DWQA Questions › Tag: Law of KarmaFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA close cousin of “white lies” are “lies of omission.” In navigating this world, one encounters people with “false impressions” based on judgments made quickly with incomplete information, or biases where contrary evidence is simply ignored. In these situations, allowing a person to continue believing and acting in a way that is contrary to the actual truth of a situation is often characterized as “lying by omission.” There can be countless motivations for doing this, from greed to sympathy to personal safety. Some would argue that lies of omission are just as dishonest as overt lies. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Divine Guidance240 views0 answers0 votesChildren are arguably told more white lies than anyone. Most people would argue that this is an imperative and that it would be almost impossible to raise healthy children without having to resort to them. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Divine Guidance243 views0 answers0 votesDr. Viktor Frankl wrote that in his opinion, it was possible to “lie with the truth.” He cited as an example a man who came to him plagued with guilt about an illicit affair he had some 20 years earlier. His wife never learned of it and was still ignorant of it when he sought Frankl’s advice. Dr. Frankl implored him NOT to tell her. His reason for doing so was because he believed that the man truly loved his wife and had no desire to traumatize her. Based on what he knew of the man’s wife, he was convinced that there was little to no chance of the wife receiving the news without drawing the false conclusion that he did not love her, and consequently would not be able to forgive him. So he attempted to coach the man, that telling her the truth, would be akin to lying, for it would encourage her to believe a lie—that her husband did not ever love her. The man ignored Frankl’s advice, and the result was an ugly divorce with both parties deeply emotionally traumatized. Was Frankl right? What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Divine Guidance302 views0 answers0 votesDick Sutphen in his book, Radical Spirituality, listed 69 reminders and asserted they were the only Bible anyone needed. Number 50 was, “Refuse to make choice based upon the expectations of others. Instead, act in ways consistent with your purpose.” Out of the 69 reminders, this one, if followed uncritically, could cause a great deal of trouble for a person in this world. Sometimes, not telling someone, like an authority figure, what they want or expect to hear, could be quite problematic. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Divine Guidance236 views0 answers0 votes“Informed consent” is obviously important to most people, and a fundamentally fair way to manage human affairs. Yet, in the realm of remote healing, it is possible to heal or attempt to heal someone without their knowledge, which would render moot any notion of their consent. Isn’t that dishonest? Can Creator tell us if Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are exempt from that concern, and if so, why?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Divine Guidance291 views0 answers0 votesGiven that bad thoughts about another person created in the dream state can actually harm them energetically, and incur a karmic penalty, how often do positive dreams with happy, loving, thoughts about another person create a benefit for that target, or do we spend most of our dream time focused on the negative?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness292 views0 answers0 votesCan we request through prayer to have inspiration given by the divine realm to suggest positive topics and agendas to dream about which would help others and the self, karmically?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness215 views0 answers0 votesIn Parkland, Florida, the Broward Sheriff’s Office and the school district actions reportedly contributed to the loss of 17 lives at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High. No one took charge for 58 minutes, while shooter Nikolas Cruz roamed at large firing at anyone he saw. A security monitor spotted Cruz walking through an unguarded gate with a rifle bag 20 minutes before dismissal. He informed another campus monitor by radio, but did not call a Code Red to put the school on lockdown. The school resource officer, who was the only armed cop on campus, drove toward the gunfire. But once he reached the outside of the building, he stayed there and took cover. Instead of ordering deputies toward the building, he called for a school lockdown. More deputies arrived, but hung back while the gunfire continued in the school. Cruz was able to walk out of the school unhindered but finally was arrested on a nearby street. In hindsight, the ineffective actions of the authorities came under criticism. Was this just confusion and cautious hesitation, given it was a school full of children, or was there a hidden reason for the slow response to the crisis?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control237 views0 answers0 votesThe questions for this show are derived from the life and work of the late hypnotist and prolific metaphysical author Dick Sutphen. Sutphen’s last book published in 2019, one year before his death at age 83, was titled Wisdom Erases Karma. There is no doubt that if Sutphen were to sum up his storied life in just three words, they would be “Wisdom Erases Karma.” These words were engraved on this tombstone, and the final sentence of his final book reads, “From my early days, I recognized that my life was about finding the wisdom to erase my karma.” What is Creator’s perspective on the phrase “Wisdom Erases Karma?”ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma229 views0 answers0 votesSutphen’s last wife before he died, Roberta Sutphen, is a gifted psychic medium. Like many gifted psychics, Roberta can communicate with her spirit guides readily. One day Roberta was frustrated and asked her principal guide, Lily, why she seems to get instant karma while some people they knew seemed to face no consequences at all? Lily told her there is a group of people who do not abide by the Law of Karma as we know it. … that there are two types of karma: those on the Karmic Wheel of Love and those on the Karmic Wheel of Fear. The laws are completely opposite. Every thought, intent, and desire for those on the Karmic Wheel of Love comes from God and shine in the light—the opposite is true for the Wheel of Fear. People on the Karmic Wheel of Fear are a collective mass that are earthbound and controlled by the Kingdom of Darkness. Can Creator tell us if this is true? Are there “two types of karma?”ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma245 views0 answers0 votesSutphen wrote more about Roberta’s guide’s response, ” … (people on the Karmic Wheel of Fear) are the psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists in your life … They are not individuals.” Dick Sutphen asked, “What does that mean?” Roberta’s guide, Lily, responded, “They don’t reincarnate like we do. They don’t go through the Pre Birth Planning. You might think you are incarnating with the same dark soul, but they are not souls. The individual you think you are going another round with will have the same energetic make-up, but they are not individuals and cannot reincarnate.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma266 views0 answers0 votesSutphen wrote yet more of Roberta’s guide’s response, “We were both curious about how dark souls end up on Earth. Lily said the Kingdom of Darkness believes they control birth and death of the mass, but that’s not entirely true. There is a group called the Master Architects of Reincarnation. Think of these Architects as Air Traffic Controllers. Their work is vital. There’s almost as many of them surrounding the Earth as there are humans. They only interact with spirits, such as your guides and masters. They are in control of the Earth’s balance, or karma, and help direct pre-destined events.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma254 views0 answers0 votesSutphen came up with five basic categories of Karma. 1. Balancing Karma, which is mechanical cause and effect, such as not being able to conceive a child because of child neglect in a past life. 2. Physical Karma, which is the misuse of a body in one life, so the appropriate affliction is created in a later life, such as being overweight because of starvation in a previous life. 3. False Fear Karma is from a traumatic past-life incident that generates fear that is no longer valid in the current context of your current life. 4. False Guilt Karma from taking on responsibility or blame for a past-life incident for which you are truly blameless. 5. Developed Ability or Awareness Karma, such as musical talent. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma234 views0 answers0 votesSutphen was convinced there was a Universal Law: The Law of Fearful Confrontation, “If you fear doing something, and yet have the courage to do it anyway, you will soon do a mental flip-flop and may even become addicted to doing it.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma254 views0 answers0 votesSutphen wrote about hypnotizing a woman with fibromyalgia which caused constant physical pain. He directed her back to the real cause of her pain. She began to describe her hard life as a Christian nun. She resided in a tiny cell and suffered physically. She said, “Christ suffered for us, so we must suffer for him as well.” She then said under hypnosis, “The physical pain began about the time I decided to devote my current hypnosis practice to Christ Consciousness work.” Sutphen explains, “Somehow her unconscious mind ‘connected’ the past-life suffering for Christ to a need to suffer doing similar work today.” Sutphen directed her to release the pain and she was fully recovered upon awakening. Can Creator comment on this?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma251 views0 answers0 votes