DWQA Questions › Tag: kmFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesAre my hands less painful playing the piano from starting to take the product called Heal-n-Sooth?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Healing Modalities180 views0 answers0 votesRecently, a practitioner saw an amazing disappearance of chemtrails, twice. Is this connected to the Lightworker Healing Protocol?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol228 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner, who is very intuitive, described being in the woods and sensing the wild deer being somehow aware of being chosen by hunters, and not afraid. In follow-up to his deer hunting insight, can the willingness of animals to give up their lives in support of humanity be harnessed and repurposed to launch more LHP sessions?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol176 views0 answers0 votesHow effective is the use of melatonin for thrombosis, sepsis, and COVID Mortality Rate? Does it give a meaningful benefit?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Coronavirus COVID-19337 views0 answers0 votesIs the supplement, Ultra Accel II safe and helpful as claimed for boosting energy dramatically?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Healing Modalities224 views0 answers0 votesBecause Ultra Accel II is said to increase production of mitochondria, and also protect mitochondria from damage, would this actually be of prophylactic benefit in preventing cancer, and/or useful as a therapy for those with the disease?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Healing Modalities165 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “My Grandson is 7 years old and is acting out in school and the situation seems to be getting worse by the day. My daughter gets calls from his teacher constantly. He says that nobody likes him and that he has no friends and is being very disruptive in school. He has fits of anger and even hits himself. I have included him in literally over a thousand LHP sessions but things have not improved for him and I can’t imagine what it would be like without those LHPs. I love him more than I can express. Can you ask Creator about the cause of this (I suspect spirit meddlers) and what more can I do to help him?”ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control244 views0 answers0 votesHe asks further: “Why haven’t the many LHPs helped more? His mother, my daughter, who happens to be a Targeted Individual, is beside herself and the boy’s father is of little to no help.” What can we tell him?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control175 views0 answers0 votesA viewer writes: “Several years ago I contacted you for spiritual help for my daughter. She underwent a complete change within two weeks from the time of your intervention! She is now successful and is in a wonderful relationship! I also reached out when my other daughter suffered non-epileptic seizures from general anesthesia. Her issues were probably more medical in nature, but she too has made excellent progress, thank goodness. The problems I’m facing now stem from my narcissistic mother. She has always favored my older sister, and I was the family scapegoat. My sister and her husband have rallied around her, and no matter what they say or do, (even trivializing and mocking my daughter’s seizure disorder), my mother thinks they walk on water. My sister’s husband has been a primary instigator of conflict. He has always wanted to limit my sister’s interaction with my daughters and me. My mother’s sister once told me how she had never really liked me. She has played a role in dividing me from the rest of the family. My husband, who is the most pragmatic and level headed person I have ever met, made the observation that it was as if something had stolen my father’s soul. He became hostile toward me, insulting toward my husband, and worst of all, indifferent to my daughters. It’s beyond rational explanation. My therapist has advised me to go no-contact with these toxic relatives, but that is easier said than done. I think my mother hates me, yet she can’t leave me alone. She threatens, taunts, and gaslights me, then looks for sympathy from others when I try to tell her I have had enough. I feel that my husband and I are under psychic attack. I feel tremendous weight and darkness, and I am sick from the stress. I need spiritual protection! We also have tremendous financial need due to the medical debts we incurred while trying to help my daughter through her health problems over the past 4 years.” What is going on and what will help this situation?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control218 views0 answers0 votesIs this client a targeted individual, given that so many of her family, both blood relations and in-laws, mistreat her?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control202 views0 answers0 votesYou told us two years ago when we asked about reports showing that natural immunity from Covid-19 infection was not necessarily preventing re-infection and people were having sudden heart failure, that a second bout of infection with Covid-19 would cause a more serious illness than the initial infection, especially because of cardiac complications in as many as 10% of cases. Studies have reported people who are vaccinated but develop Covid-19, have more severe infections due to impaired Interferon-1 activity. Could another cause of the worsening be that vaccination, by producing the viral spike protein, is like a mini-illness, and sets people up for a worse illness should they become infected with the virus?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Coronavirus COVID-19322 views0 answers0 votesThere is a pervasive idea that suffering is currency, that suffering has value, and that it has a price that can be exchanged for actual tangible items of value. We see this play out in courtrooms all over the world every day where someone is awarded a monetary equivalent for pain and suffering. Where there is a direct linkage between a perpetrator and a victim, this makes some sense. Suffering is also imposed on perpetrators in a misguided effort to “even the score,” as in prison sentences. Again, the idea is that suffering has compensatory value. Does suffering have any value in the eyes of the Divine? Is there a suffering scorekeeper out there? Can we purchase redemption, enlightenment, or favor, exclusively via raw suffering without any requisite growth in wisdom? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divinely Inspired Messengers208 views0 answers0 votesThe idea that raw suffering has value is showcased most emphatically in the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It is a foundational notion in Christianity that “Jesus died for our sins,” that his suffering and death purchased God’s forgiveness for sinners, and that it was a necessary ransom to assuage the otherwise justice demanding, or perhaps even suffering-demanding God. If there is any truth to any of this, then it does indeed suggest that God values suffering in its own right, that there is a divine economy of suffering, with its own exchange rate, amortization, storage facilities, and even loans and credit. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divinely Inspired Messengers279 views0 answers0 votesMany, many people have reported seeing Jesus in near-death experiences and he is often the first contact personality that they encounter. This has happened to many folks who, while knowing of Jesus, professed not to have any faith in his actual existence. The encounters are consistent in portraying him as overwhelmingly kind, loving, gentle, patient, and non-judgmental. Often he will assume the role of coach and mentor and will try and help the departing soul figure out who they are, where they are, and what options they have, such as returning or staying. When did Jesus assume this role of greeting and coaching the dying? Was it immediately following his death and resurrection? Some have suggested that he exists in a voluntary form of limbo in order to take up the role of gatekeeper to heaven, and that taking up such residence in limbo REQUIRED his traumatic death so that he himself could get stuck in limbo, voluntarily. Something perhaps that would otherwise have been impossible given his normal vibrational levels, that this, in essence, is his sacrifice for our sake. Bottom line, is there any connection between his death and his current ongoing role of heavenly gatekeeper? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divinely Inspired Messengers283 views0 answers0 votesHow long does Jesus intend to fulfill this role of heavenly gatekeeper? Will this role become unnecessary following the ascension? Who else serves as gatekeepers for those who are unfamiliar with Jesus at all? In these near-death experiences, can interlopers, such as Anunnaki psychics, appear to souls as Jesus or some other divine figure? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divinely Inspired Messengers228 views0 answers0 votes