DWQA Questions › Tag: Extraterrestrial AllianceFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesMilton Erickson spent a day in 1950 at the home of Aldous Huxley. Huxley is the celebrated author of A Brave New World. Huxley did a form of self-hypnosis he called “Deep Reflection.” On that day Erickson and Huxley did some remarkable consciousness explorations. The two men had agreed to jointly publish a collaborative work on their findings. A decade passed, and Erickson was looking to bring the collaborative project to fruition when disaster struck. Huxley lost his home and all his notes and manuscripts in the great Bel-Air, California fire of 1961. Afterward, Huxley informed Erickson that he would not resume their collaboration—the loss was too great. What’s the story behind this disaster, and was Huxley specifically targeted with a backlash for his life’s work?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Subconscious Mind236 views0 answers0 votesThe word “somnambulist” is the label for sleepwalkers. Erickson and other hypnotists use the word to also describe a person who enters a trance state from which they emerge with full amnesia (a total forgetting) of the trance, and everything that occurred during it, just like sleepwalkers when they awaken. Can Creator share with us what’s behind sleepwalking and why it affects some people but not others?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Subconscious Mind234 views0 answers0 votesSome people even go into a somnambulistic trance when driving and report that hours can pass by without their conscious awareness or any recollection of the drive itself. Yet they safely reach their destination, as if by “magic.” The other day, Brian was driving his daughter home and engaged in a conversation with her. Suddenly he found himself on a familiar street going in a direction away from his destination. Brian realized he had no recollection of making the necessary right-hand turn to get on that street. He had a full amnesia of it. This was the first time in his entire life, that he vividly experienced this phenomenon with full recognition of the implications. Was this orchestrated to happen? What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Subconscious Mind226 views0 answers0 votesIt appears the conscious or “awake” mind can focus on only one task at a time. For instance, the conscious mind cannot read a book and do a counting exercise at the same time. Yet when hypnotized to the somnambulistic level (the level that results in amnesia upon awakening), this ability to multitask has been readily demonstrated. Can Creator explain why this is so, and what levels of the mind are participating?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Subconscious Mind222 views0 answers0 votesErickson treated a couple of patients with an affective (wholly psychological) writing disorder. Neither could write but could do any number of other complex hand tasks like using tools or knitting. He was unable to treat one of the patients, but with the other, he used hypnosis to “transfer” the handicap to the other non writing hand. This finally enabled this patient to resume writing successfully, but with the effect that the other hand would go numb, every time they went to write something. So while this is difficult to label a “healing,” it is a creative workaround to the problem and was a great help to the patient. What was really happening here, why was Erickson successful with one, but not the other patient, and what is truly needed to heal such disorders?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Subconscious Mind222 views0 answers0 votesErickson mentioned a little-known phenomenon to folks who don’t work in extremely loud industrial settings. For old-timers in these settings, it is not uncommon for two acclimated workers to be able to carry on a “normal” conversation, at normal volume levels, when outsiders can’t hear each other even when shouting in close proximity. How is this even possible? This appears to be a phenomenon almost akin to telepathy. It certainly seems to defy our understanding of hearing biology. What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Subconscious Mind257 views0 answers0 votesOne reason that science appears to eschew hypnosis is because the phenomenon is not 100% reproducible on demand. There is no such thing as a hypnotic induction technique that will work with every subject, every time. Erickson found that even with well-experienced subjects, he would sometimes have to alter his induction approach because they had developed what he called a ‘mind-set’ or intimate awareness of it, such that it was no longer effective. This was especially a problem with highly intelligent subjects. Ordinary science appears to have no patience for any of this. It appears to be more “art” than “science.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Subconscious Mind228 views0 answers0 votesErickson never believed that some people cannot be hypnotized, and spent his life attempting to prove that. One student, in particular, required over 300 one-hour working sessions before he could develop a somnambulistic trance. Once that was achieved, he turned out to be an outstanding subject. Erickson also noted that most engineers are difficult to hypnotize. Something peculiar about engineers seems to make them exceedingly impatient with anyone even attempting to hypnotize them. The result was that during many of his studies, it was always the engineers that would quit on him, often en masse. What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Subconscious Mind281 views0 answers0 votesKarl began his healing career as a hypnotist. And it was certainly the mixed results he got with it that helped motivate him to explore subconscious healing beyond hypnosis—eventually resulting in the revelations of Empowered Prayer and The Lightworker Healing Protocol. Can Creator share with us the importance of that journey and its achievements?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Subconscious Mind271 views0 answers0 votesWith the continuing negativity about vaccine side effects and propaganda campaigns promoting exaggerated concerns about how they might be manipulating or even harming people, little attention has been given to showing the data supporting the benefit in lives saved. Can you please tell us how many lives have actually been saved by the vaccines over the past two years, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Coronavirus COVID-19297 views0 answers0 votesThe winning horse in this year’s Kentucky Derby, named Rich Strike, was added at the last minute due to a dropout from the field. The odds against this horse winning were considered 80-1. Yet, the horse was victorious. Was this manipulated to happen so that as many people as possible placing bets on the race would lose money?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions216 views0 answers0 votesAre school children being subjected wholesale to mind-numbing energies by the Extraterrestrial Alliance, using their advanced technology? Is this aided by making children report to specific locations and herding them together in schools? What are the purpose and consequences of this manipulation?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions221 views0 answers0 votesCan parents who home-school their children protect them from the manipulations applied to children in schools?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions264 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Have you heard about the ubiquitous blue tooth signals coming from vaccinated people? It is a well-documented phenomenon. They actually have MAC addresses.” Is this information accurately reflecting a vaccine-related phenomenon?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Coronavirus COVID-19385 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Is this “Ministry of Truth,” the Disinformation Governance Board, an Extraterrestrial manipulation to keep all people from questioning the mainstream narrative?”ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions227 views0 answers0 votes