DWQA Questions › Tag: divine partnershipFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesHe asks: “I just read that Moseley’s injury was a NON-CONTACT injury. In other words, he was moving around on the turf and his ACL just went “snap.” The Lions spent MILLIONS just a few months ago to get the very latest turf technology installed for their field. This new turf was supposed to cut down on just these types of injuries. Of course, that rests on an invalid assumption. If the ETs are using targeted energy weapons, then there is NOTHING anyone can do with turf, workouts, techniques, you name it, that can “prevent” these incidents. The NFL has OBSESSED over these injuries, which seem to be occurring more often than EVER, no matter how much money is spent, no matter what training is engaged, and no matter what turf is used. This is beyond insidious, but it’s also careless. The ETs are pressing the boundaries of credulity. Someday, when informed people go back and study all these injuries, they will find that most of these simply don’t “add up.” The assertion they were instead “targeted attack” victims, will not seem “far-fetched” at all.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Mind Control148 views0 answers0 votesIs Collagenix-12 from Cerna Labs, billed as being 12 times more absorbable and 12 times more effective than any other collagen, as effective or more effective than “My Daily Collagen” containing Fortigel® collagen hydrolysate, which you have recommended?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Healing Modalities123 views0 answers0 votesCan you give us a case study example for the September 30, 2023 Divine Life Support webinar, of someone, or a group, who benefited from divine healing through the Lightworker Healing Protocol or Deep Subconscious Memory Reset?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Divine Life Support265 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks: “What is the truth regarding the “death traps” as described by psychics? Are these actually constructs of the evil aliens to keep us prisoners bound to Earth in an endless cycle of reincarnation? If not, what purpose does entering the light achieve and how do we then truly ascend after death?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Divine Caution338 views0 answers0 votesA client asks: “This is an urgent call for help! I was brutally attacked 45 minutes ago so much so, I almost passed out. There are multiple spells and strong painful energetics on and around all gums and teeth on the left upper row. The root above the left molar is huge, swollen and so painful. The gums behind the left molar extend to the jaw joint, per the spells, as always. The pain, burning, and pressure are unbearable since 7:00 am and has become much worse since 8:30 am. After I was attacked, I heard someone from the divine realm exclaim, “We need to do something, or this will become irreparable.” Last night, I saw two angels with dark hair carrying a document, possibly a karmic contract. If you would please consult God and the divine realm to see what exception they will grant which will release me from the warlock’s evil grip before it’s too late. What are their intentions? Then, there is the matter of this demon that follows me, causing tremendous pain in my mouth and other body parts both day and night. When will God or Jesus remove it?” Is the solution for this victim, the enhanced requests to have Creator use its detective ability to actively change corrupted beliefs and wherewithal to move beings back into divine alignment? Will that work on spirit meddlers and extraterrestrial spirits as well as humans who are perpetrators?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • High Level Psychic Attacks, Curses278 views0 answers0 votesThe process of Holographic Memory Resolution to reframe trauma memories is clearly effective in relieving the stored negativity, the painfulness of what happened. The guided imagery used invites the client’s mind to rework the memory of the event in their imagination to make it neutral or positive in outcome. Yet, a uniform characteristic of the process is that following the HMR session, the trauma memory of what happened, the facts and events of the trauma, are preserved in memory just as they happened originally, but the associated pain has drained away. This doesn’t change or conflict with the client’s history that horrible events took place, but it relieves their subsequent suffering. So the memory reconsolidation retains a factual account, but allows there to be a resolution to neutralize the energetic signature. Can you give us a tutorial explaining how that comes about?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Subconscious Channeling183 views0 answers0 votesIs it the case that trauma memories are actually stored in the akashic records, which is a permanent repository of all that happens, and is unalterable, like a film or video, whereas, the energetic signature is a representation of the energy surrounding the events and is meant to be healable? And because the energetic signature holds the pain of victims, the arrogance and hatred of perpetrators, and so on, it thus reflects the actual karmic significance of what took place and those responsible?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Subconscious Channeling166 views0 answers0 votesIs it the case that all energetic signatures capturing the essence of karmic consequences links them via cordings to all who played a role? Is that the mechanism of personalizing the assignment of responsibility to hold people accountable and motivate them to work on rebalancing the negativity they were a part of?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Subconscious Channeling178 views0 answers0 votesDo the cordings from energetic signatures of trauma events on record, connect to varying locations of the physical body, and is this the reason discord in the body can be perceived during HMR, and focusing on the bodily sensations brings up the trauma memories themselves, from storage?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Subconscious Channeling159 views0 answers0 votesWhat governs the location of bodily sensations linked to trauma events and recovery of long-term memories of what took place?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Subconscious Channeling184 views0 answers0 votesA client writes: “Regarding my mom, she is still pretty sick. You did the healing a month ago I believe which indicated an infection. Her inflammation marker, the CRP, as of September 11 was extremely high. My sister actually took her to the ER yesterday and they kept her last night and will be keeping her tonight. They don’t know what is wrong at the moment… Will her hearing ever return? Is this still an infection as last indicated by Creator?” Is she struggling still because of the chronic infections we have been working on, or is there something else going on? What more can we do to help?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers163 views0 answers0 votesIs her hearing loss due to chronic infection, and will that recover in her lifetime?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers175 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Will we have practice runs prior to the ascension proper?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Human Potential232 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “How long will the ascension process take? Will we be able to fly around the world and visit loved ones before we finally ascend to the New Earth, or is it an automatic journey outside of our direct voluntary control?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Human Potential213 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Why is the physical body needed to ascend? What will happen to it as the process of ascension begins? Will it disintegrate before we land on the New Earth?” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 1 year ago • Human Potential212 views0 answers0 votes