DWQA Questions › Tag: Lightworker Healing ProtocolFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesIf humanity accepts the Arcturian offer, the near-term or even immediate consequence will be the “dreaded war” but with the entire Extraterrestrial Alliance, not just Reptilians. We will not be told that the real agenda is a planned human annihilation and extermination actually carried out by a planned collapse of human infrastructure and rule of law, anarchy, death by random violence, disease, starvation, and exposure. This, in fact, is already underway to soften us up. Cities will be destroyed not in nuclear holocausts but methodically to maximize human panic and suffering. Buildings will just mysteriously vaporize and collapse as they did on 9/11, terrorizing the survivors and making most of them homeless and destitute and ensuring an eventual demise. What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Caution262 views0 answers0 votesAt some point, the carnage will have reached its peak and begun to subside. Those who have prepared for doomsday will be off in their bunkers and retreats and mountains and forests, scared and traumatized, but also grateful they had the foresight to imagine the worst and plan for it. And just as these scattered remnants begin the job of bringing humanity back from the brink of extinction, the other “shoe” drops. A heretofore hidden army of human clones, human hybrids, and human “super soldiers” will fan out all over the planet and begin “mop-up” operations. It will take time, perhaps months, but eventually, they will kill off enough of the survivors to ensure that humanity is truly finished on Earth as a species. Any stragglers will simply live out their lives unable to sustain any future generations. Eventually, the last “free” human on the planet, dies amongst the wreckage. What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Caution246 views0 answers0 votesThe biggest question of them all, is: “Can this be prevented?” We have been told the answer is YES, that this is why humanity was created, to solve the problem of evil, not through warfare, but healing the perpetrators. What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Caution310 views0 answers0 votesIf avoiding Disclosure in time turns out to not be possible, what are the odds human leadership will reject the offer? If the offer is accepted, can ongoing Lightworker Healing Protocol work on the extraterrestrial leadership still “win the day” and see the ET leadership change their mind and call off the annihilation at some point, leaving enough of humanity intact to ensure its survival and regeneration? Or is the acceptance of the ET offer truly a complete and final death sentence for humanity?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Caution210 views0 answers0 votesRegardless, it seems clear nothing good can possibly result from Disclosure in any form. Can Creator share with us if Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are the only genuine means to save humanity?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Caution198 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Can spirit meddlers use social media/media/internet, etc., as an energetic conveyance to attach to people?”ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Spirit Meddlers299 views0 answers0 votesIs the “loosh” described by Robert Monroe as our spiritual energy that is sought by non-physical beings, especially dark spirits, a useful concept? Is that identical to “life force energy,” being neutral, the energy supplied from the divine that keeps us alive?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Spirit Meddlers217 views0 answers0 votesOr is loosh just a darker lower frequency component as altered by our negative thoughts and feelings? If the latter, is that a byproduct of consciousness, an energetic parallel to the metabolic waste of the body produced by the processing of nutrients?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Spirit Meddlers175 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner had a vision about transmuting “loosh” so it becomes a healing substance even capable of raising up the spirit meddlers. Is that possible and something new we could pursue with the Lightworker Healing Protocol?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Spirit Meddlers198 views0 answers0 votesIf loosh is a dark energy, and it gets transmuted by our requesting this, and becomes no longer useful to the spirit meddlers to enable their survival, would this be a karmic misstep as we are supposed to help heal them, not kill them?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Spirit Meddlers184 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner had a vision of somehow using a Mega Prayer to help free everyone who uses Google from spirit meddler attachments. He sees the internet as a gathering place for many people, so it could be a useful location to target an intervention. Would this be an effective approach? Can you help us understand better the factors involved?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Spirit Meddlers211 views0 answers0 votesWas my Lightworker Healing Protocol session for my client successful in helping the spirit of her departed mother that was attached to her, transition back to the light safely?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Human Lost Soul Spirits218 views0 answers0 votesCavendish wrote, “… The planets do not doom you to failure or unhappiness and once you know your deficiencies you can try to correct them.” Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are the very best means to correcting our deficiencies?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses199 views0 answers0 votesIs the spirit of my client’s dead mother attached to her, and causing sleep disturbance and other issues?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Human Lost Soul Spirits219 views0 answers0 votesMy client told me she is having more severe pain deep in her back, in the middle-upper part, so she fears it’s cardiac. Is that so? She is due to see her cardiologist on Monday, so I fear they will want to do another angiogram and angioplasty, which has become an annual event. The healing work I’m doing doesn’t seem to be helping. What is going on?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control299 views0 answers0 votes