DWQA Questions › Tag: heavenFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesAn Ontario, Canada mother decided to hold off on any religious instruction of her daughter until she was older. Nevertheless, the daughter spoke about angels and orbs often and saw auras and colors. Her explanation was that they were floating balls of light. When the daughter was five, she was diagnosed with ADHD. One day she burst into tears and said, “Why did God have to make this world so hard? I just want to be with God and the angels!” This was not the only time she had referred to being upset with God and how the world was—she was so aware of how nasty some of the world could be. It may not be the case with this particular little girl but doesn’t this kind of disappointment, confusion, and frustration, continue at a subconscious level after the age of six? Might it explain why so many are upset with God, and that it might be one of the major contributors to deciding later in life, “God doesn’t exist?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Divine Realm309 views0 answers0 votesA New Jersey mother wrote that when her son was very young, he told her about the “getting-born game.” He said that he and a few of his friends were in a big church up in the clouds before they were born. They were crawling in a circle around a hole in the floor, and the floor was made of clouds. There was beautiful music playing. Every now and then the music would stop, and one of the friends would go down the hole and get born. What can Creator tell us about the reality behind this child’s story?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Divine Realm270 views0 answers0 votesA New Jersey nanny to a two-and-a-half-year-old boy reported being in a park with the child, and the park was filled with fuzzy dandelions. They were blowing dandelion seeds from their stems when the boy suddenly stopped blowing, looked down at the stem, and said, “I used to be the god of these.” Then he got up and ran off. Can Creator share with us if this boy was communicating a spiritual memory of profound significance?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Divine Realm274 views0 answers0 votesA New Jersey mother wrote, “My youngest saw a swastika and told me that she’d had it on her sleeve, which was a bad thing. She was a man in a bad war and had died, and had a little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She said that she came to make up for what she’d done before. She also used to hear voices, and it seemed to upset her when she found out that none of us heard them.” What can Creator tell us about this remarkable story?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Divine Realm259 views0 answers0 votesSkeptics constantly complain there is no proof of heaven, God, and angels. The notion is so pervasive that even many devoutly faithful believe there is no proof. Dr. Dyer’s last book shatters that myth. Finally, there is truly compelling evidence, genuine testimony that in many situations has no rational explanation other than actual validity of experience and contact with the supernatural divine realm. This book should be on coffee tables everywhere and appears to be the kind of paradigm changing literature that can truly change the world if used wisely and persuasively. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Divine Realm289 views0 answers0 votesA California mother wrote that her eight-year-old daughter said, “Mama, in the next era when we have new life, we will still look like humans – but we will have new minds, and we will be kind to each other, and we will love nature, and we will live with the trees in tree houses and we will be happy.” Was this remarkable young lady seeing the post-ascension future of humanity? How can Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol ensure that her vision does indeed become the “next era” of humanity?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Divine Realm322 views0 answers0 votesA client asks about the recent clearing on her home: “Were there any spirits here that needed to be moved on? I hear occasional noises and try to always debunk them. After you got rid of the last spirit, I just wanted to see if he’s moved to the attic in our house as it’s now where I hear loud noises.” Was the female spirit we saw originally removed successfully? Has a new spirit moved in?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Human Lost Soul Spirits276 views0 answers0 votesWhen life is new, whether a new soul or even a new baby, is there a feeling of safety, and is it the natural condition of consciousness—until it is disturbed?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Limiting Beliefs264 views0 answers0 votesTrust is very closely associated with safety. It’s easy to trust when one feels safe, and very difficult when one does not. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Limiting Beliefs266 views0 answers0 votesIn the animal kingdom, safety is largely arranged by instinct, though some of the more intelligent species do seem to engage in some tutoring of the young. In truly sentient beings, the role of instinct is seemingly performed by a complex and often contradictory and conflicting collection of beliefs, some of which the individual is aware of consciously, and many they are not. Can Creator comment on the similarity of belief to instinct, as well as the critical differences when it comes to feeling and arranging safety for oneself and others?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Limiting Beliefs258 views0 answers0 votesIn legal contracts, the boilerplate language can get quite lengthy and detailed. It has been said that every sentence in the boilerplate represents something bad and disastrous that happened, which necessitated the invention and introduction of that language into the model contract. Does the complex collection of beliefs held by every sentient being regarding safety and what constitutes it, and what is needed to provide for it, evolve in a similar fashion—that with every disaster, beliefs about safety and what is needed to assure it are created and/or augmented?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Limiting Beliefs263 views0 answers0 votesIs the overwhelming need for power and control, in fact, an overcompensating desire to provide an adequate level of safety for the self and ones the self cares for?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Limiting Beliefs281 views0 answers0 votesIt is said that addictions to things we need are the hardest to overcome. One can quit cigarettes cold turkey, but not eating. Likewise one cannot overcome an exaggerated need for safety, by renouncing it completely. It seems that being safe is actually a compromise at all times and places. No one can be perfectly safe, yet we see overcompensation and negligence everywhere all the time, often on display in the same person. It seems acquiring an enlightened perspective on one’s safety is actually akin to enlightenment itself? What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Limiting Beliefs291 views0 answers0 votesLove is a close kin to safety—in that love in a compelling sense is a condition, a state of safety, and that pure love is pure safety. And where safety is in short supply, we often find love to be as well. What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Limiting Beliefs249 views0 answers0 votesIt seems safety is, in essence, a complex miasma of beliefs, often contradictory. Can Creator tell us how belief replacement can work effectively on this problem? We are told, however, that beliefs that are held and embraced by the individual, are often left alone or avoided because they are considered a product of, or adoption by, free will choice. This seems to be one of the biggest barriers there is in terms of getting help from the divine, for people identify quite strongly with their outlooks and beliefs about safety and what constitutes it. What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Limiting Beliefs272 views0 answers0 votes