DWQA Questions › Tag: life force energyFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesIn the Star Wars movie series, audiences were introduced to the idea and concept of “The Force.” In the very first movie in 1977, the character Obi-Wan-Kenobi said this about “The Force”: “The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the Galaxy together.” Can Creator share both the reality and inspiration behind this iconic notion?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics393 views0 answers0 votesRecently the term “ether” was added to the Lightworker Healing Protocol to denote a kind of universal energetic medium that corrects the idea of space being a lifeless void, but instead contains vast energy. Can Creator share with us the similarities and differences between the reality of the “ether,” the Life Force Energy, and the concept of the “The Force” as portrayed in the Star Wars movies?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics395 views0 answers0 votesCreator has shared with us that all sentient consciousness requires a continuous lifeline of life force energy directly from the divine realm in order to support our very existence as consciousness with an independent identity. We’ve learned that without a steady diet of this energy, an entity will eventually perish and their identity absorbed back in the ocean of consciousness the same way a bucket of water tossed into the ocean can never again be recovered as it once was. The science of both humans and the extraterrestrial interlopers does not recognize this reality. Can Creator share with us, why this is so?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics431 views0 answers0 votesWe’re under the impression that the nature of life force energy emerging fresh from the divine realm, is totally love in its expression and vibration. Is it ever new or is it more accurate to think of it as eternally recycled? Or is it one of those notions whose true nature can only be experienced and intuitively felt, but impossible to adequately describe in words alone?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics345 views0 answers0 votesWhile divine life force energy emerges as love from the divine can it, like fresh milk poured into a dirty container, become “spoiled” quickly, losing its pleasant palatability and emerging as stress and anxiety rather than joy and inspiration? We’ve learned that the fallen angelics relish life force energy that is altered and made discordant through both emotional and physical pain and suffering. Can Creator explain how something emerging as positive and rejuvenating can be altered so readily into something noxious? And how can this be appealing to ANY being?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics362 views0 answers0 votesWhat is the difference between “life force energy” fed directly from the divine, and the energy we need from ingesting food? We’ve heard stories that it is possible for enlightened adepts to actually survive on little to no food at all, getting all the energy they need directly from the divine. Was needing food always part of the divine plan for physical humans, or a result of corruption introduced by the fallen angelics and extraterrestrial interlopers?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics385 views0 answers0 votesCreator has invited human scientists to study the squirrel to get insights into the nature of energetics, and how the squirrel marshals energy to run up and down trees all day with graceful effortlessness. Given how small and wiry the squirrel is, it seems impossible that the squirrel could get all the energy it needs from its food intake alone. Before ET alteration of the human genome, were we more like the squirrel than we are now?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics385 views0 answers0 votesVeganism has grown substantially in popularity and Creator has stated that this is on account of mind control programming by the extraterrestrial interlopers, and is not divine. Creator says humans were not designed to eat plants alone and will suffer negative health and well-being consequences as a result. It seems logical that herbivores like Buffalo and the Bovine are concentrating plant energy for a higher purpose—to provide us with highly concentrated energy that frees us from having to graze all day ourselves? Is this the case?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics492 views0 answers0 votesCreator has shared that fallen spirits attach to our chakras and feed off of the energy that flows there, with the average person having about 7 spirit attachments. Since these beings are cut off from divine energy directly, they need an alternate source, especially one that transforms the love frequency into something darker that is in keeping with their low vibration. If a person maintains inner calm and a truly relaxed disposition most of the time, would this starve such attachments, as the necessary energy alteration into something discordant does not occur?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics429 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Is true empathy a form of intuitive insight dependent on a strong connection with the Divine for deep understanding of another’s dilemma? In other words, is the extent one views empathy as a blessing rather than a curse, or a boon rather than a burden, is that an indicator of how robust or fragile the divine connection and/or partnership is for that being?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Metaphysics359 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner writes: “[I had an] energetic healing experience I want to share with you. I used the Lightworker Healing Protocol to do a spiritual healing for “TIME” this morning. At the end of the session, I felt strong, wavy-like waves of energy, moving from right to left, through my head, my body; the entire room. I got up and walked to a mirror. I felt different, like there was “more of me” looking back at me in the reflection. I felt “charged up,” similar to that feeling you get when you do something of high moral character for someone else; an act of kindness. I felt GREAT. A high-frequency, audible emotion (I really don’t know how else to describe it) stayed with me long after the session. Something’s different. Something feels different. Better. Higher. I went to the kitchen sink to fill a pitcher with water for the coffee maker. This is going to sound crazy but here goes: The water looks different – thicker – more meaningful. I’m mesmerized by it. I’m standing there looking at the water. I put my palm on the side of the pitcher. The water reacts. The counter is perfectly still. My hand is still. I could feel the energy passing from my hand to the water. (See the attached video link.) I feel like if I were to really try, I might get the water to dance. What happened was from leftover energy from the LHP I had just wrapped up. What has happened over here?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol400 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Rational Thought is the one aspect of consciousness widely held to separate predominantly intelligent species from predominantly instinctual ones. Is it safe to say that rational thought is actually a creative thought process engaged in novel problem solving (novel for the being doing the problem solving) versus conditioned response (via instinct or behavioral modification perhaps)? The former is viewed as a predominately conscious, self-aware activity, while the latter is viewed as a predominantly unconscious activity lacking or at least not requiring self-awareness. How would Creator characterize this distinction in consciousness? What are we missing?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Limiting Beliefs345 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Observing humanity, a large spectrum is on display. From people who seem to operate mostly from conditioned responses, to those who truly seem to actively analyze everything around them consciously, enabling them to respond in novel unconventional ways that can be unpredictable and surprisingly effective (at least from the perspective of others). Emerson said, “foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” Those who operate largely out of conditioning will struggle to find novel solutions to unanticipated and vexing problems, and rather, will keep applying the same conditioned response over and over again in spite of its continued failure or poor performance. With this postulate, how does Creator explain the difference in these two approaches to problem solving?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Limiting Beliefs354 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Rational thought appears to have a lot of enemies or potential obstacles or impairments to overcome. Karmic energy is clearly one of them. (As recognized in Creator’s recent revelation that “karma” was the cause of my complacency and feelings of futility when failing to act on my raccoon problem in a timely and rational fashion.) Fear of failure, and harsh judgment, and penalties is clearly another obstacle (which can all be heightened by karma created from past failures – including past life failures). Strong negative belief is yet another potential barrier (which also can be reinforced by karma). Then there are the physical, energetic barriers: fatigue, poor cognitive memory, lack of spatial discernment, dyslexia, etc. Rational thought has a LOT to overcome. Can Creator comment on why the deck is so stacked?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Limiting Beliefs342 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “While consciousness in the light has fewer barriers to rational thought, there must be some, otherwise, how could there ever have been fallen angels? Even though emotion is likely more balanced in the light because there are no “secrets,” and therefore fewer opportunities for misunderstandings, nevertheless, if a being decides that it does not “care” what fellow beings think and feel—all the while knowing of their consternation and disapproval, is that the beginning of their fall? Becoming a disease of the conscience? Where one continues to provoke suffering in others while having full knowledge and discernment of the suffering being caused, yet not caring? Did fallen angels discover through trial and error early on that being troublemakers was FUN. Can Creator comment on this problematic linkage between depravity, bullying and fun? Is the feeling of fun or deep satisfying pleasure partially a byproduct of life energy absorption stolen from the victims? And is an addiction to this rush of pleasure the principal fuel of the fall from the divine realm?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Limiting Beliefs411 views0 answers0 votes