DWQA Questions › Tag: life formsFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA viewer asks: “Do manta rays have individual souls, and are they native to Earth or an extraterrestrial species?”ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Non-Local Consciousness115 views0 answers0 votesCan the potential complexity of treating viruses as clients more like people, to better define dialog for the LHP and DSMR protocols needed to reckon with and negotiate a withdrawal as predators, be avoided by simply including “viruses and other predatory organisms infecting people” on the list of clients to be worked on with the protocols. That way, the entire protocols and all their requests could be utilized or adapted as needed by the divine realm to best address these sources of outside consciousness acting as a scourge, without our having to learn how to describe talking to such organisms to gain their cooperation. Would listing them along with the other types of beings to be worked on, bring all the power needed for the divine realm to do their utmost in dealing with chronic viruses and parasitic organisms?ClosedNicola asked 5 months ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol79 views0 answers0 votesIs there more needed, to be added or changed, in the protocols to further strengthen their effectiveness in dealing with viruses and other similar scourges?ClosedNicola asked 5 months ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol87 views0 answers0 votesI was reviewing a recently published virology text and saw their discussion of the continuing controversy about whether viruses, despite having some characteristics of life forms, are actually alive. They acknowledge this is an important question for biologists because “a universally accepted definition for life does not exist.” Science, of course, has no idea that viruses possess consciousness, and, indeed, the issue of whether consciousness is present in life forms other than human beings is seriously debated. And even human consciousness is dismissed by some prominent scientists as being just a secondary consequence of brain chemical and electrical activity and perhaps just a “lucky accident” of evolution, more a fluke than a driving force. Are these views really the reverse of reality? Is the existence and expression of consciousness a universal property that defines whether something is alive? Is fundamental “life force energy” coming from the higher spiritual plane, which gives the spark of life, a special form of consciousness?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Non-Local Consciousness105 views0 answers0 votesPhysical matter, like rocks and bodies of water, have consciousness sufficient to perceive their surroundings and have thoughts. Is it because they are aggregates of energy that they have perceptions and can think, or are atoms, subatomic particles and all forms of energy, such as light, electricity, and magnetism possessed of consciousness with the same potentials? Are these energies alive? What is Creator’s perspective about defining whether something is alive?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Non-Local Consciousness144 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Can you tell me what the truth is about the Mothman sightings in Virginia USA? What is the Mothman, is it a real being? Where does it come from? Is there more than one being?”ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Interdimensional Activity179 views0 answers0 votesGiven such a large number of chronic maladies, including the two leading causes of death, are caused by chronic viral infection, does this help explain why your creation of humanity and the Earth as a “loving nest” is so often a challenge or even a disappointment because so many suffer?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers165 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Could you ask Creator what types of life forms does Jupiter’s moon Europa have?”ClosedNicola asked 12 months ago • Physical Universe208 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “What is the average time between one incarnation and the next? Are there large differences from soul to soul?”ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Reincarnation344 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “You mentioned in a channeling that most people will not be returning after this incarnation so we’re trying to clear the karmic backlog because of this. Does this mean that we will no longer incarnate into human lives on any timeline? I know that all are proceeding simultaneously, but will there be a need or want by a divine human to jump into a previous incarnation or timeline for any reason?”ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Reincarnation282 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Can you please channel the sun and find out why some of us are being compelled to go there (spiritually as consciousness, not as a physical entity). Is there a collective that gathers at or in our sun for a purpose? If so, for what purpose?”ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness258 views0 answers0 votesWe have learned that every sentient being has a lifeline of life force energy. Is this true of every living thing—animals and plants, single-celled life forms? Does that energy emanate from Creator directly, or are there multiple sources? How do the life force energies differ among life forms, and what determines whether there is an individual, unique soul, along with a higher self intermediary, or a collective soul shared by many organisms? Can you give us a tutorial on how this is organized?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness341 views0 answers0 votesIs life force energy stored by living beings, such that it can be stolen by other life forms. If so, what determines the capacity to store life force energy? In the movie, The Matrix, human beings were in stasis pods in huge warehouses where they were essentially being used as batteries to power the Matrix computer/AI that kept them subjugated. Was this part of the movie’s storyline divinely inspired, and what lessons should we learn from it?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness361 views0 answers0 votesWe know the fallen angelics are cut off from the divine source of life force energy. Did Creator make that decision or were angelic members of the divine realm involved in a collective act of divine will? Did Lucifer’s expulsion from the higher astral realms by Michael the Archangel precipitate that decision, or did it come later? Did this expulsion event happen nearly 5 billion years ago, fairly soon after creation of the Anunnaki extraterrestrials?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness328 views0 answers0 votesDid the loss of supply of life force energy happen to the fallen angelics one angel at a time, or en masse in one grand decision and implementation? Was there any kind of divine trial for each angel that resulted in such a sentence? Was the cutting off intended to be an inducement for reform rather than a punishment? Are angels still “falling” and being cut off at the present time, or is the angelic realm stable now?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness265 views0 answers0 votes