisoned, he suffered from cerebral damage; he became very chaotic, and he lost his reason. Whenever he doesn’t have marijuana available to him, he becomes very nervous and desperate. He has many nightmares and sometimes he wakes up very altered. He suffered from intense crises 4 to 5 days a week whereby he became very aggressive, violent, and he screamed a lot. His mother describes him as very desperate, insecure, impatient, anguished, anxious, and obsessive. Since I have done 7 sessions on him 7 months ago, he became more conscious, and he regained his mental clarity. His crises were reduced by 70%, and are less intense and shorter in duration. Can you share with us the karmic underpinning behind the attempts on his life, and whether or not the Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions saved him? How is he progressing with his healing, and will it be a good idea to offer his parents to hire your Holographic Memory Resolution and subconscious channeling services?”
ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • 
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