DWQA Questions › Tag: divine realmFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesA student asks: “If Wi-Fi and cellular phone technology is effectively a plan to drown us out spiritually with subliminal and overt mind control and brain washing (e.g., overconsumption, hyper-sexuality, materialism, technology is everything) is it better not to use them? Obviously, there is duality – if we cut technology, we can’t be on Get-Wisdom and many other things, for example, and we give up the field to those who want to lead people completely away from the light. Will prayers of protection prevent the risks?”ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Extraterrestrial Agenda647 views0 answers0 votesAre the dark spirit interlopers more aware than the extraterrestrials of the ongoing Shift in Consciousness, by possessing a more complete understanding of what will take place, and are they, in turn, “manipulating” and “triggering” the Anunnaki emotionally to further undermine humans as a way of interfering?ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Extraterrestrial Agenda608 views0 answers0 votesIn doing Lightworker Healing Protocol work on animal clients, is it important to request Soul Matrix Healing for the negative consequences to others and returning to the self of any high-level psychic attacks they have launched?ClosedNicola asked 6 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol483 views0 answers0 votesIs the energy restoration done by divine realm in answer to the desire of the Healing Touch practitioner to restore energetic balance?ClosedKaren Gore asked 7 years ago • Healing Modalities520 views0 answers0 votesIf only energy restoration is accomplished by Healing Touch, is that undermined by persistent spirit attachment, eventually making the process of only temporary help unless spirit removal is done purposefully as part of the session?ClosedKaren Gore asked 7 years ago • Healing Modalities548 views0 answers0 votesDoes removing an energy blockage in the body always represent removing a spirit problem or are there energetic blockages as well, addressed by the Healing Touch process?ClosedKaren Gore asked 7 years ago • Healing Modalities537 views0 answers0 votesCan you give us a tutorial describing the collective unconscious for my book?ClosedKaren Gore asked 7 years ago • Metaphysics589 views0 answers0 votesCan you help me understand the dissatisfaction of my client [name withheld] with her higher self channeling? What was she expecting to learn about her soul’s origin and about her cat that did not come through?ClosedKaren Gore asked 7 years ago • Channeling Pitfalls533 views0 answers0 votesWould it be a good idea for us to revise our recommended prayer of protection we give clients to include a request to have Creator partner with them to provide support, guidance, healing, and protection? Can you share with us a suitable prayer that would be appropriately comprehensive for client use or anyone we have an opportunity to share this with in reaching a broader audience?ClosedKaren Gore asked 7 years ago • Prayer503 views0 answers0 votesWhat can we do about the current contest with meddling spirits wanting to control and manipulate us?ClosedKaren Gore asked 7 years ago • Spirit Meddlers625 views0 answers0 votesThrough what mechanism do people hold back their loved ones when it is highest and best for them to pass on?ClosedKaren Gore asked 7 years ago • Prayer587 views0 answers0 votesIs it possible to take out an intercession “insurance policy” with the divine realm? This was proposed: “Dear Source Creator, I humbly ask while I am incarnate and of clear thought and understanding, that you allow and enable the divine realm to intercede on my behalf and assist directly in raising me to the light in the event I pass into the astral in such a state that I am unable to reach the light on my own, or even formulate a request for the needed assistance. Please allow relatives, friends, ancestors and all loved ones in the light, who care about me and are stakeholders in my welfare, to have agency to ask for direct assistance and allow an immediate rescue should it be necessary. I ask for this sincerely from the depths of my being and I thank you enthusiastically, in advance.” Will that work, or something better?ClosedKaren Gore asked 7 years ago • Prayer602 views0 answers0 votesWill there be a divine ascension of the planet to a higher dimension and will this happen on its own timeline whether humans are ready or not?ClosedKaren Gore asked 7 years ago • Disinformation846 views0 answers0 votesWe recently checked on Jackie Kennedy and were shocked to find that she had not reached the light following her passing. Can you share with us some of the reasons why someone of her stature, and being so beloved, ended up having such a terrible experience?ClosedKaren Gore asked 7 years ago • Human Light Beings835 views0 answers0 votesWhat can we do about the current contest with meddling spirits wanting to control and manipulate us?ClosedKaren Gore asked 7 years ago • Human Potential733 views0 answers0 votes