DWQA Questions › Tag: extraterrestrial agendaFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA viewer asks about a recent scientific article showing experimental evidence that anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease in unvaccinated hosts. Is that a significant negative consequence that is occurring or will occur with the vaccination program underway against SARS-CoV-2?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Coronavirus COVID-19296 views0 answers0 votesThere is a device that is claimed to put out electromagnetic frequencies that are biologically friendly, and to which humans’ bodies naturally entrain in a way that assists those humans in weathering the negative EMFs in our environment. Do these devices actually assist humans in this way? If so, would such devices likely assist bee colonies in a similar fashion?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Non-Local Consciousness358 views0 answers0 votesHow can prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol change the world to help us re-order our priorities to seek truly uplifting pursuits and avoid entertaining but potentially damaging pitfalls?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Divine Guidance332 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Are Anunnaki/human hybrids sometimes killed and replaced by Reptilians?”ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Imposters580 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “With many reports of harmful side effects and even deaths following the COVID vaccines, could the actual cause be that the ETs themselves are directly causing these people’s deaths or harmful side effects, in order to falsely implicate the vaccines, to create more division and consternation within the human population, just as they are the ones actually causing autism, but timing it with children’s vaccinations, to falsely implicate vaccinations as the cause of autism?”ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Coronavirus COVID-19448 views0 answers0 votesTo live a life wholly dedicated to recreational pursuits alone is often considered the ideal life by many. Some do seem to actually achieve this. Can Creator share if this is indeed a good or bad thing? Creator has said that in this day and age, EVERY human currently being born has come down with the goal of being in service to the light and helping to save humanity from a final solution on the part of the interlopers. A life filled with fun and recreation would seem to work against that agenda? Can Creator comment?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Divine Guidance263 views0 answers0 votesCan Creator share how Empowered Prayer Work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help us live balanced lives where fun and recreation play an important fulfilling role, rather than being a source of distraction and ultimate sidelining of divine objectives?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Divine Guidance294 views0 answers0 votesIn all the discussion about miracle healings, the fact remains that the only thing better than a healing miracle is not needing one in the first place! Can Creator comment on the timeless truism that “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can manifest the best miracle of all, which is the prevention of tragedy necessitating a healing miracle?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Prayer291 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “Creator has told us in the past that the reason for human male testosterone levels steadily dropping is due to extraterrestrial manipulation. As someone suffering from this and being very aware of it myself I’ve been searching to find an answer to this problem. I may have found something now and it involves cooling the testicles to improve testosterone production. This can be done by taking cold showers or baths and applying ice-cold water directly to the testicles or by putting ice packs from the refrigerator into the underwear (safely done without any skin contact). I’ve been doing this several times a day for 15 minutes to half an hour each time and I’ve noticed several improvements, most notably higher libido. Would this be a good remedy for human males to combat the negative effects of this kind of ET manipulation?”ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulations366 views0 answers0 votesCan Creator share how empowered prayer work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help to someday make such miracles commonplace?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Prayer406 views0 answers0 votesIn the series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, the character of Data presents a number of conundrums artfully explored throughout the series. The biggest one is whether Data is “just a robot,” or something more? The debate was whether Data was in fact a new life form and therefore entitled to all the natural rights assumed to be possessed by actual sentient biological beings. Wickedly smart, yet childlike and benevolent to a fault, Data seemed to exude more genuine love than most of the humans in the show. This runs contrary to what we have been told is the nature of the robotic alien Greys and artificial intelligence in general. What is Creator’s perspective on this fictional character, and is it even possible to manufacture a creation such as Data?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control309 views0 answers0 votesOur computer systems are based on a binary language. Our entire computing infrastructure is based entirely on combinations of ones and zeros. It is amazing what just two digits can manifest, and yet from another angle, it seems unbelievably primitive. Is computing within the ET Alliance also wholly binary, or is it based on constructs we either have yet to discover or implement?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control359 views0 answers0 votesWe know the ET Alliance has made copious use of nanotechnology. Molecular-sized “processors” that are in fact miniature computers in their own right. Humans, too, are now able to manufacture and utilize micro-tech. UFO Abductees have often been implanted with strange miniature devices that even now remain enigmatic. But we have also learned that the ET Alliance can utilize wholly “energetic” implants and have no dependency on a material implant. Can energy itself be shaped into a “computer” with its own operating system?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control301 views0 answers0 votesWe have learned that almost all our technology is created and manufactured to almost always be a mixed blessing. Useful, but toxic; helpful, but environmentally harmful; labor-saving, but needlessly dangerous, and so on. Aluminum is such a material. Extremely lightweight and durable, but toxic and difficult to make without gargantuan amounts of electricity. That said, aluminum siding was a popular product until the late 1970s when it fell drastically out of favor. The 1970s is also when there was a war on “lead paint” to get it off the market entirely. Turns out, both aluminum siding and lead paint interfere significantly with WiFi signals. Was this foreseen by the interlopers and is it an “overlooked” reason why there was such a push to move people away from both of these products?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control299 views0 answers0 votesWe have been told repeatedly about the dangers of WiFi. Yet it is pushed on us relentlessly, while fiber optics for signal transmission, especially in the United States, is slow to be utilized. Is use of fiber optics safe? Are there potentially safe implementations of more localized WiFi (like Bluetooth), while the primary conveyance can be done more safely with fiber optics rather than 5G and microwaves? If so, then why is this not being aggressively pursued?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control291 views0 answers0 votes