DWQA QuestionsTag: heaven
A practitioner writes: “[I had an] energetic healing experience I want to share with you. I used the Lightworker Healing Protocol to do a spiritual healing for “TIME” this morning. At the end of the session, I felt strong, wavy-like waves of energy, moving from right to left, through my head, my body; the entire room. I got up and walked to a mirror. I felt different, like there was “more of me” looking back at me in the reflection. I felt “charged up,” similar to that feeling you get when you do something of high moral character for someone else; an act of kindness. I felt GREAT. A high-frequency, audible emotion (I really don’t know how else to describe it) stayed with me long after the session. Something’s different. Something feels different. Better. Higher. I went to the kitchen sink to fill a pitcher with water for the coffee maker. This is going to sound crazy but here goes: The water looks different – thicker – more meaningful. I’m mesmerized by it. I’m standing there looking at the water. I put my palm on the side of the pitcher. The water reacts. The counter is perfectly still. My hand is still. I could feel the energy passing from my hand to the water. (See the attached video link.) I feel like if I were to really try, I might get the water to dance. What happened was from leftover energy from the LHP I had just wrapped up. What has happened over here?”
ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • 
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“Karl, I’ve never heard anyone comment on or even say “the spiral staircase” with regards to spiritual matters, yet you mentioned it in the webinar today. I remember a dream I had when I was a child, 5 years old, or so. I was walking up a spiral staircase with other beings ahead of me as well as behind me. This staircase was very strong and stable. It had no handles on either side to hold on to and each step was floating on its own. The staircase was in space. We were all in space. Just space. I remember seeing stars. We were following someone we loved. I intuitively knew I would not fall because my faith would not allow me to entertain such a thought. At the time I had felt the knowing that I could not fall, a suggestion or thought entered my mind: “Look down, look at the stairs, so you don’t fall – you could fall; you might fall.” My heart jumped. I knew not to look. Just entertaining the thought would be a disappointment to God, I thought. Actually looking would have consequences, it felt wrong. I heard the suggestion again “You might fall; you could fall.” The moment fear entered my mind, I fell off the staircase. I fell for what felt a long while and I woke up feeling nervous and disappointed. Was this a portent of things to come? When I grew up and was a young adult, I was lost among some very dark influences, even trying suicide several times. I’ve been through the worst of the worst for sure. I’ve recovered since those dark times and have come back stronger than ever. I know I’ve been noticed. I work very hard at staying in divine alignment. What is the significance of people climbing a spiral staircase somewhere beyond the Earth?” Was this a prophetic dream?
ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • 
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Do light beings date and have relationships, and marriages?
ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • 
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