DWQA Questions › Tag: hidden handFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA viewer asks: “Is the Seymore Hersh Substack article about the sabotage of the Nordstream pipeline an example of the ET manipulation of our government officials?”ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions207 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “For some reason Big Foot, Yeti or Sasquatch and Dog Man cryptid creatures are a recent fascination for me. Have these creatures been placed here to work for evil during the alien planned annihilation? What are they? Is there some way we can utilize these creatures and other animals to help us?”ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness265 views0 answers0 votesWhat were the objects that were shot down by the military above Alaska and Canada over the past two days? Is it safe to talk about in our webinar today?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Caution245 views0 answers0 votesThere was a commentary on a cable TV show about a secret report describing how U.S. Navy divers blew up the Nordstream 2 pipeline. So far, it has been ignored by the mainstream news outlets. Is that disinformation to cover up rather than reveal the true authors of that mystery?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions183 views0 answers0 votesA device called Fuel-Pro and produced by a company off-shoot with Elon Musk, is promoted as almost doubling gas mileage for vehicles made since 1995. It plugs into an access port that allows fine-tuning of the engine performance, and the device loads proprietary software that is claimed to greatly increase efficiency of fuel consumption. Is it effective as advertised?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Caution242 views0 answers0 votesIs this another way to ingratiate Elon Musk with the public, in preparation for him to be a spokesperson for the Extraterrestrial Disclosure?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Caution331 views0 answers0 votesWe were sent a description from a foreign source about a coming financial collapse: “There was a meeting of the FDIC some time ago talking about what to do about the banking system collapse that is imminent. I saw the actual meeting video, yes it was leaked. You can learn all about this on a program called “Redacted.” You can learn about a legal term called “Bail-In,” the opposite of “Bail out” which allows the Banks to take your money to use. Yes, if you don’t know this, check it out with Google. Cyprus, some Banks in Africa, some people in different States in US have had money taken out of their accounts, some people in paying credit cards have had the transfer put on hold for 10 days, some people have not been able to get cash from ATMs. I can no longer get cash from ATM’s here. “Some people” is not communicating what is really going on and what is going to go on. This is not fake news. The FDIC has 2 billion in reserves to cover 6 trillion it will owe, so will not be able to cover peoples’ losses.” Is this what’s coming? Will it happen throughout the U.S. or is this exaggerated disinformation?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions308 views0 answers0 votesI have a feeling that Elon Musk is planned to play a role in the extraterrestrial Disclosure event, by coming forward and revealing he is an extraterrestrial himself. As people see him as human, and some as superhuman, this would be a way to bridge the gap and establish trust in the alien deception. Is this the reason for the warnings about him you have given?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Caution549 views0 answers0 votesThere seems to never be a shortage of human incompetence to marvel at. It has come to be such a universally anticipated condition that people expect it, and hardly act surprised when it shows up almost like clockwork. Yet some examples are just so simply over the top that it “beggars belief.” Few stop and really consider if this widespread nincompoopery might actually be orchestrated and not a completely natural condition of humanity. This is reflected by the widely embraced quote by an unknown author: “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.” And this one by Peter Bergen: “Incompetence is a better explanation than conspiracy in most human activity.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Human Corruption228 views0 answers0 votes“You had one job” is a phrase that has taken the “Internet Meme World” by storm, and epitomizes the belief in and, dare we say it, the celebration of human incompetence. Speaking of “one job,” and referring back to a couple of shows ago, Creator revealed that the Detroit Lions were “messed with” by the interlopers contributing to a very lopsided loss that all but extinguished their hopes of making the playoffs. But, as their “luck” would have it, it turns out a pivotal game that would have sent the Lions to the playoffs was discovered by NFL league officials, and numerous professional pundits, to be the worst refereed game of the entire 2022 2023 NFL season! So bad, in fact, that it has become an inquiry for the NFL Competition Committee. There were no less than five egregiously botched calls that all favored the Seattle Seahawks. As a result, the Los Angeles Rams, who mostly dominated the game, lost to the Seahawks in overtime and kept the Detroit Lions from reaching the playoffs. One missed call, in particular, was when the Seattle quarterback intentionally grounded the ball and no referee called a penalty. Literally, everyone else watching the game saw how obvious a penalty it was, yet seven referees who had “one job,” failed to call it. What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Human Corruption203 views0 answers0 votesIf it turns out that the referees were manipulated, could a SINGLE LHP, said for the referees of that game a week in advance, have been enough to change the outcome? Would the Lions likely be in the playoffs as a result?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Human Corruption189 views0 answers0 votesWe have learned in this project that what we humans would consider wildly improbable is often, in fact, just the opposite. The vast majority of people would consider it wildly improbable that members of extraterrestrial species, with Star Trek level technology, would ever bother to travel to the future to discover if the Detroit Lions defeat the Green Bay Packers. It feels utterly RIDICULOUS to even type this out! But, given what we’ve learned about how the interlopers entertain themselves, and further knowing that time travel is easy and a “no-brainer” for them, is it, in fact, a ridiculous hypothesis to consider?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Human Corruption200 views0 answers0 votesAnd furthermore, is it possible that the interlopers saw the Lions winning, in spite of numerous attempts to manipulate the players and officials to affect the outcome? And, as a result of witnessing this probable outcome against their liking, turned their attention instead to manipulating another game that had determinative consequences for the Lions while, at the same time, sullying the deteriorating reputation of NFL referees further which, of course, serves the interlopers by manipulating humans to lose confidence in human leadership in general? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Human Corruption193 views0 answers0 votesThe “Darwin Awards” is another Internet invention, going all the way back to when the Internet was in its absolute infancy. Wikipedia describes them as “… a tongue-in-cheek honor that originated in Usenet newsgroup discussions around 1985. They recognize individuals who have supposedly contributed to human evolution by selecting themselves out of the gene pool by dying or becoming sterilized via their own actions.” One 2022 incident up for nomination is a man who broke into an Italian grocery store, and pausing for a drink, attempted to pull a single bottle of water out of a pallet that was part of a towering edifice of water pallets stacked to the high ceiling. As a result of his effort to quench his thirst, he ended up tipping the entire stack and it collapsed on top of him, killing him instantly (or one hopes it was instant!). Once again the “Darwin Awards” comes across as a celebration of human incompetence and helps to reinforce the widespread conviction in it. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Human Corruption248 views0 answers0 votesSo-called “slap-stick” comedy also comes across as a celebration of human incompetence. The list is too long to even categorize but includes such classics as The Keystone Cops, The Three Stooges, Get Smart, Gilligan’s Island, The Naked Gun, and even the famous Pink Panther movies with Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau. What is Creator’s perspective of “slap-stick” comedy and its celebration of incompetence?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Human Corruption219 views0 answers0 votes