DWQA Questions › Tag: inner fearFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesApostle Peter said: “‘But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day…’ (2Peter 3:8,10)” What is the true meaning of this it was intended to convey?ClosedNicola asked 2 months ago • Divine Realm125 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “I get nightmares about test taking. I fail simple tests. I got very poor standardized test scores. I freak out and get panic attacks even with a simple test. For example, I would do okay when I am doing accounting by myself (after a lot of struggle), but not taking a test for accounting…I’m even very poor with test taking outside of academics. For example, if you would ask me to make a simple cup of coffee and present it like a test, there is a 99% chance, I will mess it up. I also have issues in giving job interviews, I freak out and I even faint sometimes.” Is this anxiety a consequence of her being a targeted individual?ClosedNicola asked 2 months ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control81 views0 answers0 votesCan her test anxiety be overcome through divine healing using the protocols?ClosedNicola asked 2 months ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control72 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “It’s very painful to hear my son scream but it seems to be the only thing that helps him receive any kind of feedback from us. I was guided by my friends at my church that they regretted not spanking their children. And the Bible quotes about sparing the rod. Are we in divine alignment spanking our son when he does make improvement from this? But it also sounds like an exorcism because of the way he has been programmed by the darkness.” What can we tell her?ClosedNicola asked 2 months ago • Divine Guidance93 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Recently, several sources have been allowing those who have had near-death experiences describe those who went to Hell. However, these go into deep details of horrific torture usually with a guide such as Jesus Christ. Showing how they, too, will be tortured, in how and what graphic ways as the Pit of Fire. My question is, to be so realistic in their mind, is this just a manifestation of their own judgment as a thought stream, or is it, in fact, created by the dark spirits in conjunction with the Extraterrestrial Alliance using religious symbolism?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 2 months ago • Human Lost Soul Spirits167 views0 answers0 votesCan you give us a new case study example of an individual or group benefited by the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, for use in our next Divine Life Support webinar (January, 2025)?ClosedNicola asked 2 months ago • Divine Life Support72 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “I want to let you know that this morning I had my echography with my doctor. To our surprise, the placenta wasn’t placed over my cervix. Which means I don’t have placenta previa and it will be safe to do a natural birth. Could you check with Creator what has happened here? Did the doctor make a wrong analysis the first time? Or did a miracle occur with the LHP by my mom who specifically asked for a miracle? What is Creator’s perspective?”ClosedNicola asked 2 months ago • Karma65 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “The database classifies fear as the opposite of love. Can you please revisit this question? I postulate that perhaps the opposite of Love is Judgment at the root cause. There can be no fear without a judgment first. If it is possible to have fear before judgment, for example, a subconscious energetic imprint, can Creator clarify and verify this for us? Are both fear and judgment correct depending on the circumstances?”ClosedNicola asked 2 months ago • Divine Guidance81 views0 answers0 votesThe excitement is growing since the Nov. 5th, 2024 election, about the incoming presidential administration which is already brimming with ideas and agendas to right prior wrongs, reform and streamline the U.S. government, restore global peace quickly, etc. Does that mean the fun will continue now, well past the inauguration? Are plans to launch the tidal power outages, gold reset, and Alien Disclosure going to be delayed significantly further, well into 2025?ClosedNicola asked 2 months ago • Extraterrestrial Agenda114 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “I’m in need of some urgent insights into my current pregnancy. I’m almost 7 months pregnant. Everything went well so far. However, last Friday I visited my gynecologist and he did a quick ultrasound. He noticed that my placenta was blocking my cervix which is called “placenta previa.” He is going to do a more profound echography in two weeks to check again. If this is the case, I will need to have a c-section which is not something I look forward to. The biggest risk factor with placenta previa is sudden bleeding from the vagina in the second part of pregnancy. Bleeding may be severe and life threatening. I feel vulnerable and stressed. Last night I dreamed I had blood loss. This is probably just fear-based. At the beginning of my pregnancy, I also experienced blood loss. It looked like a miscarriage but everything was well with the baby. A “psychic” woman told me I had a twin but it was never the intention of the “other” soul to be born. This soul only wanted to experience a brief time in the physical to complete some cycles. If I’m having placenta previa, what is the true cause for this? Am I in danger of life threatening complications?” What can we tell her?ClosedNicola asked 2 months ago • Karma47 views0 answers0 votesShe asks: “Did I, indeed, have a twin at the beginning of my pregnancy, and has this in any way contributed to my placenta previa?” What can we tell her?ClosedNicola asked 2 months ago • Karma62 views0 answers0 votesThen there is the problem of placing a collective problem squarely on the shoulders of the individual because societal leaders neglect their duty to provide a solution. Disposable batteries and fluorescent light bulbs are a good example. Both are considered toxic waste and almost everyone knows that they should not be just dumped in landfills but disposed of through careful recycling and recovery of the toxic components. Yet, the responsibility for proper disposal is placed fully on the consumer. Doing the “proper disposal” often means a long drive, wait, and expense to take these items to designated recycling centers which, on top of that, often have limited collection hours available. The result is “good” people who regret tossing their batteries into the ordinary garbage do it anyway because doing it right is simply too expensive in time, effort, and money. And even though ostensibly illegal to do so, there is virtually no enforcement to actually punish anyone for improper disposal. What is Creator’s perspective and advice for concerned individuals wanting to do the right thing?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Problems in Society179 views0 answers0 votesPrior to the recent agreement to withdraw after the Disclosure Event and take a break from their endless manipulations of our planet and everything on it, has it been a kind of free-for-all, where many individuals can come and take a turn, perhaps competing amongst their brethren to see who can be most clever, most destructive, most innovative, and so on? Or is there an agreed on main agenda where all must follow an approved set of guidelines and goals? There have been at least a couple major motion pictures having a futuristic theme where people can use an advanced technology to journey to an artificial world and adopt a persona to have lifelike experiences for fun and relaxation, or challenge and excitement. One was Westworld, depicting people going back to the old West to take on gunslingers, and more recently, the movie Total Recall, where people could pay to have a vacation in their mind that was totally lifelike. Both movies showed a dark side in having an unexpected blending with reality. This was also a theme used many times in the Star Trek franchise, in having spaceships with a Holodeck that future explorers could visit during long voyages as a lifelike experiencing of other worlds and plotlines for fun and learning opportunities. Are these a kind of inversion of what the extraterrestrials do in visiting our world, coming to participate as observers who can manipulate us, in reality, to act out their fantasies and darkest thoughts for amusement and gratification, but without taking any risk themselves?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers202 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Please help me better understand the healing of emotional expression and regulation in intimate relationships. Some therapies sift through childhood experiences to find reasons why people respond the way they do. Others argue that each person’s actions spark reactions in the other. In this case, the dynamics between partners becomes the focus of healing, not the individual alone. Is it better to work on healing emotions with another, where negative emotions are calmed and we find our balance? Or is it cellular consciousness, that can become a part of the personality through its influence on the makeup of a person, that should be the focus of healing? How can these approaches be optimized?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Subconscious Mind120 views0 answers0 votesTropical Storm Trami recently struck the Philippines, on Oct. 26, 2024, dumping 1 2 month’s rain in 24 hours and causing massive flooding and landslides. There are more than 140 dead officially, with likely a rising death toll as the search for missing citizens continues. Was this a natural weather event, a consequence of climate change, or something else at work?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Extraterrestrial Agenda117 views0 answers0 votes