DWQA Questions › Tag: Law of KarmaFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesWhat else will help us understand the phenomenon of cordings generated by anger towards God?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma309 views0 answers0 votesThe Lightworker Healing Protocol has a section for dissolving energetic cords and healing their karmic consequences. Is it possible to have both positive and negative cords to the same person, place, or event? Or is the energetic connection itself neutral, and what is transmitted or conveyed over it determines the cord’s negativity or positivity?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma276 views0 answers0 votesCan Creator share how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help us deal with removing, or maintaining, these energetic connections in a manner that is highest and best for all involved?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma286 views0 answers0 votesWhy do so many of the truth claims emanating from The Spirits’ Book of Allan Kardec and the GetWisdom pantheon from Karl Mollison hang on the primary truth claim of reincarnation?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Allan Kardec424 views0 answers0 votesWas Karl, and those interested in the work at GetWisdom, destined to discover his previous incarnation as Allan Kardec? Did the divine realm plan this? Does the fact that Karl was once Allan Kardec represent a major contributing factor to the success of the GetWisdom mission?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Allan Kardec437 views0 answers0 votesIn Allan Kardec’s life he went from the accepted mainstream body of medical knowledge into a field riddled with skepticism, fraud, and charlatans; then, after painstaking research, taking what he learned and attempting to introduce back to those he left behind to consider a different view of human existence and the afterlife. Karl’s life’s path is similar, but the stakes seem much higher now. How are the challenges the same and how are they different?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Allan Kardec374 views0 answers0 votesWhy didn’t the spirits warn Allan Kardec about the problem of the ETs? It seems reasonable that this may have come up in some form given that many of the communications were not conducted under the purview of the divine realm, thus freeing them from the rule of not leading?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Allan Kardec438 views0 answers0 votesWhat was the understanding of the dark spirit meddlers when comparing what Allan learned to what Karl has learned?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Allan Kardec495 views0 answers0 votesIn the Lightworker Healing Protocol, we request dream state repair of cellular consciousness karmic issues in saying “Source Creator, work with the cellular consciousness of the body and mind directly, during the dream state, and give reminders as needed, to engage with the parts of the body and mind struggling with the most pressing client issues involving cellular memory, guiding it to call on the higher self and Creator directly by name for help to identify, heal, or replace in its own memory, beliefs, and emotional consequences, as well as the akashic records, what is highest and best to accomplish.” Instead of using the word “replace” would it be better to use the word “transmute” as that might give guidance and precision in carrying out the healing?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol288 views0 answers0 votesCan you confirm what we channeled, that free-floating memories are not created and stored by cellular consciousness, and does that apply to thought forms as well?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma263 views0 answers0 votesDoes Eye Motion Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) address and correct cellular memory issues? If so, how effectively compared to our current protocol with deep subconscious channeling?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Healing Modalities271 views0 answers0 votesThe Farsight Institute recently did a large remote viewing project on Lucifer. The Farsight Institute is an organization doing publicly accessible remote viewing based on military-developed protocols. An interesting point of distinction is their emphasis on recruiting young and diverse remote viewers. Knowing the influx of Indigo Children, it appears that most if not all of these young viewers (20-somethings at most) are indeed profoundly intuitive. What is Creator’s perspective on The Farsight Institute and its young, talented slate of remote viewers?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers337 views0 answers0 votesWe know that more than 90% of channelers are not channeling who they intend to channel. We also know that any intuitive outreach is potentially risky, both in terms of the veracity of the information received, as well as to the physical and spiritual well-being of the channeler. The Farsight Institute uses a military protocol and therefore does not reveal the target of the viewing prior to the remote viewing session. Does this ignorance on the part of the remote viewer provide any protection at all against interloper intrusion? Does it provide the intended protection against preconceived notions on the part of the remote viewer? If they are not getting adequate divine protection for their work, can that protection be provided, at least to some degree, by GetWisdom Lightworker Healing Protocol practitioners for these remote viewers as they do their work?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers296 views0 answers0 votesOne of the viewers saw Lucifer as a “created being” whose job was chaos to counter or offset ordered creation that was intended to create a balanced physical universe, but that he had rejected divine oversight and began to create chaos on his own. Can Creator comment on this observation? Would an analogy be the difference between a controlled demolition contractor and a terrorist bomber?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers318 views0 answers0 votesCan Creator comment further on what Lucifer’s job was, and presumably still would be, if he had not fallen and remained in divine alignment?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers329 views0 answers0 votes