DWQA Questions › Tag: Extraterrestrial AllianceFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA practitioner writes: “When presenting the GetWisdom material to others who appear open to the conversation, I have found that often it is the extraterrestrial issue that is most challenging for them to accept. Recently, I have connected with a friend of a friend, who I feel is in divine alignment in much of what he says and is highly spiritually evolved. He has had prophetic visions about Covid-19 and other occurrences we now know to be true. He has had experiences with extraterrestrials as a child and knows of their darkness. He spent several moments in a state of the flow of love and saw so much of what we have been told through this mission. His narrative, to me, is that he only trusts what he experiences himself, which I can understand. He follows no guru, no groups, no mantras, no religion, etc., and chooses a path to be alone. He expresses no fear for the darkness and says that his path is in alignment with Source Consciousness. He is grateful for the work we do through the Lightworker Healing Protocol.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Guidance235 views0 answers0 votesHe further asks: “For a moment during our conversations, I felt that his divine mission is doing exactly what he is doing, spreading a loving vibration in all that he does and experiencing divine wisdom. He has been shown, from what I feel, many divine truths and states of awareness. It then came to me that maybe it was my personal karma to be doing this work (my own divine mission, per se) and not his, which may be also true for those of us who are active LHPers and resonate so much with the cause of raising up the darkness? Simply put, is it not everyone’s Divine mission to be an LHP practitioner, because of their karma and soul makeup, assuming that they are awakened and healed enough to be open to Divine truth? Or is it that many of us at GetWisdom get entangled with the darkness, in its many forms, in this life, which acts as a springboard and awakening to the truth and be of Divine service, in the manner in which we are, by using the LHP? Or maybe both are true to some degree?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Divine Guidance206 views0 answers0 votesIn the Warren Commission investigation of the JFK assassination, a worker on the fourth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, Vickie Adams, immediately went to the rear stairs and descended, following the shots. Along the way, she saw police officer Truly, who ran into the building right after the shots, and the building manager coming up the stairs, where they stopped at the second-floor lunchroom and found Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged shooter. He had been seen eating his lunch there a few minutes before, by another witness. Thus, the shooter seen firing from a window on the 6th floor could not have gotten to the 2nd floor ahead of Adams. Her sworn testimony was altered in the report to describe her as taking more time to go down the stairs, and she was further dismissed as a lone witness who might be confused and mistaken. More recently, researchers discovered depositions from her and two other witnesses whose story was suppressed about this key aspect of what transpired. Adams was not alone, but went down the stairs with a co-worker, Sandra Styles. Their supervisor, Dorothy Garner, also watched them from the 4th floor landing as they went down the stairs. Their stories match: Oswald did not go down the stairs after the shooting. Witnesses on the street prior to the shooting reported seeing two men looking out the 6th floor windows. Is that correct, and were they removed by interdimensional transport to a hovering spacecraft, perhaps via a preplaced portal?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Interdimensional Activity271 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “I began a parasite colon cleanse. I saw some scary things leave my body (that was not fun and super scary but I kept at it). By the third day, my aches and pains were gone. My inflammation was gone. No sign of psoriatic arthritis. I felt like a teenager. I started thinking, “Oh the things I will explore with this newfound clarity.” The very next day I came down with Covid. The very next day. Now a parasite cleanse involves so much and is so time-consuming; you can’t go anywhere, and I’d like to try again but I’m also afraid that maybe I experienced some kind of punishment for it. I mean I got slapped down hard and fast with pain I’d never imagined from the Covid. I’m on day 11 recovering from Covid and I’m not the same. My energy levels have not returned, my brain fog continues, and I’m honestly a little afraid of poking this bee’s nest again. I’m wondering if you could please share some insight with me?” What happened to her, were the parasite issue and getting Covid-19 connected, and what are the broader implications?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Coronavirus COVID-19276 views0 answers0 votesMy client, who is a targeted individual, just told me she has been diagnosed with Covid-19, testing positive with two at-home tests, and then getting a PCR confirmation at a testing center. She was shocked at this, as she has no friends or family contacts, never goes in a public store or restaurant. She phones in grocery orders and has someone place the items in her car trunk, and swabs everything down with Lysol when she gets home. She did see an eye doctor, but that was a month ago. How could this have happened, especially despite her prayers to stay safe and my regular remote healing sessions I do on her behalf to get divine support, healing, and protection?