DWQA Questions › Tag: divine partnershipFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesYou told us that Cannabitol 5000 is comparable to CannaComplete in effectiveness. What about their newer version, Cannabitol ECS5, which has an added proprietary blend in addition to the Cannabitol 5000 base? Is that just equal, or is it superior in efficacy as an antiviral and cardioprotective adjunct?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Healing Modalities114 views0 answers0 votesSomething like milk that is ingested orally seems an unlikely vector for biowarfare. The role of gastric juice as an antimicrobial defense is widely assumed because of its hydrochloric acid content. However, a 2005 review article summarized the literature about viruses, saying, “The role of gastric HCl in the defence against viral infection is not known.” (Tom C. Martinsen, et al., Gastric Juice: A Barrier Against Infectious Diseases, Basic and Clin. Pharmacol. and Toxicol., 96: 94-102, 2005.) Are the viruses causing the wide array of chronic illnesses in humans, resistant to degradation during transit through the stomach?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Extraterrestrial Interlopers152 views0 answers0 votesIs widespread adoption of Holographic Memory Resolution alone, able to prepare humanity for Ascension in time, before the aliens return to carry out their planned annihilation of humanity?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Subconscious Channeling167 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Is it right to assume our current life bodies are a representation of a combination of other lifetimes of things we are here to work on? If so, our current body is informing us of the issues we need to work on from past/parallel lives, right? We know the majority of things are karmic and the divine is working behind the scenes in parallel timelines to bring about shifts, but to what extent are direct, current-life memories/traumas resolved through LHP-DSMR? It seems to me it could be a very low amount. That suggests the LHP-DSMR will typically not touch current-life memories and issues. How often is LHP-DSMR healing/resolving current-life memories/situations to bring relief to the person?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Subconscious Channeling167 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “It seems like that would almost be leading the person, so it is up to their conscious free will to still engage with their current-life traumas because that is still in their memory and their lesson to learn and grow from. Is this true? Perhaps there is divine grace in this arena for some? So is it really left up to the conscious being to have some sort of personal, conscious healing application to resolve what is in their current-life memory, almost no matter how much LHP-DSMR work is done?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Subconscious Channeling134 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “I worked with an LHP practitioner who has done thousands of sessions. Yet we get into an HMR session and horrible abuse memories from childhood are still intact and needing resolution, and perhaps why they haven’t gained total relief. What gives here? So how much current-life conscious healing work are we mandated to do regardless of how much divine healing or LHP-DSMRs are done?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Subconscious Channeling136 views0 answers0 votesHe asks: “I guess I am just wishing to bring more relief quicker to more people, and especially LHP practitioners who we need on their A game, who don’t seem to engage often in other healing work, and I think that’s a travesty. Perhaps if they spent a small fraction of their time spent in LHP-DSMR but rather doing current-life, conscious, live therapies, and trauma resolution, they would improve and heal much faster, and their LHP-DSMRs would become subsequently stronger, making this a win-win and the ideal healing strategy, especially for LHP practitioners.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Subconscious Channeling142 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks about a hypothetical current life trauma and the healing journey undertaken with Holographic Memory Resolution: “For example, say you come in with a karmic imprint of sexual abuse. You are abused by your father growing up. You do hundreds of LHP-DSMRs for this issue of sexual abuse. However, when going into a live-HMR session, the memory is still intact. How often does this happen? Is there an imperative for the current life being to go through conscious trauma resolution practices, like HMR, to reframe and resolve the memory of the abuse? Does the divine not lead, per se, in reframing memories of one’s current life, but is able to do so in past lives since we are disconnected and most can’t consciously reach those root burdens to heal?” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Subconscious Channeling142 views0 answers0 votesLooking at the history of the dairy industry, it is clear that the U.S. government was instrumental in promoting milk consumption by children in public schools, universally. Similar actions occurred in the UK, Australia, etc. While there were powerful commercial vested interests in supporting these policies, is there a deeper, sinister influence behind making cow’s milk such a nutritional cornerstone?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions126 views0 answers0 votesThe scientific literature seems mixed in reflecting limited negative health associations with milk consumption. For example, there are studies suggesting an increase in prostate cancer, but not other cancers. Nutritional studies are notoriously complicated and prone to errors of interpretation because of the wide array of foodstuffs that can be positive or negative factors, and the long-term nature of such influences in likely producing a downside. But if milk is a major vector for harmful chronic viruses causing cancer, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular illness, diabetes, and dementia, among others, why hasn’t this been seen and pursued vigorously by researchers?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human Institutions127 views0 answers0 votesCan you tell the wife of a recent suicide victim, why her husband took his life by shooting himself in the next room while she slept? Was there anything she could have done to prevent this tragedy?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Divine Guidance164 views0 answers0 votesIs the lost soul spirit of the husband who shot himself in the next room while his wife slept, safely in the light now, as a result of the Spirit Rescue work we did for him? Does he have a message for his wife?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Divine Guidance128 views0 answers0 votesIs Cannabitol 5000, a supplement from HempLand USA, superior, comparable, or inferior to CannaComplete in its antiviral and other properties?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Healing Modalities102 views0 answers0 votesIs Cannabitol 5000 superior, comparable, or inferior to CannaComplete in its effects on heart failure?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Healing Modalities103 views0 answers0 votesA viewer asks about the video of a black mist that was visibly blocking a lit Christmas tree: “I’m told that this activity has stopped, so I’m wondering if the meddlers were sent back to the light or if they just moved to another location.” What is the status of these lost soul spirits?ClosedNicola asked 8 months ago • Human Lost Soul Spirits116 views0 answers0 votes