DWQA Questions › Tag: love energyFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesIf people are praying for health and well-being, yet have bad habits that undermine their health, will that behavior block divine assistance to counteract it as, in a sense, to intervene is going against human free will choices?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Prayer138 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Creator has often mentioned moral principles for living and these have historically been presented in major religions, passed on in societies, and are represented again in GetWisdom. However, some say that moral understanding is not best absorbed from authority figures but constructed through personal experiences, interactions, and reflections. Individuals integrate new moral insights with their existing moral beliefs to form a coherent moral perspective. To what extent is it through reflection that individuals assess the consequences of their actions, reconsider their moral principles, and adjust their behavior accordingly? How can LHP practitioners best grow their moral perspectives?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Subconscious Mind112 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Many people have behaviors that are unhelpful at best or harmful to themselves or others. People generally know this about themselves but do not make changes. Despite many models of behavior change developed by researchers from psychology, sociology, public health, etc., reflecting a broad range of approaches to understanding and influencing behavior, their effectiveness is often limited and short-lived. What can be learned from these shortcomings and limitations? What is a better perspective and tactics for deeper and more permanent change in, for example, alcohol consumption, exercise, and healthy eating? Would making specific requests targeted at specific behaviors in LHP-DSMR requests be best?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Subconscious Mind125 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “How much does action now, influence a person’s path and shape their future? How much does this vary between people? What is the highest view?”ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Divine Guidance123 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Creator has previously shared the Ten Divine Principles for Living, suggesting there is an objective morality independent of human thinking which people can become more aware of by studying sacred texts or communicating with Creator. Human secular philosophy has also developed theories on how things should or ought to be based on mainly three perspectives. The first perspective from human secular philosophy is based on rules, duties, and obligations.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 7 months ago • Divine Guidance126 views0 answers0 votesHe continues: “The second perspective from human secular philosophy is based on happiest outcomes for the greatest number.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 7 months ago • Divine Guidance127 views0 answers0 votesHe continues: “The third perspective from human secular philosophy is based on what kind of person one should be and how one should live.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 7 months ago • Divine Guidance107 views0 answers0 votesHe continues: “To what extent are the Divine and Human perspectives irreconcilable?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 7 months ago • Divine Guidance118 views0 answers0 votesHe continues: “Is the human philosophy of morality simply misconceived? Is being religiously moral more helpful?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 7 months ago • Divine Guidance151 views0 answers0 votesPlease give us feedback about the following proposed addition to the Lightworker Healing Protocol, to help us understand what is incomplete, needs optimization for greater effectiveness, or might be added: “Request tutorials be given as Divine Night School Lessons. ‘Source Creator, work in collaboration with the higher self of all beings to use your respective detective abilities to work with all relevant levels of the mind, via inspiration and directly, whenever feasible, to provide a personal handholding to support inner awakening, reconnection, and restoration, to promote a more meaningful focus and direction for life choices on all levels; especially, but not limited to, the following categories.'” Is there anything missing that would be helpful to add in this section for getting the most benefit?ClosedNicola asked 9 months ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol150 views0 answers0 votesPlease give us feedback about the following proposed addition to the Lightworker Healing Protocol, to help us understand what is incomplete, needs optimization for greater effectiveness, or might be added: “Existence of divine truth. ‘Teach key divine principles of morality in a way that makes them attractive to embrace and put into action, including the Divine Principles for Living. Emphasize perspectives that will help the individual gain proficiency in the art of living and achieving happiness, while at the same time fostering awareness and belief, both in existence of the divine and the value of partnering with the divine as the most powerful way to be successful.'” Is there anything missing that would be helpful to add in getting the most benefit?ClosedNicola asked 9 months ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol170 views0 answers0 votesPlease give us feedback about the following proposed addition to the Lightworker Healing Protocol, to help us understand what is incomplete, needs optimization for greater effectiveness, or might be added: “Problems from dark spirits and extraterrestrials. ‘Warn about the existence of and ways dark spirits and extraterrestrial interlopers use, to corrupt and undermine their victims. Inform about the alien agenda of divide and conquer intended to instill corrupted and false beliefs while working in concert with attacking spirits. Teach the importance of and how, to stand strong in resisting mind control and other external manipulations.'” Is there anything missing that would be helpful to add in getting the most benefit?ClosedNicola asked 9 months ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol128 views0 answers0 votesPlease give us feedback about the following proposed addition to the Lightworker Healing Protocol, to help us understand what is incomplete, needs optimization for greater effectiveness, or might be added: “Importance of karmic trauma and the reincarnation paradigm. ‘Provide awareness and understanding of each individual’s journey through their series of incarnations and how that is recorded and open to inspection for learning and healing repair. Teach the principles of cause and effect, how they work over time to reward or punish, and how to partner with the divine to gain greater wherewithal to heal and overcome karmic challenges to wellbeing.'” Is there anything missing that would be helpful to add in getting the most benefit?ClosedNicola asked 9 months ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol116 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “I believe the Divine is saving our healing energy for the most significant events so as to waste none. One such situation seemed to occur when I was once again being endlessly attacked in the evening in bed, nothing new there, but this turned all at once into something much different. I felt the Divine drop a bell-shaped field over me and then KABOOM. A monstrously powerful attack bounced off the shield and I really felt the enormity of the attack and the reverberation of the energies. Was this the Divine stepping in at a most pivotal time to help keep me continuing my work in this most important of times?”ClosedNicola asked 9 months ago • Prayer118 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “A day after returning from a short vacation to the coast I turned on the TV to see a famous celebrity showing a TV program that had been filmed about 1 mile from where I had been staying. Not only that but the program showed several of the sites and locations I had visited just one day before. In view of the high improbability of such an occurrence, I am tempted to believe this was a “calling card” from Creator to remind me of Creator’s presence in and around my life. Would this be a correct interpretation?”ClosedNicola asked 9 months ago • Prayer132 views0 answers0 votes