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control246 views0 answers0 votesA client writes: “I ask Creator – why am I a targeted individual? The attacks began when I was 19 – long before I was ever aware of any ETs or any contactees?”ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control255 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “I have people doing Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions for me and they expect results and it’s nothing but problems. What can I do to keep the faith at this time when everything is falling apart?”ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control226 views0 answers0 votesThe politicians keep touting how 5 Capitol Hill police officers were killed by the riot on January 6. Yet, one died of a stroke the next day, well after the commotion ended. Four others committed suicide weeks or months later. Were those deaths a consequence of PTSD acquired at the hands of the rioters? Or were those suicides orchestrated through mind control, to keep the political turmoil going, so they are truly victims, but of the interlopers who caused the whole mess to begin with?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control238 views0 answers0 votesDo we continue to exhibit what Rudolf Steiner called dreamy clairvoyance as experienced by those in Atlantis?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Channeling Pitfalls373 views0 answers0 votesWe have learned from Creator that the interlopers have manipulated us to severely reduce our intuitive reach, through genetic alteration, cutting us off from the divine realm. We are also disconnected from a deep level of the mind we call the “deep subconscious” that is still unknown to science. This causes many problems because the deep subconscious can still see the akashic records of our other lifetimes, intuitively, and worries constantly about the backlog of unhealed karmic trauma we’ve been through. But it can’t communicate directly with our conscious awareness because of the disconnection. The best it can do is trigger emotions like fear and anxiety as a vague warning. What can Creator tell us about the cost to us of having these two deficits?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Channeling Pitfalls368 views0 answers0 votesCan Creator tell us if there is any correlation between the amount of karmic backlog, recorded trauma still resounding in the depths, and what we might call the “courage capacity” or strength of the individual? Without courage or strength, there would likely be an ongoing desperate effort to avoid having to deal with, endure, and cope with the return of karmic comeuppances. This habitual avoidance of “facing one’s fears” would seem to only worsen the dilemma, ultimately, as the individual sacrifices long-term growth for short-term shelter and safety. Can Creator tell us how much this avoidance of difficulty serves the interloper agenda to reduce our intuitive reach?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Channeling Pitfalls264 views0 answers0 votesAustrian intuitive, Rudolf Steiner, reports from his own out-of-body direct spiritual explorations of the past that, in the time of Atlantis, most humans still possessed a kind of “dreamy clairvoyance” that most people would experience, especially between the state of being fully awake and deep sleep. And that this “dreamy clairvoyance” meant that people, at the time, accepted and took for granted the reality of the spirit world, unlike our fully materialistic viewpoint of today, especially among scientists. Nevertheless, this clairvoyance was passive rather than assertive, and the feeling of the I-self being in full control of the experience was absent. What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Channeling Pitfalls257 views0 answers0 votesSteiner went on to report that, at the time Jesus met with John the Baptist, the bulk of humanity no longer possessed even this “dreamy clairvoyance,” that the daily life of the average individual was as “hard-wired” to the five physical senses as it ever was, even in comparison to today. Steiner reports that, at the time of Christ, human intuitive reach was at perhaps its lowest ebb and presented a kind of “divine crisis” for the future of humanity. What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Channeling Pitfalls254 views0 answers0 votesAccording to Steiner, at the time of Christ, the human intuitive reach could only be realistically revived by initiation into mystery schools or severe and protracted spiritual training such as undertaken by the monastic branches of the different religions of the world. Meanwhile, indigenous peoples of the world used psychedelic drugs to “force awake” latent intuitive abilities. Most people born today with limited intuition believe that these paths still present the only realistic means to awaken profound intuitive abilities when one wants truly to extend their intuitive reach. What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Channeling Pitfalls244 views0 answers0 votesAccording to Steiner, as a result of his out-of-body examination of John the Baptist and his mission, he discovered that baptism at the time truly was, in fact, an induced “drowning.” Practitioners such as John the Baptist would hold the seeker of baptism underwater until their consciousness either left the body or was “loosened” from the body, but before death could occur. This was a way to “jump-start” the inculcation of more profound intuitive abilities. What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Channeling Pitfalls297 views0 answers0 votes