DWQA QuestionsTag: dream travel
A client asks: “What do you make of dreams that give us the information we could not have come up with on our own? Scenarios where there is teaching and explaining the workings of our past/present/future, extensions and projections of reality itself? Teaching someone how to have multiple conversations with multiple people (mentally) all at the same time; specific memories of being a Walk-in when I had not heard of the term yet. Memories of Reptilian abduction, when I had not heard of the concept nor seen an image of a Reptilian? Memories of specific names I am asked to repeat over and over again so I will remember the spelling, being taught to read “Hathorian” [whaaat?] writing that emits a frequency, being taught to communicate with the connective environment to make things move, to practice being connected; or learning how to move from one reality to another (I was gone for months in that dream). I guess I could go on with fantastic and astonishing tales, like trying to harness the power of a second sun that (was?) is connected to ours, but before it dimmed…or maybe we did something to make it so…but my question is: all I’ve read tells me my dreams are not important. More like a release, cleansing and refreshing of our mind. I wonder if it’s in my best interest to continue to pay attention and become familiar with navigating this environment, as hopefully someday when I pass, it might help me be more familiar and aware in navigating this environment (seeing without being able to rely on my eyes; memories of past lives in detail)? I used to write down pages of info in the mornings. Then my husband started making me feel frivolous and childish for writing them down, so I’ve kind of stopped writing in great detail. No one around me, for miles, thinks like I do, so I am very alone. All I have as a constant connection to what feels real are my dreams. That’s where I am truly awake and see things as they are. Am I being tricked by interlopers? Dark spirits? Should I put this stuff away?” Will the accounts of her dreams be of value to help understand and illustrate prophecy, and perhaps some unusual phenomena she dreams about?
ClosedNicola asked 4 years ago • 
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