DWQA Questions › Tag: generosityFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesCreator recently channeled that the greatest karmic rewards come to those who take on the greatest challenges. You wouldn’t think that playing football for the Detroit Lions would amount to much of a karmic challenge, but since we have learned that they have been a targeted group since 1958, and Detroit is a targeted city due to Detroit’s prominent role in helping the Allies win World War II, it turns out that anyone playing for and coaching for the Detroit Lions was putting themselves squarely in harm’s way. Detroit developed a pernicious and persistent losing culture. Like many karmic dilemmas, it seemed the situation just got worse with time. Negative karma has a tendency to compound, to spiral downward, and eventually reach a point where the entity trapped in the dilemma is no longer in a position to save themselves. Was this truly the situation with the Lions organization prior to a campaign being launched to heal them using the Lightworker Healing Protocol? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Karma146 views0 answers0 votesLightworker Healing Protocol sessions being done for the Detroit Lions were aimed at providing protection from targeting and manipulation. This is a complex request because the free will choices of the interlopers doing the targeting still needed some allowance for expression within the divine rules of engagement. The request was never, “Creator, help the Lions win.” It was soon noticed that the frequency and severity of injuries did, in fact, seem to decline. But something else also seemed to happen, the team dramatically improved its play and started winning. But the improvement seemed way out of proportion in contrast to the requests for protection from harm. When asked about it, Creator said it was a backlog of compensatory karma coming to bear after decades of targeting. Yet, it seems that this compensatory karma could not be brought to bear until the healing campaign was launched. Can Creator explain how compensatory karma can be held at bay by the pernicious downward spiral of negative karma?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Karma102 views0 answers0 votesWhen putting these questions together, a pundit on a podcast playing in the background commented, “This might be the most dramatic turnaround in NFL history.” The Lions are now favored by Las Vegas oddsmakers to win the Super Bowl. That is actually shocking to a lot of fans and observers. Many have commented that to the extent the Lions were once cursed, they are now blessed. Where previously everything was destined to go wrong, now they are destined to not only go right but brilliantly so. The Lions, in just the last three years, have not only drafted good players but arguably numerous future Hall of Fame players. Many have commented they appear to be a “TEAM OF DESTINY.” In a world increasingly secular, the very concept of someone or some group as having a destiny implies something nonrandom and spiritual in origin. A “HAND OF DESTINY” guiding the fortunes. It would be interesting to know how many reputed atheists still believe in destiny. What can Creator tell us about the concept and reality of destiny?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Karma115 views0 answers0 votesCritics of the notion of having a genuine destiny would simply point out the apparent randomness of life events. But to say this argument is weak is a massive understatement. What is the interloper position on destiny? Do they reject it entirely and think humans are immensely silly for entertaining the very notion? Don’t the interlopers in saner moments ever recognize that randomness is actually an exceptionally poor explanation for something like the Lions’ abrupt turnaround, even as they continue the targeting against the Lions? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Karma117 views0 answers0 votesWhat came first, the chicken or the egg? It seems pretty clear that a Lightworker Healing Protocol campaign was needed to stop the karmic tailspin the Lions were in. Was the LHP campaign itself a karmic response? In other words, did karma itself play a role in bringing about the healing campaign? Or was the healing campaign a divine response and not of karmic origin per se? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Karma127 views0 answers0 votesIn the study of warfare, it is asserted that most battles are won or lost before the first shot is fired. In other words, planning and anticipating all the needs of an army in battle will ensure victory far more than whatever actually happens on the battlefield spontaneously. Taking on a spiraling karmic dilemma aggravated by active targeting done by invisible interlopers seems a truly daunting problem to solve. In order to take this on, it seems like a lot of planning and preparation back in the light was needed. Was this planning and preparation, again, itself a karmic response, or was it a divine response to a karmic dilemma that was no longer manageable by the participants in the physical? Again, does karma itself engineer the solutions, or does the divine, or is there interplay? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Karma116 views0 answers0 votesDoes karma negotiate solutions with the divine? What’s involved in unlocking compensatory karma? So many of us are unwitting participants in the karmic drama in the physical, but back in the light, were we witting participants, at least in terms of planning and preparation? Does karma simply control the flow of energy like water follows gravity, but not to the extent of creating an aqueduct, so it’s not up to water and gravity to build the aqueducts, but up to us through trial and error? Is that a useful analogy at all? Does karma do its own thing until we intervene in a committed way? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Karma139 views0 answers0 votesIs karma an ensouled entity or more like Divine Artificial Intelligence? When we think of AI, we think of a kind of predictable intelligence without emotion. Does that describe the consciousness of karma itself? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Karma137 views0 answers0 votesPeople think of karma as “good and bad,” when Creator used the term “compensatory.” Creator has emphasized more than once that football itself is a nondivine activity that arguably does more collective harm and damage to the human soul and spirit than good. Yet, within the world of football and football players and coaches and fans, there are endless karmic dramas and pursuits that can be profound learning and skill-building opportunities. And within that context there is negative karma brought about by pain and trauma, and positive karma brought about by passionate commitment, the bringing of joy to many, and gratitude. When the negative is artificially focused and concentrated via targeting by the interlopers, bringing about the opposite is not necessarily good, but it is compensatory despite the overall context of football remaining problematic in the eyes of the divine. What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Karma127 views0 answers0 votesDo most people have a backlog of compensatory karma just waiting for a healing intervention to be unleashed? How can Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, and Divine Life Support help stop a negative karmic tailspin and unlock the backlog of compensatory karma?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Karma126 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “The following questions are something I have been pondering for quite some time. When I heard the channeling of Josef Mengele, approximately at the 2:00:00 time mark, talking about Santa Claus, it triggered this question again. Here is the quote from the channeling: “…We can tell you there is a Santa Claus in the Divine that does more than bring gifts but it requires belief.” I can tell you unabashedly that I never stopped believing in Santa Claus. My belief has only matured and expanded as I have gotten older. My daughters just turned 7 and 10, respectively, in September. They both still believe in Santa. I know at some point in the near future the topic of Santa Claus being real will come up. I do not like to lie to my children. I would love some clarity on this subject so as I can be as honest and truthful with my children as appropriate. From my research, there seems to have been a Santa Claus or a Saint Nicholas in the past. Can you tell me if there ever was a Santa Claus in the physical and what their purpose or life mission was/is?”ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Creator119 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “Can you please elaborate and expand on the quote from the Josef Mengele channeling where they were quoted saying that, “We can tell you there is a Santa Claus in the Divine that does more than bring gifts but it requires belief.” What more does Santa do besides bring gifts? And what sort of gifts does he provide?”ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Creator115 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “Some people have stated that Santa is an allegory for God. While I can see the similarities, I feel that in this case, Santa is his own person and not just an allegory. What is the truth? What is the divine perspective and important to know?”ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Creator80 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “I am looking for inspiration in how I can approach this topic with my children when the time approaches. I hope that these answers will help bring clarity and benefit to others in parallel. I know this may seem silly to you but it is important to me. I’m taking a leap of faith reaching out to you on this subject but I feel it will be most beneficial for all and a surprise for many others. Integrity is important to me and I don’t want to mislead my children or promote falsehoods.” What can we tell him?ClosedNicola asked 4 months ago • Creator89 views0 answers0 votesWhat is karma and what is its purpose?ClosedNicola asked 5 years ago • Karma1109 views0 answers0 votes