DWQA Questions › Tag: divine realmFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesAre the changes induced by spirit meddler attachments, when they are able to distort a part of the host’s mind to self-torment, develop delusional thinking, or perseverate focus on repetitive, compulsive behavior, as with obsessive compulsive disorder, accomplishing this through implanting ideas in cellular memory?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma277 views0 answers0 votesAre beliefs housed in cellular memory, and is that why they can be over-arching and persistent?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma296 views0 answers0 votesWhere else do beliefs reside in addition to cellular memory?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma303 views0 answers1 votesWhat percentage of cancers involve cellular memory as a cause or complication?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma304 views0 answers0 votesIs cellular memory involved in the phenomenon of cancer metastasis?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma297 views0 answers0 votesIs cellular memory a general phenomenon worsening pathology on the tissue level, via consciousness of cells mimicking the derangement of their neighboring cells, to widen the area of involvement?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma242 views0 answers0 votesWas my 10-year-old client with gender dysphoria influenced by exposure to beliefs of the “Transgender Movement,” perhaps in school? If so, would she have struggled with anxiety about her biologic gender at such a young age without that experience?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma302 views0 answers0 votesA channeler asks: “I have a question regarding the deep subconscious. You have described it, I think, as ‘primitive,’ and when focusing on memories from the akashic records, not able to distinguish past from present, etc. My experience is that when asked to give a new message to the younger parts, and especially a new belief at the end, often a great deal of wisdom and eloquence comes through that is very inspiring and uplifting, each time quite unique and particular to the person. Is that also coming from the deep subconscious, or does Creator have a part in that?”ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Subconscious Channeling244 views0 answers0 votesI had an inspiration that if we can be connected to the consciousness of viruses and obtain cooperation for it to leave the host, why can’t we talk directly to cellular consciousness? Even better, can we request a process analogous to having Creator connect to the deep subconscious and guide a trauma resolution for ongoing issues of concern to the deep subconscious, as done in the Lightworker Healing Protocol? Can we request that Creator connect with the sources of cellular memory in a person and guide them to stand down and cease creating a disturbance, in other words, bring them into neutral balance and effect a full healing?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Karma233 views0 answers0 votesIn addition to prayer work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol, what other practical advice can Creator share for people who find themselves entangled with a psychopath? What if the psychopath is a parent, or a sibling, or even a child?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Limiting Beliefs265 views0 answers0 votesCreator has shared that the journey back to divine alignment for a psychopath, is the most difficult undertaking imaginable. Yet, some have managed to do this. Can Creator share a brief synopsis of a success story? And what in particular constituted the true turning point moment? Did that being reach rock bottom in some way? Was a divine outreach of some kind required? And if this being had rejected earlier outreaches, what made the successful outreach possible where the others failed?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Limiting Beliefs289 views0 answers0 votesComparing the fallen angelics to humans, which group of psychopaths is the most difficult to rescue and turn back to divine alignment, and why?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Limiting Beliefs288 views0 answers0 votesA realtor asked us to work on a property in Barrington, Illinois which was not selling. You told us this was due to a problem with the land, that there was much negativity left from a long-ago tragedy experienced by the indigenous people who lived at the location. To gain the most from our Lightworker Healing Protocol session, we devised two extra steps. The first was to request, specifically, that the leftover negativity be transmuted from negative to positive, and used for healing rather than harm. The second was to request that the pooled intentions for help and healing from all LHP sessions, past, present, and future, and their future life extensions, be added to my session and the session sent to help heal all those involved and affected by the tragedy, through all of time. Were either, or both, strategies of help in resolving the dilemma?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Lightworker Healing Protocol245 views0 answers0 votesMost of the questions for today’s show are derived from the book, The Psychopath Code: Cracking the Predators that Stalk Us, by a late open-source software creator, Pieter Hintjens. Hintjens created hundreds of volunteer project teams, and found almost all of them to be magnets for “bad actors.” This proved to be such a problem that he devoted most of his final years to analyzing and ultimately, writing about it. Hintjens writes: “There are some scary people around. People who take what they want, using their charm and wits. Con artists. Professional liars. They take from friends, colleagues, family, and strangers alike. They never apologize or feel remorse towards the people they hurt. They often have criminal careers. We call them by many names. Narcissist. Anti-social. Sociopath. CEO. And more and more, we call them Psychopath.” Can Creator share with us the divine perspective of these scary people around us?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Limiting Beliefs287 views0 answers0 votesHintjens posits the idea that society has developed ‘psychopath detectors.’ One of the principal ones is humor. Hintjens writes that we instinctually trust people who make us laugh. “It’s not enough to just laugh, either. Both parties must laugh at the right moment, not too soon, not too late. The laugh must last long enough. It must not be too loud, nor too soft. A good joke makes both the teller and the listener happy. A failed joke disturbs and irritates us.” He further writes, “What we have evolved with humor is an empathy detector. If the listener has no empathy, they are baffled. A psychopath cannot laugh ‘right.’ He does not laugh, or he laughs too much, or too long. We are more wary of people who laugh too much, than of those who don’t laugh at all. What is he hiding, we wonder?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 3 years ago • Limiting Beliefs249 views0 answers0 votes