DWQA Questions › Tag: divine realmFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesThere is a New Age belief: “We are Starseeds, originating in different planets. We benefit from identifying our planets of origin and can even seek to establish a contact with our home star or residents thereof.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Disinformation429 views0 answers0 votesThere is a New Age belief: “A general widespread Awakening is happening now! This is the turning point of humanity’s history on Earth that has been prophesied by many cultures. We have all assembled to be part of this awakening and to help with the transformation towards a higher level of evolution. We can influence the timing and success of this transformation by our own level of consciousness, our thoughts, feelings, energy. That’s the most important thing we can do.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Disinformation342 views0 answers0 votesThere is a New Age belief: “Love is the only answer you need. If enough people could feel and transmit love, that would be enough to change the world.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Disinformation666 views0 answers0 votesHow can Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol truly help with the negativity in our world and bring the dawning of a better future?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Disinformation635 views0 answers0 votesYou have told us that 94% of physical maladies are caused by karmic trauma. Are illnesses diagnosed as psychosomatic, actually bodily disturbances caused by karma as well, but are just not fitting established medical diagnostic criteria?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma282 views0 answers0 votesWhat percent of psychosomatic illnesses are due to past karmic trauma, and what percentage of those incidents occurred in other lifetimes?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma276 views0 answers0 votesA viewer writes: “In the Lightworker Healing Protocol we ask for the removal of energetic signatures. I assumed these were being taken on and “owned” due to direct exposure to a traumatic event. I am suspecting that they can be passed along from one person to another either genetically or through exposure of long periods of time to another person who doesn’t necessarily traumatize you but there is a strong emotional tie, e.g., an adopted child (just one of many examples).” Is this correct, and what can you add to help our understanding of divine healing?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma241 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “You have said the akashic records are unalterable as to being a record of all that happens. So they can’t be “messed with” by the interlopers, for example to impose a negative and painful energetic signature to worsen someone’s karmic consequences. But the stored energetic signatures can be modified through healing, as you have said this can happen through self-applied energetic healing using Holographic Memory Resolution. I know it can happen through divine healing, but I am not sure if a human can heal, directly, the energetic signature of someone else’s dilemma recorded within the akashic records. What are the rules for accessibility and alteration of stored energetic signatures within the akashic records?”ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma274 views0 answers0 votesRecounted from Reader’s Digest.com, an educator in North Carolina suffering from extreme fatigue was diagnosed with a dangerously slow heartbeat. Her sister had recently had open-heart surgery and she was terrified of needing the same thing. Her doctor said she would almost certainly need a pacemaker. She shared her story with her church, and they all prayed together. Two months later she was no longer fatigued and her heart rate was steady. She has had no relapse in the six years since. Can Creator share how prayer brought about this healing, and how important was the church offering their collective prayers in the outcome?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Prayer276 views0 answers0 votesRecounted from Reader’s Digest.com, a New Jersey three-year-old girl was diagnosed with high-risk stage four cancer affecting her lungs. Her mother said, “I prayed for her like I have never prayed before. She was on every prayer list you could imagine.” Her daughter is a now a thriving 11-year-old. What is the backstory to the child’s cancer? Why did this occur, and how and why did the healing come about?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Prayer262 views0 answers0 votesRecounted from Guideposts.org, in 1987, Jeanne-Pierre Belay was wheelchair bound with multiple sclerosis when he traveled to Lourdes, France, hoping for a miracle. He recounted: “As the priest was giving me unction on the forehead and hands, I had the impression that everything was turning around me,” … “In a fraction of a second I lost all sense of time and space. God was coming to cure my heart. I was invaded by a powerful feeling of liberation and peace that I had never experienced before.” After that experience, Jean-Pierre began to feel a tingling in his legs. A few days later, he took his first unaided steps in years. Subsequent examinations would show only minor traces of the illness. Though still a medical mystery, Jean-Pierre’s cure was deemed an official miracle by the Vatican in 2002. Can Creator comment?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Prayer331 views0 answers0 votesRecounted from Guideposts.org, in 1998 a four-year-old boy was wasting away from a mysterious stomach illness. His mother called a local convent and implored the sisters there to pray for her son. They did, for nine days, praying to Mother Maria Theresia, the founder of the convent. Within a month the boy made a full recovery. Fourteen years later Mother Maria Theresia was canonized and is now Saint Maria Theresia largely based on this one miracle. Can Creator share the backstory, as well as any role the soul who was once Mother Maria Theresia played in the outcome?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Prayer279 views0 answers0 votesRecounted from Beliefnet.com, Annabelle was diagnosed with an incurable digestive disorder that had her repeatedly hospitalized throughout her childhood. She suffered a thirty-foot fall into a hollow tree. Although she was unconscious inside the tree, Annabel says she was not alone, but with a guardian angel and Jesus in Heaven. As if that alone was not remarkable enough, over the next few weeks her digestive disorder was also miraculously healed. Can Creator share the incredible backstory of this girl’s protection and subsequent healing?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Prayer286 views0 answers0 votesRecounted from Beliefnet.com, 14-year-old John was dead for 45 minutes after spending 15 minutes underwater in a frozen lake. Doctors tried for nearly a half hour to revive him but failed. But then his mother did a petition prayer, “Holy God, please send your Holy Spirit to save my son. I want my son, please save him.” Moments later she heard doctors say they got a pulse. John was soon walking and showed no signs of brain damage. All the doctors could say is, “It’s a bonafide miracle.” Can Creator comment?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Prayer269 views0 answers0 votesRecounted from sat7uk.org, doctors initially thought 13-year-old Rosaline from Egypt was suffering from food poisoning but, in fact, was suffering from acute and permanent kidney failure. Her case worsened and doctors didn’t have hope for her survival. But Rosaline said, “I had faith in the Lord he would heal me.” A Christian television show received a call from Rosaline’s teacher, asking them to pray for her. The teacher prayed with them live on the program. Soon afterward Rosaline received more prayer, and things started to change. “I went to church on Sunday, and the priest prayed for me. Three days later, I went to the toilet normally for the first time in twenty-three days,” Rosaline said. In less than a week, her kidneys were performing normally. Her father said, “No matter what disease or illness, God can heal anything.” Can Creator tell us if Rosaline’s father is correct, that God can truly heal anything?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Prayer264 views0 answers0 votes