DWQA Questions › Tag: future incarnationsFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA practitioner asks: “What if someone does a Lightworker Healing Protocol session for someone they will never meet in their current life, for example, in the case of a Spirit Rescue of a famous person. Does this mean the positive karmic imbalance might lead to future incarnations where they will have interactions with the being in question?”ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol296 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “To satisfy the Law of Karma, how can a recipient of a Lightworker Healing Protocol session ever pay back the good that was done for them at the behest of a practitioner? And does it have to be paid back specifically by the receiving person in question or can the positive imbalance incurred also be paid out via other means or beings, so the LHP practitioner would receive some blessings over time but not necessarily with a direct connection to the original recipient of the LHP session?”ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol279 views0 answers0 votesA client writes “I have been experiencing the same type of noises and touching as I previously mentioned so I assumed you did not have time to look into my situation yet. It almost seems as if you resolve a situation and then another spirit is waiting in line to carry on the same behavior. I don’t know enough about it to even speculate but that is how it feels. So if you could look into it, I would appreciate it. This situation has been going on since 2018 when I rented a house that was owned by freemasons. Whenever I contact you to resolve an issue, there is a great improvement in my environment, which is a wonderful relief, but there is this “constant” which remains. There is knocking at all hours in my home, in my car and place of employment. When I move, the same type of behavior continues in my new home. If you would like me to elaborate on everything I have been experiencing, let me know. I know it is not in my head because my brother has witnessed it as well. There is no noise or anything odd happening in my home when I have visitors, other than my brother. Everything is quiet.” Why was this not resolved by our LHP session to remove intermittent attackers?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Human Lost Soul Spirits359 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Why did the multiple Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions done by multiple practitioners not prevent the woman we worked on from taking her own life?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Divine Guidance392 views0 answers0 votesA client asks: “I have an intuitive feeling that my father suffers from Asperger syndrome or at least a mild form of autism. If this is really the case, how did he develop this disorder? Was he abducted at a young age or in past parallel lifetimes? And what is best needed for him to heal this?”ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Karma361 views0 answers0 votesIf retroactive healing can be done for loved ones who have passed and are back in the light currently, could that potentially heal what they died of and prevent their death, restoring them to life?ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • Human Potential438 views0 answers0 votesHow much do dogs and cats, as divine companion animals for human, recall consciously about their prior lives? If they have been with a particular individual in other lifetimes, will they be aware of this if such a person finds them in a current lifetime when both have reincarnated?ClosedNicola asked 5 years ago • Reincarnation613 views0 answers0 votesDoes our new dog, [name withheld], have any recollection of his prior life as our dog, [name withheld]? Is our home familiar to him? Does he feel a special closeness with our family members because of this history?ClosedNicola asked 5 years ago • Reincarnation384 views0 answers0 votesOur dog, [name withheld], feels particularly drawn to my wife and is quite devoted to her. Was that preplanned to be a special mission of his as she is more in need of companionship?ClosedNicola asked 5 years ago • Reincarnation393 views0 answers0 votesHow frequently is it the case that people end up selecting, with the help of the divine realm, dogs and cats that have known the person before, either in their current life or a previous incarnation with the animal in question? Will such divine assistance be given only if requested by a person consciously?ClosedNicola asked 5 years ago • Reincarnation401 views0 answers0 votesHow likely is it to happen that a dog that reincarnates can exhibit the ability to do complicated tricks or behaviors that were taught to it in a previous lifetime with the current owner, as depicted in the recent motion pictures, A Dog’s Purpose, and A Dog’s Journey?ClosedNicola asked 5 years ago • Reincarnation382 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Are the souls that are incarnating into ‘bodies’ in a seriously impoverished country (e.g., Africa) fully aware before they incarnate that they will likely suffer and die very young from malnutrition and/or disease?”ClosedNicola asked 5 years ago • Karma461 views0 answers0 votes