DWQA Questions › Tag: human freedomFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA practitioner asks: “Is it healthy to have one leader for a whole nation? Or is this current state of affairs in human politics, even in democracies, a corruption where one individual holds so much political power? What would be a more divinely aligned way of governance? Will there be politics after the Ascension?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions113 views0 answers0 votesIf people are praying for health and well-being, yet have bad habits that undermine their health, will that behavior block divine assistance to counteract it as, in a sense, to intervene is going against human free will choices?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Prayer144 views0 answers0 votesA viewer writes: “I come to you humbly today to ask about my husband. I got a ‘knowing’ 4 years ago that he was part of the Mercenary Army Program (MAP) and upon further reflection, that one of his brothers and sisters was involved as well. You confirmed that to be true at the time. Last weekend, I got a similar ‘knowing’ that he has been released and is now safe. I just burst into tears, and want this to be true with all my heart. Can you please check and ask if he is now safe? Are his other two relatives with this history safe now, too?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Extraterrestrial Mercenary Army Program (SSP)132 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner writes: “Exactly three years ago, my husband was diagnosed with Stage 4, terminal colon and lung cancer, and given 6 months to live. He has received over 5500 hours of chemo since then. It has not stemmed the growth of the tumors. In fact, they have grown 50% since he started, but the doctor has confirmed that the growth continues to be slow. The doctors are surprised that he is still here, even as the chemo begins to take a real toll on his body. To me, that is part of the miracle that he has received, that he is physically still here to continue receiving healing from all the prayers and all the Lightworker Healing Protocol-Deep Subconscious Mind Reset sessions he has received. He is now taking Creator’s recommended antiviral supplements, and I pray that they are somehow helping even in his advanced stage of illness. It has been a long, rather exhausting journey for us. I was forced to retire earlier this year to be available to care for him, even as he continues to work himself (he works from home as a computer programmer). As devastated as I was to be forced out, it has turned out to be a huge blessing. Now I can focus on him and on my prayer and healing work. Is there anything that Creator can share with me about the rest of his journey? I am so grateful for the gift of TIME that we have received to work on his healing and know that I can trust he will continue to receive the very best healing with however much time he has left on this Earth. I believe in, and pray for, miracles, for all of us!” What is Creator’s perspective we can share?ClosedNicola asked 6 months ago • Extraterrestrial Mercenary Army Program (SSP)112 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “‘Peter Pan Syndrome’ labels adults who seem unwilling or unable to take on adult responsibilities. It is characterized by avoidance of responsibility, difficulty in committing to relationships, careers, or life decisions, and prioritizing “freedom.” To what extent is this caused by childhood failures or distress making adulthood seem daunting, and to what extent is this mind control manipulation by subconscious programming from cellphones, WiFi, gaming, etc?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 7 months ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control147 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “Will karmic healing by the LHP alone be enough to heal those affected by ‘Peter Pan Syndrome?’ Will taking on responsibilities gradually, talking therapies, and encouragement be an effective treatment?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 7 months ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control101 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “Should parents set boundaries on expected behaviors and obligations and enforce with consequences when addressing ‘Peter Pan Syndrome?'” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 7 months ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control94 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “How do we keep children, who don’t like to be physically active, interested in things outside since many children today are not involved in farming, fishing, chopping wood for use in a fire, etc? Children who do like to be active, have tons of sports…and other activities to keep them going 24/7, such as amusement parks or activity centers with cycling, climbing, swimming, the list goes on. What about all the children who don’t like any of this? The ones who probably would have loved to be more practical with hands-on tasks, getting mucky and dirty, splashing about for no other reason than to be doing it? How do we find things for them to do in today’s world?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Problems in Society230 views0 answers0 votesWhat are the reasons for my client’s husband needing divine help? Is he in the Mercenary Army Program? Are the problems behind his abusive nature being exacerbated by spirit meddlers only, or is he a targeted individual, or the wife?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mercenary Army Program (SSP)221 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Creator, the government in my country (Norway) is planning to introduce a vaccine passport, although there might be a violation of human rights, segregating people in this way. What outcome is the most likely, at this point, in my country, and throughout the world? Is it likely the society will be divided into two groups—the group of vaccinated with unlimited rights to travel and partake in all activities and the group of unvaccinated who will face limitations?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Coronavirus COVID-19463 views0 answers0 votesWhen we look at all of creation, we observe how much Creator values non-conformity. Every snowflake is unique, every grain of sand. Yet the dominant characteristic of the suburb is its stultifying conformity. One of the “outcomes” of suburban living is the widely observed phenomenon of “keeping up with the Joneses.” How much of this is repressed creativity wanting recognition, and how much is it a pursuit of power obsession that reveals the influence of the interlopers?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Problems in Society329 views0 answers0 votesAnother observed aspect of life in suburbia is how “lonely” it is. Even more so now than fifty years ago. People can live next door to each other, and almost NEVER even see each other. Lawn services have eliminated the need to be outside for landscape maintenance, and even garage door openers mean never having to use the front door or even be seen outside carrying groceries into the house. The days of borrowing a cup of sugar from your neighbor are all but over in most places now. Many people build their own swimming pools, and community pools have been suffering for years. Even within the house, kids are “blessed” with their own rooms, so they don’t even have to interact with their siblings and even parents that often. Can Creator comment on this?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Problems in Society397 views0 answers0 votesIt has been stated that as much as one-third of America’s richest farmland has been lost to suburbia or “urban sprawl.” This seems like an unrecognized yet extraordinary cost for the privilege of having to cut a quarter acre of grass every week. Couple that with the need to keep actual vegetable gardens inconspicuous in many such communities, and it seems there is something truly amiss in the American Dream of life in suburbia. What is Creator’s perspective on this, and what does this loss of arable land truly signify?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Problems in Society371 views0 answers0 votesThe typical suburban home is actually built for a nuclear family with at least two or more children. Yet we see some McMansions with thousands of square feet of living space, and five bedrooms and bathrooms, being owned and lived in by childless couples. At some level, this seems a bit insane. Yet it is almost becoming the norm now. The defense is that the home is not just a dwelling, but an investment. Contrast all these underutilized investments with the growing and overwhelming homeless problem in this country, and one standing back from it all has to think, “There must be a better way!” What is Creator’s perspective on all of this?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Problems in Society373 views0 answers0 votesCan Creator share how prayer work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help us create a better and more balanced collective future for all, that preserves some of the benefits of suburban living while mitigating and even eliminating most of its adverse effects?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Problems in Society376 views0 answers0 votes