DWQA Questions › Tag: karmic lessonsFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesOne source says the aggregate soul age of humanity on Earth is adolescent. Getting at the notion of corruption, the source has this to say about the human condition: “As civilization ages with the soul age of this planet, so solutions to the human condition will emerge as the average soul level rises in age. Civilization will become primarily philosophical. … The soul, like the body, must develop within certain set limits. There is no express lane to the human understanding.” In other words, “relax, all in good time.” Meanwhile, aliens in “arrested development” are plotting to annihilate humanity. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 11 months ago • Human Potential113 views0 answers0 votesIt seems the heart of corruption can sometimes be HOW something is used, rather than the material being corrupt in its own right. A chisel sitting in a toolbox is arguably not corrupt but becomes corrupt when used as a screwdriver, for a purpose it was not intended to fulfill. Yet, in an emergency, the rules can change. Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, and Divine Life Support can help us use divine truth in a divinely aligned fashion while, at the same time, enabling us to be resourceful enough to make the best use of what we have when an emergency calls for it?ClosedNicola asked 11 months ago • Human Potential99 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Medieval Italian poet Dante Alighieri (1265 – 1321) is best known for his masterpiece “The Divine Comedy,” which describes a journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise; in the journey, he is first guided by the Roman poet Virgil and then by Beatrice, his true love. This work is now regarded as a foundation of Western art and literature. How accurate is this map of the afterlife? Does it reflect the destiny of certain souls?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Divinely Inspired Messengers255 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “Was Dante really visited by spirits from the spirit world? To what extent did Creator inspire this vision, or was it just a version of religious dogma of the time?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Divinely Inspired Messengers205 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Why did our prayers for divine protection for myself and my puppy not keep her from being struck by a car and killed? Her leash got away from me, allowing this to happen. Was it purely my own inattention and lack of rigorous leash control of a puppy not fully in control of her impulses and discipline yet, and the traffic dangers around here, or was it perhaps destiny and beyond my control?” What can we tell him?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Karma193 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “I know that very often very faithful people do not have their prayers answered and may die under any number of circumstances. Was it presumptuous to assume that our guides, guardians, and Creator would be able to use divine grace borrowed from all our prayers to stop this? That is, to stop me from dropping the leash, my puppy from running into the road, slow time down and allow me to dive to block her or grab her, or have the vehicle miraculously miss her or something similar, such as by turning back time and having us do something else?” What can we tell him?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Karma178 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “I tend to think that since this happened on my watch I must take responsibility. I had a similar experience with my childhood dog when I was about 10 years old. I loved them both so much and was so looking forward to seeing them grow and live long and healthy lives. Was there any connection?” What can we tell him?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Karma147 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “After the collision did happen, was it unbelief that prevented a miracle of total restoration when it looked like she was okay after the huge impact and found on the other side of the road standing up and looking normal? We’ve seen many miracles and this would have been a great one. There was no blood initially and seemingly no broken bones, torn cartilage or ligaments, maybe even no concussion. Was all that by divine grace so that she did not feel pain?” What can we tell him?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Karma155 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks about the following prayer: “‘May all beings be peaceful and happy. May all beings be safe and well. May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature. May all beings be free.’ This prayer for loving kindness of the Buddhist tradition appears to help raise those feelings when I repeat it. Is this able to promote my emotions to higher energies of loving kindness? Would it help raise my compassion and intention before doing the LHP?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Prayer165 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “Will addressing Creator directly make this prayer for loving kindness better? Is it truly a prayer or is something different working here?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Prayer164 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “Would benefit extend to others more effectively by adding them as specific targets in this traditional Buddhist prayer of loving kindness? How has this tradition benefited the world by its practice?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Prayer159 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Can the deep subconscious refuse the Deep Subconscious Mind Reset healing from Creator? What about other parts of the mind or cells?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Subconscious Channeling159 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Does the deep subconscious require a high enough belief quotient to work with Creator in a Deep Subconscious Mind Reset session?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Subconscious Channeling136 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Does the deep subconscious know who it is working with when it is doing a Deep Subconscious Mind Reset session (higher self, Creator, or another channel)?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Subconscious Channeling165 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Can you give us a tutorial on how the free will mechanics apply between Creator and the targets of the Deep Subconscious Mind Reset?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Subconscious Channeling149 views0 answers0 votes